Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2772 Rouge Tears

"Yi Zi, notify people from the Medical Alliance to treat the injured, and the medical expenses will be free of charge." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Yi Zi took the order and left.

Meng Liangsheng showed admiration, "The Medical Alliance has always benefited the people, Ruozhu, you have done a good job! I will report it to the court later to commend the Medical Alliance for its achievements."

Bai Ruozhu smiled and shook his head, "Don't mention me, just reward the doctors who have done their best."

They came back from Fuso before and brought back Fuso's delegation. They were in the limelight for a while. It may not be a good thing to be in the limelight wherever they go.

Meng Liangsheng had been in the officialdom for many years, so he immediately understood her considerations and nodded in agreement.

At this time, the head catcher came over and said, "Your Majesty, the city lord, I just asked. Old Dingtou's family has been doing this lantern business for generations. His craftsmanship is somewhat famous in the city. In addition to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year, there are also lanterns on weekdays." Many nobles come to him to order lanterns and wedding lanterns. The old man has a good temper and is a simple and honest person, and he has no enemies."

"Where are the competitors?" Xu Huilin asked.

"Nowadays, there is a lantern festival in the city on the fifteenth day of every month, and the sound of every street is very good. Even the lanterns of Lao Dingtou's house steal some of the limelight, but they don't steal much business from other families. Ordinary people don't have to kill someone to discredit his family. ." The catcher replied.

Xu Huilin nodded, "It shouldn't be an ordinary murder."

"Let me go and take a look." Bai Ruozhu said.

Meng Liangsheng was a little worried, "The death scene is a bit scary, so you'd better not look at it."

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "Don't worry, foster father, I am a doctor and I am not afraid of these things."

She almost said casually that she had even dissected dead people. What does this mean?

"Then let's go there together." Meng Liangsheng led the way, and the three of them got closer.

Now they are surrounded, surrounded by officers and soldiers. There is only an old man dressed as an ordinary person squatting together, covering his head and crying. He is now very desperate.

"How can I do business from now on? We can't lose the brand passed down by our ancestors." Old Dingtou cried and muttered to himself.

Yes, something like this happened at his stall. There was a dead person hanging in the Bodhisattva lantern. This was so unlucky. Who would dare to buy his lantern in the future? You just don’t dare to look at it, right?

Bai Ruozhu sympathized with him and walked over and said, "Don't worry, things will come to light. When the government helps you clear your name, everyone will know that you are a victim and won't think too much about it."

Old Ding raised his head, his eyes red, "Is it really okay?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "It will definitely work, but you have to cooperate well with the government's work. First think carefully about whether there is anything unusual in the past few days? Has anyone been suspicious at home? Your lantern has been tampered with so much. , there won’t be any clues left.”

Old Dingtou thought for a moment, "No one has been to my house in the past two days, and I personally delivered the orders to my door. My wife is not in good health and stays at home all year round to look after the house, and no one has ever come. "

"Where is your wife? Please come over, too." Bai Ruozhu said.

The head catcher said from the side: "Sir Bai, we have already sent someone to invite you."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, this head catcher did a good job.

"Don't you have any other relatives or children in the city?" she asked again.

"My family is a single generation of three generations, and I only have one son, that is..." Old Dingtou sighed, "The child is smart and has started some small business of his own. He does not want to inherit the family's lantern craftsmanship. Our relationship has not been very good.

People like Old Dingtou look honest, but honest people are often stubborn. When it comes to inheriting the family's craftsmanship, he is stubborn and even has to sever ties with his son, so his son's family moved nearby a few years ago. Other cities were settled.

"Something happened at home. Send a message to your son." Bai Ruozhu said.

"The unfilial son will definitely not want to come back." Old Dingtou said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu turned to the headman and said, "Send an official to deliver the letter."


Old Dingtou was hesitant because he didn't want his son to worry.

"This matter has not been investigated clearly. If there is deliberate mischief to affect the public sentiment in Beiyu City, it can be easily solved. If it is revenge from enemies of the Ding family, it will be more troublesome." Bai Ruozhu analyzed, "But I I think it’s more likely to be the former.”

Meng Liangsheng nodded, "Maybe it's the same group of people who spread the news about the Turks' invasion."

Bai Ruozhu sneered, "You want to use public opinion to disturb people's hearts? This method is not very clever."

At this time, Wu Zuo was brought over and saluted Meng Liangsheng: "Sir City Lord, the victim was about thirty years old. One leg was disabled, and the body was bleeding from both eyes. It seemed that he had been poisoned before death, but what ultimately caused his death was the neck. The wounds on his lower body just show that he was not hanged, but strangled and then hanged."

"Have you found anything else?" Meng Liangsheng asked.

"Another thing that is strange is that the deceased hardly struggled before death. No matter whether it was strangled or hanged, the person would not struggle before death." Wu Zuo said.

"Poisoned?" Bai Ruozhu frowned, "I'll go take a look.

She said and walked over. The body was laid flat on the ground, with its eyes wide open and looking dead. There were indeed two tears of blood flowing under the eyes, and a lot of tongues came out of the mouth. It looked really scary.

Bai Ruozhu took a silver needle and inserted it into his throat. The silver needle did not change color, which showed that the poison was not fed through the mouth.

That was because he was poisoned by the smell, which caused his eyes to bleed and made him unconscious, so he did not struggle before his death.

"How's it going? Did you see anything?" Xu Huilin asked.

"It's Rouge Tears." Bai Ruozhu frowned. She had seen this poison in the "Poison Sutra".

According to legend, there once was a poison master who married a very beautiful wife, but he was obsessed with poison and spent very little time with his wife. As a result, one day when he came home after making poison, he caught his wife having sex with someone else.

Of course he poisoned the adulterer to death, but he loved and hated his wife, so he pretended to forgive her, but secretly prepared a poison.

His wife was poisoned and her eyes shed blood and tears. She was in a daze and did not know the pain. Later, he tortured her to death bit by bit. When she died, her skin was white and transparent, and she looked extremely beautiful, but there were two lines of blood and tears in her eyes. So this poison is called rouge tears.

"Rouge tears?" Meng Liangsheng had never heard of it before.

"It should have been done by a poison master. It's just that a poison master would just give poison, but then strangle the person to death. Isn't it unnecessary?" Bai Ruozhu also couldn't figure it out.

Judging from the habits of poison masters, they like to watch their targets tortured to death by their own poisons. There is no need to strangle people to death. Wouldn't it be a waste of the poison that they have worked so hard to refine?

"First check the identity of the deceased, and then check for any suspicious characters in the city, especially the poison master." Meng Liangsheng ordered his subordinates.

After a while, Old Dingtou's wife was brought over. She was in poor health and couldn't walk steadily when she found out about this.

"Sir, I've been thinking about it for a while, and it seems that there was something strange the night before yesterday." Mrs. Old Ding said.

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