Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2700 Chushuang is missing

In the past few days, Gao Juan has been wandering around Kyoto with Chu Shuang. The two of them have regained the feeling of their youth. Although both have frosty temples, in each other's eyes, they are the best.

"Ajiang, the wagashi at that store seems to be pretty good." Chushuang said with a smile.

"I'll buy it for you." Gao Juan smiled stupidly like a young boy and ran over to queue up with everyone else. Chu Shuang covered her mouth and laughed.

Suddenly, the shark's song sounded in her ears, and she thought, the shark has come to Fuso?

She wanted to talk to Gao Juan, but she didn't know why those songs seemed to bewitch her. She walked forward step by step without realizing it, walked into an alley not far away, and slowly walked away.

By the time Gao Chan bought the wagashi and returned to the original place, Chu Shuang could no longer be found.

He had a bad feeling and yelled anxiously. The wagashi in his hand fell to the ground and rolled a few times and was covered with dust.

"Is she the woman who was with you just now? I saw her heading towards the alley over there." A woman in extraordinary clothes next to her said, speaking in the Central Plains dialect.

"Who else is next to her?" Gao Juan asked hurriedly.

The woman shook her head, "It's just her, but she looks weird."

Gao Juan thanked him and chased him into the alley, but he couldn't find Chu Shuang all the way, and he was going crazy.

The lover he had been looking for for more than twenty years was actually lost like this?

Fortunately, he finally regained some sense and sent a signal to pop out.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun were sorting out the shopping lists to take back to Zhongyuan in the yard. Suddenly they were shocked when they saw the signal, and hurriedly led people out.

"Dad, what's wrong? Where is my mother?" Jiang Yichun didn't see Chu Shuang and immediately had a bad feeling.

"She asked me to buy Japanese sweets just now, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye. Someone saw her leaving by herself. I chased her all the way but found nothing. I searched all over the place." Gao Cuan's eyes were filled with anxiety. famous.

"How could a person leave on his own?" Jiang Yichun shouted anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly grabbed him and glared at him fiercely, "Calm down, dad is even more anxious now."

Jiang Yichun realized, yes, if there is anyone in the world who is more nervous about his mother, it must be his father.

"Dad, I'm sorry, we will definitely find a way." Jiang Yichun said apologetically.

Gao Juan took a deep breath and said, "We are not familiar with Kyoto after all. You go into the palace and ask the emperor to send people to search. Ruozhu goes to find an astrologer to help with the calculations. I will take Qiu Zhi and the others to continue searching."

Gao Juan's arrangement was very sensible, and Bai Ruozhu immediately nodded and agreed.

Everyone divided their troops into three groups and acted separately.

Bai Ruozhu quickly found an astrologer in a private house in Beijing. He does not live with the astrologer now, but the astrologer's people keep harassing them. He is afraid that it will affect Bai Ruozhu and Ning Yu's rest, so he temporarily lives in his house in Kyoto. In a private house.

"What, how could anyone deal with Senior Chushuang? Could it be the Great Elder and the others?" Xingxing's face darkened. The Great Elder and the others disappeared after that day. Because there were too many emergencies, no one kept an eye on them.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "I think it has something to do with Song Yi. He must have used some method to control her."

"Why did Song Yi deal with her? Did he find out that Senior Chushuang is very important to you?" Xingxing felt puzzled. "He should have found out that we are leaving soon. He shouldn't be dormant at this moment, waiting for us to leave. He Wouldn’t it be more convenient to go out and do things again?”

"So I suspect that what he wants is the Dragon Ball." Bai Ruozhu narrowed his eyes, "This is the only thing that will make him have to fight with us regardless of the danger, because my mother will leave Fuso any longer, and he will have no chance. ”

Astrology nodded, "You're right, if it's the Dragon Ball, it's easy to handle. Maybe my brother and I can work together to divine the location of the Dragon Ball."

He is not familiar with Chushuang, so he may not be able to predict her, but if it is Longzhu, he has great hope, because Bailong is at Bai Ruozhu's side.

The two of them did not dare to delay and hurried to the post house to explain the situation to Ning Yu.

Ning Yu was taking care of Yu Huan. He didn't want such a big thing to happen, so he became nervous.

"Take this talisman and use it near the white dragon according to my spell. The talisman will absorb the breath of the white dragon. Then we can find the location of the dragon ball by looking for the breath." Xingxing said.

"I'll go now." Bai Ruozhu went straight into the space without hiding anything from them.

Ning Yu and Xing Xing began to arrange the magic circle. The Dragon Ball was very powerful, and a very powerful magic circle was needed to lock it.

Soon Bai Ruozhu took the talisman and handed it to the two of them, then stepped aside.

At this time Jiang Yichun also returned from the palace, and the emperor had already sent people to search the city.

"How is it?" he asked worriedly.

"Your father hasn't sent back the news yet, so he probably hasn't been found. Now we can only place our hopes here." She pointed at the magic circle.

The magic circle began to operate, and little stars floated out from the talisman paper, slowly gathering together, and actually turned into a firefly, flying outside.

"Okay, follow it and you can find the person." After Xingxing said that, he fell to the ground with a pale face. Ning Yu's condition was not very good.

"Follow up quickly, we won't be able to help you later." Ning Yu said weakly. The formation just now consumed a lot of their energy.

Yu Huan rushed out to help, and Bai Ruozhu sent out a signal, "Let's chase him first. We will leave marks along the way and tell them to catch up later."


Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun left a mark while chasing the fireflies. Unexpectedly, the fireflies flew near the palace.

"My mother is in the palace?" Jiang Yichun was a little surprised, knowing that he had just entered the palace.

Bai Ruozhu frowned, "Song Yi must be hiding some tricks in the palace. He can really confuse us better by arresting people in the palace."

The two followed the fireflies into the palace. Fortunately, they were the red men in front of the emperor, and the guards saw them and did not stop them.

Finally, the fireflies flew into Linzhi Palace.

"The palace of Princess Shanzi?" Jiang Yichun asked.

Bai Ruozhu nodded solemnly and went in first to take a look.

Suddenly, the fireflies turned into dots of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye. I don’t know if it disappeared after it reached its destination and completed its mission, or if it had run out of energy.

Soon, Princess Shanzi came out in person and said with a smile on her face: "Ruozhu, you finally have time to visit me. How was your trip? Was it hard?"

Bai Ruozhu tried her best to calm down and said with a smile: "I was too tired before, so I finally got enough energy to come see my queen. Don't be offended."

"How could it be possible? It's too late for me to thank you. If it weren't for you, the Emperor..." Princess Yoshiko's eyes turned red as she spoke. She hurriedly pressed a handkerchief to the corners of her eyes to suppress her tears.

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