Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2624 Distress at sea

"You, you, you are also..." Duan Nian was so surprised that he couldn't express clearly, but soon his expression became more exaggerated, "No, I have seen you get into the water before, and it was not a fish tail."

Jiang Yichun did not pay attention to his question, but observed how he spoke freely in the water.

Soon, he found the trick, which was to keep the water away from his mouth and nose when talking. As for breathing, he could breathe easily in the water.

"It's not thanks to you." Jiang Yichun said.

"Ah?" Duan Nian was even more confused.

"Okay, the top priority is to prevent the ship from sinking. Let's talk about this later. Also, don't let others know." Jiang Yichun said.

Duan Nian nodded and responded in a daze.

The two of them went downstream towards the boat and soon discovered a hole under the boat, and sea water was constantly pouring into the boat.

"What should I do?" Duan Nian was a little anxious and simply blocked the hole with his body.

"You go get some wooden boards and iron nails. I'll block this place first, and we'll work together to patch the holes later." Jiang Yichun said.

Duan Nian guessed that he didn't want others to see the fish's tail, so he hurriedly swam towards it.

Soon Duan Nian shouted to the people on the boat, and someone immediately prepared something and delivered it to him.

Jiang Yichun observed the damage under the boat. It was not caused by the reef, because the cuts were too neat, but there was a raised area in one cut, which seemed to be the mark left by a dagger with a blood groove. .

Generally, killers or ninjas like to use daggers with blood slots, which can quickly bleed the target with one blow, making it easier to assassinate.

At this time, Duan Nian appeared with a wooden board and said, "That's it."

"I'll block the sea water and you'll repair it. Is that okay?" Jiang Yichun asked.

"No problem, I can still do this." Duan Nian patted his chest.

Jiang Yichun stretched out his hands and concentrated on controlling the surrounding sea water.

The seawater no longer poured in desperately towards the hole, and Duan thought that it could be repaired, so he quickly nailed it with wooden boards.

Such repairs can only be temporary. When the ship finds a place to dock, it will still need to be repaired by professional shipwrights.

Duan Nian did not dare to be sloppy, fearing that it would leak if the repairs were not done well, so he hammered every nail very carefully. Jiang Yichun had some difficulty controlling the sea water, but he didn't urge him.

Just when they were about to be nailed, suddenly a shuriken shot towards Jiang Yichun with internal force. Jiang Yichun was concentrating on controlling the sea water. Where was he paying attention? By the time he reacted, the shuriken was already close at hand!

Seeing that the shuriken was about to hit his throat, Jiang Yichun tilted his neck a little, and the tip of the sword scraped his skin, but in the end it did not kill him.

"Brother Jiang, are you okay?" Duan Nian shouted in surprise.

"It's okay. You continue to repair, and I'll arrest the person." Jiang Yichun said and chased in the direction where the shuriken flew. At this moment, the damage was almost repaired, and he no longer needed to control the sea water.

Duan Nian was a little worried, but he also knew that the repair work could not be delayed any longer, so he immediately sped up the action.

Jiang Yichun flicked the fish's tail and swam over quickly, but he didn't expect to see half of the figure at all. Did the other party escape immediately after failing to hit it?

This speed is too fast!

Suddenly, his vision went dark, and his body suddenly sank downwards.

He knew it. No wonder the other party ran away immediately. The shuriken was poisonous. The other party felt that even if it couldn't kill him, it could still poison him.

It's a pity that he was careless after all.

Jiang Yichun regretted it too much, but his consciousness gradually drifted away. He closed his eyes and sank toward the bottom of the sea.

A black shadow appeared and chased in his direction. Unexpectedly, a whirlpool suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea. The black shadow hurriedly avoided it. When he chased after it, Jiang Yichun could no longer be seen.

The shadow stared at the dark seabed and thought for a moment, then turned and left.

Duan Nian repaired the damage and immediately went to look for Jiang Yichun, but no one was seen. He guessed that Jiang Yichun might have gone on the boat to bandage his wound, so he surfaced.

"It's been repaired!" He shouted to the people on the boat, "Is Brother Jiang going back?"

Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened after hearing this, "No, isn't he with you?"

Duan Nian's face paled a bit, "Someone attacked him just now. He asked me to continue repairing. He went to chase the person first. I thought he had caught the person and came back."

Bai Ruozhu's expression was uncertain. Was there something wrong with Ah Chun?

"Did you see clearly who attacked you?" she asked hurriedly.

He shook his head and said, "No, at that time we were all concentrating on repairing the damaged areas."

He thought for a while, but did not mention that Jiang Yichun controlled the sea water. After all, there were so many people talking above him.

"By the way, Brother Jiang's neck was scratched a little by the concealed weapon, but not deeply." Duan Nian added.

Bai Ruozhu felt nervous and said hurriedly: "Arrange some people to go into the water with me and spread out to find people."

Gao Juan immediately took off his shirt and jumped directly into the sea. Wu Liu also immediately arranged for several boatmen with good water skills to go into the water to help find the person.

Bai Ruozhu also jumped into the water. She took out a pearl from the space. This was secretly given to her by the emperor before departure. It was said to be a water-proof pearl collected by the Fuso royal family. They went out to sea in dangerous places, and there might be times when they needed it. .

The water repellent beads are not completely able to purify the water, but holding them in the mouth allows people to breathe in the water, but they cannot last long.

She swam towards the depths of the seabed, and now she was worried that A Chun had really fallen into the trap of the other party.

Who could be the sneak attack?

Deep under the sea, in a dark space, someone groaned and opened his eyes slightly, but the surroundings were too dark and he could not see anything.

With difficulty, he took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, took a pill and put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, his expression changed because he found that there was no sea water here, and he was no longer soaking in the sea water!

Jiang Yichun thought quickly. Could it be that he had been captured and imprisoned in a dungeon somewhere?

No, he vaguely remembered being sucked into a whirlpool on the seabed before losing consciousness. Then it seemed to fall into something.

How can there be a place without sea water on the bottom of the sea? It seems that breathing is easy, but there is a slight smell of moisture.

His body was wet, so don't expect any trouble. He touched his surroundings and found that his body seemed to be made of earth, cold and damp.

It seemed to be a weird place, but he had no desire to explore at all. He just wanted to leave quickly. Ruozhu must have been worried.

At the bottom of the sea, Bai Ruozhu was so anxious that she almost cried. The time to avoid the water drops was almost up, and she had difficulty breathing.

what to do? No one sent a signal from above, so it was obvious that Ah Chun was not found. Could it be that Ah Chun was captured?

In the space, Quan Xin suddenly jumped and continued to communicate with Bai Ruozhu's spiritual consciousness, but how could Bai Ruozhu have the mind to understand it?

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