Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2682 Testing each other

Bai Ruozhu became anxious when she got the news. Yu Chenzi was now her ally, and she also sympathized with Yu Chenzi very much, but why did this matter involve Yu Chenzi?

"It's not convenient for us to participate, so we can only think of other ways." Seeing her anxiety, Jiang Yichun persuaded her from the side.

"Those old immortals should all be killed. Killing even one is too little, but I don't want to harm Yu Chenzi." Bai Ruozhu said.

Xingxing and Gao Juan knocked on the door and went in. Gao Juan said: "Why do I think those old men are testing us? They should know the strength of Yu Chenzi best, and Yu Chenzi has just let go of blood, how can he beat three times?" Elder? Even if they want to find someone to take the blame, no matter what the real situation is, they won't kill Yuchenzi."

Bai Ruozhu calmed down a bit, nodded and said: "You are right, they need to use Yuchen Palace for many things, there is no reason to kill Yuchenzi."

After thinking about it, her mind naturally became more relaxed. She sighed and sat down, "Then what should we do now?"

"You continue to treat Fengran as usual. Tomorrow, go to the elder to mention the return date. He said that Fengran's illness should be taken care of slowly. You can't stay forever. We plan to treat her for a few more days until she stabilizes and start treatment. Take some medicine before leaving." Xingxing suggested.

"Just put it this way, that old man may not be willing to let us go." Gao Juan said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Okay, I'm going to see Feng Ran later, so I'll tell you that tomorrow."

Afterwards, she told about the discovery of the Four Treasures, and everyone began to wonder why the blood of the dead father was used.

"It's not just a day or two for the sharks to cultivate the saint. They definitely didn't use the blood of the father who had lost his memory before. Also, they used the father's death to get the female shark pregnant. What was their purpose? They wanted to see if his offspring would all have fish. Tail?" Feng Lanying asked.

"I suspect that the other child was hidden, and the situation is the same as Suan Nian. And I guess that there have been situations like Suan Nian's father before. I'm afraid the saints in the past drank the same kind of blood."

Gao Juan's fist clenched loudly. Thinking that his Chushuang had been forced to drink such blood, he wished he could kill all the old sharks immediately.

"I really don't know where the sharks hide their things. I asked the four treasures to search everywhere, but I couldn't even find it." Bai Ruozhu said with some distress.

If we can find the Dragon Ball, things will be much easier.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Gao Juan again, feeling a little uncomfortable. She promised Chu Shuang not to tell, but she felt sorry for Gao Juan.

After everyone agreed to break up the meeting, Jiang Yichun took her hand and asked, "Why are you staring at my dad in a daze? Are you thinking of something?"

"I saw that he was in a bad mood, and I was afraid that I would say the wrong thing, so I talked about the saint being fed blood. I forgot that your mother was also..." Bai Ruozhu quickly made an excuse, "So I feel a little sorry for your father. .”

Jiang Yichun held her in his arms and said, "Don't think so much. These mistakes were not caused by you. Without you, we wouldn't even be able to find the Merman Island, and we wouldn't be able to see the place where my mother grew up."

"I'm getting better and better at comforting people." Bai Ruozhu smiled and pinched his face.

"If I don't behave better, why don't others come to rob you?" Jiang Yichun said sourly.

Bai Ruozhu burst out laughing, "You're not talking about Feng Cheng, are you? To be honest, if I had known him first, I definitely wouldn't have chosen you."

"You're looking for a fight!" Jiang Yichun reached out to slap her, and she couldn't help but laugh. The laughter floated out the window, and Feng Cheng, who was hiding not far away, looked a little sad again.

She was very happy, he deserved it, but he couldn't let it go.

He thought that after living for so many years and being cursed, he should be as calm as water, but the stagnant water was making waves and he couldn't remain calm.

That's all, as long as she is good, he will be relieved.

For safety reasons, Jiang Yichun stopped Bai Ruozhu from going to Yuchen Palace. Early the next morning, she went to Fengran's place.

"Why is the situation worse again? It's obviously getting better?" Bai Ruozhu felt Fengran's pulse, and her face immediately sank.

Chen Ling said next to her: "Yesterday Mrs. Feng Ran had a big fight with the First Elder and was sent back by force. She was a little emotional.

Bai Ruozhu became angry when she heard this, "I told her that she cannot be stimulated and should be taken care of slowly. If the elder is so uncooperative, why should she ask me to treat her?"

Chen Ling lowered his head and said, "Something happened in the clan, and the great elder is also a little emotionally unstable."

Bai Ruozhu flicked his sleeves and said, "I'll go find him and have a talk."

She left angrily, and Fengran slowly opened her eyes, "Don't let her treat me. I won't get better. She is a good child. This is a waste of her time."

"The Great Elder will never give up." After Chen Ling said that, he turned around and left the house.

Fengran's consciousness has been damaged and her soul is unstable. If she can't control her special ability in the early morning, it will hurt her. So as long as Feng Ran was awake, he stayed far away in the early morning.

Bai Ruozhu quickly arrived at the main hall and was stopped by Wen Yu who was guarding the door.

"The Great Elder doesn't see visitors, so you'd better not disturb him." Wen Yu said.

"I want to talk to him about Mrs. Fengran's condition. No matter how busy he is, he can't care about his wife's life or death, right?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Wen Yu's expression changed, "What's wrong with Mrs. Feng Ran?"

"The condition has worsened. If this continues, he will die from headaches within a few months." Bai Ruozhu deliberately amplified his voice and looked into the main hall.

The people inside suddenly stood up and knocked down their chairs in such a hurry. Then there was a series of rapid footsteps, and the great elder rushed out of the hall.

"You said she will die in a few months?" He stared at Bai Ruozhu and asked.

"Her consciousness is originally damaged and her spirit is unstable. If you quarrel with her and stimulate her, her mood will fluctuate and her consciousness will be easily damaged. As you know, if the consciousness is seriously injured, it will not die. He will only fall asleep and become a living dead." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Since you asked me to treat Mrs. Fengran, you should follow my medical advice. If your family members don't cooperate, how can I, a doctor, treat the patient well? Don't let me end up with all the mistakes."

The elder's eyes were slightly red, and his hands were trembling a little, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten angry at her yesterday. Just let her go as she said, and I and Bi took it to heart?"

"Mrs. Feng Ran is often emotionally disturbed, and what she says cannot be taken seriously. The Great Elder should not take it to heart." Bai Ruozhu said.

The first elder sighed heavily, "The third elder was killed yesterday, and one of his ears was cut off. There has been no murder on Sharman Island for many years."

Bai Ruozhu raised his eyebrows, "The Great Elder doubts us, right? Hasn't anyone died on Sharman Island for many years?"

What the hell, when they execute someone, it’s just like there was no murder, but if one of their core members is dead, that’s a big deal.

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