Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2726 The Blue Place

I was stimulated in the early morning and roared like a wild animal.

"Is there a way to prevent outside sounds from being heard in this array?" Bai Ruozhu suddenly thought of a way.

"I'll try." Yuan Licheng sat cross-legged and meditated, trying to change the formation. Because he was blindfolded, his formation was not accurate, and he failed to succeed for a long time.

He simply pulled off the blindfold and concentrated on setting up the formation.

Chen Chen seized the opportunity and suddenly rushed towards him.

Bai Ruozhu pricked up her ears to listen, raised her foot and kicked forward, and sure enough she heard Chen Chen groan and fall out.

But it was too late after all. Yuan Licheng just didn't look at the early morning, but wherever her eyes fell, she would be traumatized by her consciousness.

Yuan Licheng covered his head in pain, and Feng Lanying also pulled off the wooden bar and rushed to his side.

"Xiao Yuan, how are you?" she asked anxiously.

"Okay, okay." Yuan Licheng said with difficulty, then began to writhe on the ground in pain.

Feng Lanying hurriedly redeemed the medicine for healing her consciousness from the system, and gave it directly to Yuan Licheng, regardless of how many points she spent.

Yuan Licheng slowly calmed down, and when he got up from the ground, his back was wet with sweat.

At this moment, the early morning was also motionless, and the eyes slowly regained their clarity.

"Okay, we won't attack us in the early morning." Feng Lanying said hurriedly.

Everyone took off their blindfolds, and Bai Ruozhu also undressed Jiang Yichun and opened his hearing acupoints.

Nowadays, no one can hear the shark songs, but I don’t know if it’s because the formation has isolated them, or if they’re no longer sung outside.

"Why are you all here?" I woke up in the early morning, not daring to look at anyone, and asked with my head lowered.

"I also want to ask you why you are here? My man was almost killed by you!" Feng Lanying said angrily, but Yuan Licheng giggled next to her. She said that he was her man, which he liked to hear.

Ling Chen showed confusion, "I remember that a sea monster came and I wanted to sneak attack it, but it was too strong and I was knocked to the bottom of the sea. Then there seemed to be some singing..."

Her pupils shrank, "I remembered, it was Sharman Ge. I didn't know how I entered a palace, and then my facial features were sealed, and I don't know anything anymore."

"It's similar to Ah Chun's situation." Bai Ruozhu said, "The shark song is aimed at the sharks, and they want the sharks to be used as fertilizer here. Who built this palace? In the early morning, you sharks, in addition to The Golden Wing Clan and White Dragon have enmity, are there any other enemies?"

Bailong would not do such a thing, and he had been tricked by the sharks into being sealed in the Golden Palace for hundreds of years.

The Golden Wings don't even know how to do it. They don't even dare to go into the water.

"I don't know, it's probably gone." Chen Qing was a little sad, wondering what the hell the shark had done before.

"Do you know where the black turtle came from?" Jiang Yichun suddenly asked.

I was stunned in the early morning, as if I remembered something.

"The black turtle seems to have been borrowed from a race that is also in the sea. It seems to be their mythical beast totem. I heard the elders mention it accidentally when I was a child, but they don't seem to know the details."

Ning Yu shook his head, "I didn't see any sculptures or portraits related to the Black Turtle along the way. It shouldn't be the case."

"No, in some ancient races, they can only have one mythical beast, and there can only be one statue or totem representing it. They think that the kind of beasts painted everywhere are not real mythical beasts, but just fake worship." Astrology suddenly said.

Everyone decided to search again. If they found the statue representing the black turtle, they might be able to find the key to cracking this place.

In order to prevent Ling Chen and Jiang Yichun from being confused again, they had no choice but to block their hearing and then walk according to the Fengxue Nine Palaces method calculated by Ning Yu.

"No, go this way." Ning Yu turned around again, and everyone was dizzy following him. I don't know how long it took, but their eyes suddenly became spacious, revealing an open hall.

It's not appropriate to call it a main hall, because there are no tables, chairs, decorations, and nothing else except the huge columns supporting the center.

"Where is this place?" Tang Feng asked.

Astrology walked to the middle, closed his eyes and felt a little bit, and suddenly said: "It is a place of sacrifice."

Onmyoji has a keener sense of magic, ghosts and gods, so astrology must be right.

"Let's look around, there should be something for them to sacrifice," Bai Ruozhu said.

Everyone dispersed to look for him, and suddenly Jiang Yichun spoke. Because his hearing was blocked, he didn't know how loud he was, so he startled everyone.

"Look up there!"

Bai Ruozhu looked up, and there was a circular transparent hole above, and he could see the sea above his head.

This place is in the deep sea, and the light cannot penetrate. The water should be pitch black, but somehow, it turns out to be as blue as the sky.

But the sea water is blocked by something and can't flow in.

"They are offering sacrifices to the sky?" Bai Ruozhu guessed.

The top is very high, and there is nothing around to borrow strength from. There is really no way to climb up to see what's going on.

Everyone looked up and worried, and soon everyone's necks began to feel sore.

Bai Ruozhu simply lay down and looked directly at the blue sky, which would make her feel more comfortable. The others were also tired, so they simply imitated her behavior.

Half an hour passed, and everyone was a little drowsy. They hadn't closed their eyes all night, and after walking around here many times, everyone was tired.

I don’t know who fell asleep first, but everyone fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but the melodious singing sounded faintly, and everyone suddenly woke up.

"It's singing from above! It's coming from above!" Bai Ruozhu shouted excitedly.

Her hearing was so good that she could even hear the sound coming from not far above.

"What's up there? We can't see it." Yuan Licheng became worried.

Feng Lanying gritted his teeth, "I said just shoot an arrow and forget about it."

"No!" Yuan Licheng was the first to shout, "If the seawater rushes in instantly, we will be washed away!"

"That's not necessarily the case." Tang Feng smiled at Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "It's too risky. If it's something that has lived for thousands of years, we'd better not touch it."

For a moment, everyone didn't know what to do. Ling Chen and Jiang Yichun couldn't hear the sound and fell asleep soundly.

"It would be great if I could fly up." Ning Yu said jokingly.

"By the way, we can't fly, but there is a little guy who can fly." Bai Ruozhu patted his head, "Why did I forget about it."

She smiled and released the little fur ball and said to it: "Fly up there and have a look. If there is any danger, come back immediately. Be careful."

The little fur ball fluttered its wings and nodded obediently. It looked very cute.

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