Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2784 Meeting Bai Ruomei again

Jiang Yichun's eyes were bright, probably all men have the heart to kill the enemy and serve the country.

Bai Ruozhu hated those Turks for massacring the people in the city even more, and wanted to kill a few more to avenge the dead innocent people.

"Ruozhu, the battlefield is too dangerous. It's not like the usual place. I don't want you to go to the battlefield." Jiang Yichun suddenly looked at her and said.

After hearing this, Lin Zhenghui hurriedly said: "That's right, Ruozhu, you can't go, otherwise we won't be able to kill the enemy with peace of mind, and we will just keep an eye on you."

"You are discriminating against women." Bai Ruozhu said unhappily.

"Absolutely not." Jiang Yichun said seriously, "The battlefield is too chaotic, with too many enemies and stray arrows. It is difficult for you to use poison to achieve immediate results, and it is also easy to accidentally hurt your own people. Besides, the people we return from the rear Keep an eye on it, go back and keep an eye on it, what if this battle doesn't end for a while and the supplies are tampered with?"

Lin Zhenghui also echoed: "Yes, if the food and grass are tampered with again, we will starve to death on the battlefield."

"You guys..." Bai Ruozhu was a little helpless, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

She has no desire to gallop on the battlefield to serve the country, nor does she have to go to the battlefield to prove herself. Whether on the front line or in the rear, people are needed, and her role is to ensure the safety of supplies in the rear.

But she was a little worried about Jiang Yichun, and said sadly: "Then you have to pay attention to safety. Don't think that you are good at martial arts, can control water, and are ruthless on the battlefield. But it is different from the enemy in normal times. You can't be careless at all."

Jiang Yichun smiled and nodded, "Yes, I won't be careless in the slightest not for myself, but for you and the children."

At the front line, it was difficult for the two of them to kiss each other. Bai Ruozhu directed the people to unload the food and grass, said goodbye to Jiang Yichun and Lin Zhenghui, and returned to Liuri City.

It was a lie to say she wasn't worried, so she looked gloomy all the way. It wasn't until she entered the city and saw many people coming to ask about the situation of the battle that she cheered up again.

She shouldn't be like this. She should believe in her man and believe that he will become a hero on the battlefield, no less than the flying general Li Guang.

"Sir, how are you doing on the front line? Do the soldiers have enough food?"

"Sir, when are you going to send food again? I'll kill two pigs and send it to them!"

"Has the fight begun? How is the situation?"


The common people asked each other one by one. They were not afraid of death or that the war would reach Liuri City, but they were concerned about the battle situation on the front line and the good men on the battlefield.

Bai Ruozhu was a little moved and asked someone to pick a few important questions and answer them, so as to reassure everyone.

Suddenly, a woman squeezed to the front and shouted excitedly to Bai Ruozhu: "Ruozhu, Ruozhu, it's me! Your cousin Bai Ruomei!"

Bai Ruozhu was taken aback, and after taking a second look, she recognized that it was really Bai Ruomei. It is true that Bai Ruomei has changed a lot. In just over two years, she seems to have aged more than ten years. She has lost the beauty she had when she returned to Houshan Village, and she looks very depressed.

"Sister Ruomei, why are you here?" she asked.

But facing Bai Ruomei, she couldn't express much emotion.

On the one hand, Bai Ruomei is Bai Yibo's eldest daughter. She was not close to them originally. She only got close to them for a while because her second brother passed the criminal examination. Before that, she ignored them at all.

On the other hand, the man Bai Ruomei married, Lu Ming, was very lustful. When he came to visit with Bai Ruomei, he tried to touch Bai Ruozhu. At that time, Bai Ruozhu did not want to be publicized for the sake of reputation, so she secretly punished him, but her impression of the family was not very good.

Bai Ruomei's eyes turned red, "We have been treating Donghai for these years, so we came here."

When Lu Donghai was mentioned, Bai Ruozhu felt helpless and regretful. Lu Donghai is Bai Ruomei's only child, the only child of the third generation of the Lu family. Lu Donghai is so treasured and pampered by his family that he rolls around on the floor when he is unhappy. He only drinks honey water and eats snacks every day.

Therefore, Lu Donghai was very obese and suffered from childhood diabetes. Bai Ruozhu also saw the problem back then and reminded Bai Ruomei a few words.

Children cannot be born bad, they are all spoiled by adults.

"Why hasn't it been cured yet?" Bai Ruozhu frowned. At that time, Lu Donghai was only in the early stages of childhood diabetes, and he could be cured after a few months of treatment by the doctor at Fu Shoutang.

That's why she didn't intervene. The Lu family was not easy to deal with, and they might not believe in her medical skills.

"It was good for a while before, but..." Bai Ruomei started to cry, and wiped the plaster on her face with tears, looking very embarrassed.

"But his grandpa and grandma spoiled him and kept doing it again."

Bai Ruozhu shook his head helplessly, "If you keep doing this, it will become increasingly difficult to treat."

The guards behind were still waiting for Bai Ruozhu, so Bai Ruozhu had to ask them to push the cart back to the Chamber of Commerce. She didn't have a place to live yet, so she couldn't take Bai Ruomei to the Chamber of Commerce to talk. After thinking about it, she just took Bai Ruomei to a nearby teahouse to talk.

Bai Ruomei's eyes couldn't help but light up when she saw that she was so beautiful that even the guards obeyed her.

"Ruozhu, how are you doing now?" she asked.

"You haven't contacted the old house, don't you know about my family?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Bai Ruomei's face was slightly pale, "I have been taking Donghai to seek medical treatment, and my husband's business is not very good, so I haven't had much contact with him."

"My uncle cheated in the imperial examination and was expelled from the clan by the Bai family. Are you also affected in your husband's family?" Bai Ruozhu asked directly.

As soon as she said this, Bai Ruomei couldn't help but cry. The waiter who came to serve tea was startled, and he quickly put down the tea and left.

"The Lu family asked for me back then because my grandfather was a scholar and my father would be an official in the future. Who knew that my father actually committed fraud and the Lu family almost divorced me at that time." Bai Ruomei said very clearly. Wanwan said, "Later, Lu Ming begged for mercy, Donghai cried and his parents-in-law were worried about Donghai's condition, so they temporarily gave up the idea."

Her face darkened, "It's just that my life became more and more difficult later on. My parents-in-law didn't allow me to contact my parents' family, and they treated me like a slave. And your brother-in-law, he even took a concubine."

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. Farmers didn't like taking concubines. This Lu Ming probably thought he was a wealthy businessman? Or do you completely dislike Bai Ruomei?

It's no wonder that Bai Ruomei looks more than ten years older. Her life is not easy.

"What do you think my father's fraud has to do with me? But if I am divorced, my parents' family will naturally not be able to go back. I can only grit my teeth and endure it, and I can't bear to leave Donghai." Bai Ruomei added.

"Have you found a good doctor to cure Donghai's disease now?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"I found a famous doctor in the Doctors Alliance, but they always spoiled their children. I have been scolded by the doctor several times, and I dare not speak out." Bai Ruomei suddenly grabbed Bai Ruozhu's hand, "Ruozhu, what are you doing now? You’re doing well, can you help me?”

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