Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2641 Birdman Siege

He Luo didn't speak for a long time. Could it be that they made an oversight?

"Because the situation in recent years has been unsatisfactory and it is inconvenient for us to go to Fusang, we have not paid special attention to it. I sent someone to check as soon as possible." After he finished speaking, he was a little anxious and left quickly without saluting. You can see how shocked I was.

Lu Xin looked at his back and whispered: "It's because they don't care about those tribesmen too much, or they don't regard them as tribesmen without wings."

Bai Ruozhu thought quickly. Puteng was born in the Breeding Tree, but grew up in Xinchan Temple in Danliang Kingdom. It can be seen that he was sent out of the island of the Golden Wings. How different is this from the expulsion of Duan Nian from the Shark Island? Woolen cloth?

Most people probably have the idea that if they are not from my race, they must be different. Ordinary children are not suitable to grow up on Golden Wing Island. After all, it is because they have no wings that they are not accepted by the Golden Wings.

"I don't know whether it was the intermarriage between the Golden Wings and humans that angered God, or whether they were punished by God for abandoning those children who had the blood of the Golden Wings but had no wings." Bai Ruozhu whispered, looking up at Gao Da The wind happened to blow through the nurturing tree, and the branches of the nurturing tree swayed, and some dead leaves fell.

Bai Ruozhu reached out to catch the dead leaves. She was a little emotional at first, but her expression changed instantly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xin noticed her change.

"Little Furball said that the tree was infected by poisonous insects." Bai Ruozhu couldn't hide the surprise on her face, "Could it be that the problem with the pregnancy tree was not God's will, but that it was tampered with?"

Lu Xin's face became a little more solemn, "Ruozhu, if possible, please save this tree. I was born on it, so you are helping me."

Bai Ruozhu nodded hurriedly, "I'll let the little fur ball take a look first."

She said and released the little fur ball. After all, the little fur ball just felt the scent of poisonous insects on the leaves, and the specific situation was not clear yet.

"But I just took out your golden body, but there was no reaction. Before, your golden body would appear golden when it touched the Gu insect." Bai Ruozhu said.

Lu Xin said nothing and thought carefully for a long time, "Maybe it's because we are on this island."

The little fur ball had already burrowed into the nurturing tree and didn't come back for a long time. Bai Ruozhu could only wait under the tree.

Suddenly, two figures flew over, both of which I had never seen before. One of them was very handsome, as handsome as a woman, but he was tall, had an Adam's apple, and had a flat chest. If you look closely, you could still see Recognized as a man.

The handsome man shouted first, "What did you do to the Breeding Tree? The clan's barrier is so bright, you must have done something to it, who sent you here!"

Another slightly shorter man said: "What nonsense are you talking to them about? Let's arrest them first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly took action with an extremely arrogant attitude. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly used magic to defend himself and explained: "Heluo Clan Chief left just now. He asked me to find out what's wrong with this tree."

"Fart! Why would the clan leader ask for help from an ordinary person like you? We, the Golden Wing Clan, can't do anything about it, so what can you do?" The arrogant man continued to attack as he continued to attack. Bai Ruozhu also became angry and pulled out a dagger to fight with him.

As soon as the two parties started fighting, they immediately attracted many Golden Wings. Bai Ruozhu was furious and released Xiao Hei to help. What's the matter with them being able to fly? She also had a black panther accompanying her in the fight, and her speed was worse than them.

On the other side, they noticed something unusual and hurried over.

"Is it the rule of your Golden Wing clan to bully the less with more?" Feng Lanying sneered and released three machine puppets at once to attack the three people who were fighting Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu grabbed Lu Xin and retreated to Xing Xing and the others.

"What's going on?" Gao Chan asked.

"Their patriarch asked me to help look at the problem with this tree. But as soon as the patriarch left, they came to find trouble and said that I had tampered with the tree." Bai Ruozhu explained briefly, and then said: "It's not a big deal at first. It can be explained. It’s clear, but they have their eyes set higher than the top, they attack as soon as they come up, and they look down on us wingless ones.”

"I just look down on you. You will never be able to experience the joy of soaring in the sky in your lifetime!" said the arrogant man.

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes. My sister has flown on planes so many times in her previous life, and you still fly to the top of the clouds. You are nothing!

"Catch them all for talking nonsense to them and send them to the clan leader." A birdman shouted.

"Yes, arrest them and don't let them play tricks. These people are the most insidious!"

"Everyone comes together, no need to be polite to them!"

The people of the Golden Wing tribe were chattering away, while Bai Ruozhu looked at them coldly. There were experts among them, but many of them were not very strong. Their only advantage was that they could fly. So they really wanted to send you to the sky if they disagreed. Bai Ruozhu was on guard at this time, and Xiao Hei was with him. The Golden Wings tribe couldn't catch her at all, so they couldn't carry her to the sky.

"Everyone, be careful not to be caught by them." Bai Ruozhu reminded in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, the two parties started to take action. With the participation of Gao Chan and others, the Golden Wings did not take advantage of them even though they had more people.

Suddenly, Lu Xin behind Bai Ruozhu shouted. Bai Ruozhu turned around quickly, only to see that Lu Xin had been caught by a birdman and flown into the sky.

"Stop, or I will throw him down." The birdman said loudly.

Bai Ruozhu and the others had to stop. She looked coldly at the birdman who grabbed Lu Xin, "I didn't expect the Golden Wings to be so despicable as to plot against a child."

"Isn't it despicable that you tampered with our breeding tree? If the breeding tree dies, our Golden Wings will not be able to reproduce. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for being dishonest!" Birdman replied.

"You keep saying that we are cheating, but where is the evidence? There is no basis for it. You framed us without telling us, and you still arrest a child. Is this the character of your Golden Wings?" Bai Ruozhu said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense and capture him quickly, otherwise I will throw him down." Birdman shouted again.

Bai Ruozhu narrowed her eyes, must she be forced to use poison? She respected the clan leader He Luo and wanted to find clues about the Shark Island, so she endured not using poison, but these birdmen were too deceptive!

At this time, Xingxing suddenly winked at Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu instantly understood that he was going to take action and hurriedly said to Feng Lanying: "Take your puppet."

In the blink of an eye, drizzle began to fall from the sky, drenching everyone.

"Why is it raining?" A birdman exclaimed, "There is a barrier on the island and the rainwater cannot enter. Why did it suddenly rain?"

Astrology sneered and spit out three words: "Yin Yang Rain."

The birdman holding Rhythm's heart felt weak all over, his body slowly descended, and even his wings became weak.

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