Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2707 Too Many Visitors

Jiang Yichun was in a good mood and went out to investigate Song Yi's affairs, while Bai Ruozhu slowly got up and ate the food sent by Wu Ya.

"Master, I heard from Sister Yizi that you didn't want to give the prince anything to eat, so I wouldn't give it to him. I didn't know that he would go to the kitchen to eat by himself." Wu Ya said angrily.

"Ah?" Bai Ruozhu almost spit out the porridge, "Is the prince so hungry and not selective about what he eats?"

"I told you, it's like he hasn't eaten in a few lifetimes. He also said that he must go to the Central Plains to eat well." Wuya smiled, showing his white teeth.

Bai Ruozhu gave toothpaste to everyone around her, and everyone followed her to develop the habit of brushing and caring for their teeth. All their teeth were very white.

"Okay, I'll go see him later. He is determined to go to the Central Plains." Bai Ruozhu said helplessly.

Wuya also looked yearning, "I've been on the boat and I want to see it too."

"Don't worry, I'll take you to something delicious and spicy." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

A voice suddenly came in, "Can't you take me to drink spicy food?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the prince walked in with an aggrieved look on his face.

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes at him, "No, I only like to take care of my little sister."

"Then I can be your apprentice." The prince said.

"I only accept medical apprentices. If you don't have the understanding to study medicine, I won't accept you!" Bai Ruozhu refused.

"Then, then I will take Master Jiang as my teacher." The prince retreated and settled for the next best thing.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "You can go and try, but don't say I didn't remind you that you won't be happy as his apprentice."

The prince probably didn't hear what she meant, and said with a smile: "I will go back and ask Mr. Jiang that I can endure any hardship."

"Haha." Bai Ruozhu smiled evilly, Saonian, you are too naive.

The prince took care of himself and found a seat to sit down, looking at the table of food in a daze.

Bai Ruozhu ate breakfast leisurely, rinsed his mouth after eating, and said, "Have you really decided to go to Danliang Country? The road is very difficult and there are quite a lot of risks. Have you thought clearly?"

"Of course I have thought about it clearly. I don't want to have no knowledge at all." The prince said.

"Then you really plan to marry Princess Danliang as your concubine?" Bai Ruozhu raised an eyebrow, "Have you given up on your thoughts?"

He knew what she was thinking, and his face couldn't help but blush, "No, I know that idea is abnormal. The problem is that I go out too little and have contact with too few people. Maybe this time I can touch To a Central Plains girl I like."

"There are no princesses in Danliang Kingdom. I think if you want to marry, you can only marry the daughter of a prince or minister." Bai Ruozhu reminded.

"It doesn't matter. My identity is not important. What is important is whether I have feelings for her." He replied.

Bai Ruozhu nodded slightly, as if he had really figured it out.

On the other side, Yu Yan said with a worried look: "You said that Prince Fusang wants to marry Danliang, don't you know something?"

She refers to her identity.

"No matter what he knows, we don't need to pay attention to it. Your mother also agrees that you don't need to go back." Ning Yu said, holding her shoulders.

"But what about you? Do you want to give up the Astrology Tower? How can I deal with the late Imperial Master?" Yu Huan has always felt guilty for this.

Ning Yu smiled and said, "Fool, my master is the most open-minded person. He once said that he didn't want anything to restrain me. The Astrology Tower also gave me a life-saving backstage, lest I be bullied. You know I was stupid before. Stupid, Master even asked Ruozhu to help me."

Jade Man smiled, "You are not stupid, you are pure and kind."

"Jade temples." Ning Yu held her hand and looked at her affectionately, "When we return to the Central Plains, we will go to the Queen Mother and Mr. Yao and ask them to preside over the wedding for us."

Yu Yan blushed, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The prince stayed at the post house until noon and still refused to leave, saying that he had nothing to do recently and had to stay and eat.

At noon, people in the post house would gather together to have dinner. Ning Yu glared at him unhappily and said, "We have important things to discuss. The prince's status is so valuable that it is really inconvenient."

"Because I'm from Fuso? But isn't Matsuda also there?" the prince asked reluctantly.

"Your special status makes us uncomfortable." Ning Yu said coldly.

The prince looked embarrassed, looked at Bai Ruozhu for help, and asked in a low voice: "I didn't offend him, did I?"

Bai Ruozhu suppressed a smile, "I'm sorry, he is my senior brother, I can't help you."

In the end, the prince could only leave in despair. When he left, he didn't know where he had offended Ning Yu.

Yu Huan felt a little embarrassed and whispered to Ning Yu: "He doesn't know anything. Don't show it too obviously. It will be bad if he guesses it later."

Ning Yu responded dully, "Save him some face next time."

"Senior brother, you have always had a good temper. It's rare to see you like this. It makes me laugh to death." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

Ning Yu blushed a little, "How about I persuade Princess Fusang to go to Danliang? Then as the national advisor, I will propose to the emperor that Lord Jiang and Fusang get married?"

Before Bai Ruozhu could say anything, Yu Huan slapped him, "How dare you!"

Bai Ruozhu laughed loudly, "Senior brother, don't get angry with me. Someone can help me treat you."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Ning Yu smiled sheepishly, and glared at him with a blushing face, "Don't bully Ruozhu."

Ning Yu looked innocent, "Who can bully her? She bullies others."

Unexpectedly, after lunch, another visitor came to the inn, but this time the woman wore a gauze hat to cover her face, obviously she came incognito.

"Master Bai, excuse me." Princess Masako took off her hat, revealing a somewhat haggard face. She had not seen her for a few months, and her temples were already stained with hoarfrost.

"Ms. Masako, why are you here?" Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised.

Masako saluted respectfully, "I came here this time to thank you on the one hand, and on the other hand I want you to help the child Ya'an."

Bai Ruozhu asked her to sit down and poured her tea.

She couldn't like this woman. After all, the former Princess Masako had done many things that disgusted her. But at the same time, she also understood that Princess Masako was taken advantage of by a bug, and those actions were not her original intention, and she felt some sympathy for her.

"I did too many wrong things before, and even harmed my own daughter. If I hadn't forced Ya'an to marry Wende, she wouldn't be like this now." Princess Masako wiped the corners of her eyes. After a while, she The corners of her eyes are already covered with crow's feet, making her much older than Princess Zenko who is about the same age.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, "But what can I do to help her? She insists on marrying Prince Wende."

"That child is soft-hearted and doesn't trust us, so she insists on staying in the palace. She used to hate intermarriage within the royal family and thought it was ****, but now..." Princess Masako paused and lowered her voice. "I think she has made up her mind to be a couple in name only with Wen De for the rest of her life."

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