Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2834 Cliff Village

"Astrology, send her back to where she was just now and treat us as nosy." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay." Xingxing said, but he couldn't help but curse in his heart. Do you know how expensive that paper crane is? Does it cost more mana to make one? How could he use it if he wasn't in a hurry to save people?

It's a pity that the one I saved is not very sensible.

"How could you do this? This is murder, I will fall to death." The woman was a little scared and said aggrievedly.

"You also knew that you would fall to death?" Bai Ruozhu smiled disdainfully, "If we hadn't shown up, you wouldn't have fallen to death, and you would be hanging on the cliff now. Don't you know how to be grateful and how to speak well?"

"I, I'm just scared." The woman stamped her feet, "If thank you is not enough, don't throw me back."

Aosong snorted coldly, "Answer the question carefully, why are you in the mountains so late at night?"

The woman was about to say, "Aren't you guys in the mountains at night?" But thinking of the fierceness of the two women in front of her, she swallowed her words back.

"My name is Lu Xian. I didn't run into the mountains at night. I just wanted to get out of here. My family lives up there. It's called Cliff Village. You must have never heard of it." The woman frowned as she spoke, as if she didn't want to mention it. Cliff Village.

"Cliff Village? Is there such a village nearby?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Jian Qi. She recently asked Jian Qi to check the situation nearby. Jian Qi may know about it.

Jian Qi shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

"Many years ago, before I was born, people in our village ran to the mountains to escape the war. It must have been more than 20 years ago." Lu Xian said and pouted again, "It turned out that the cliff was too steep. , everyone can’t get down, so they can only live on it, with extremely poor food and clothing.”

She continued: "I was born in a cliff village. I had never seen the outside world, so I wanted to come out and have a look. I have practiced mountain climbing for several years, and then I ran out without telling my parents."

"Your parents won't let you leave?" Xingxing asked.

"Some people tried to leave before, but there was no news again. People in the village said they fell to death. I thought it must be too much fun outside and they refused to come back. But my parents and grandfather all thought I fell to death and refused to let me go down the mountain." Lu Xian replied.

"Your parents are right, you almost fell to death." Xingxing said again.

Lu Xian's eyes lit up as she stared at him, "Did you just save me? What did you use? It's amazing. Are you an immortal?"

Without waiting for the horoscope's answer, she continued talking to herself, "You are so beautiful, you must be an immortal! Immortal, please take me in, I have nowhere to go, and I will starve to death if no one takes me in."

As she said this, she excitedly went to pull Xing Xing. Xing Xing hurriedly avoided it, but she still pulled a little of his sleeve.

"Let go, I don't need a maid." Xingxing's face was cold. Although he was usually gentle, he always kept strangers away.

Aosong directly grabbed Lu Xian by the collar and pulled her away.

"Believe it or not, I will throw you down?" Aosong said impatiently.

"Why are you such a fierce woman? I've told the truth, what else do you want from me?" Lu Xian said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu frowned. This girl probably grew up pampered at home. Why didn't she wink at all?

But didn’t she just say that their food and clothing in Cliff Village were very rudimentary? No matter how you look at her, she looks very suspicious.

"Take us to Cliff Village, otherwise how will we know whether what you say is true or false." Aosong said.

Lu Xian covered her head and shouted, "Oh my god, I finally escaped. I don't want to go back. If you want to go there by yourself, just climb up from there. You can go through the clouds and mists and climb up in half an hour." arrive."

"It's so difficult to climb. How did you villagers climb up there back then?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"How do I know? I wasn't born back then. Maybe they were all monkeys before." Lu Xian said angrily.

There is still some distance from here to the cliff in front, so how to get up is a problem.

Aosong thought for a while and suddenly took off her belt. Her belt was very long and wrapped around her waist several times.

She took out another hook and tied it to one end of her belt.

"Western Sky Silk, very solid." She said and threw the hook out. There was a clang as the hook caught the cliff.

Aosong gave it a try, then looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "I'll go over and have a look first. If there is really a village, I'll send you a signal."

"Then be careful." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while, then quietly called the little fur ball out, and lay on Aosong's shoulder. If anything happened, the little fur ball could still protect her.

Aosong turned his head and glanced at the little furball's shoulder, and smiled at Bai Ruozhu, "Thank you."

Hey, this girl immediately discovered that Little Furball is worthy of coming from a hidden family, and her strength is not simple.

She put the other end of the belt into Jian Qi's hand, "Pull it firmly."

"Okay." Jian Qi remained silent.

Aosong glanced at Lu Xian again and said to the horoscope: "Keep an eye on this woman, don't let her run away, in case she is with the Dream Demon."

"Don't worry." Xingxing smiled at her, "Be careful and don't be careless."

"Got it." Aosong waved his hands casually, and jumped onto the belt with her toes. She looked at the gauze-like white belt, but it supported her whole body. She stepped on the belt and ran towards the cliff lightly.

Lu Xian was stunned, "Are you all gods?"

Astrology ignored her because she was disgusted by her tugging on his sleeve. Bai Ruozhu ignored her and was being polite by not tying her up.

Over there, Aosong quickly climbed up the cliff, as fast as a nimble monkey, and soon disappeared from sight. Only then did Bai Ruozhu realize that the mountain didn't look too high, but in fact the mountain top seen with the naked eye was not the real mountain top, but was covered by clouds and mist, and there was still a short distance above it.

According to Lu Xian, it takes half an hour to climb. Even if ordinary people climb slowly, there is still some distance.

As they waited, less than half an hour passed, and Aosong didn't even send a signal to come down.

Bai Ruozhu and Xing Xing glanced at each other. Could something have happened? Is this a trap?

Suddenly, a white figure appeared from the clouds and mist, shouting at them: "I sent you a signal, why don't you come over?"

"We didn't see the signal." Bai Ruozhu said loudly.

Aosong raised his head and looked at the clouds above his head, and he probably knew what was going on.

"There is indeed a village up there. This Lu Xian is the granddaughter of the village chief. When I went up, everyone was looking for her. Those people were so enthusiastic and kept talking to me, which delayed me for a long time before I came down." Song added, "Come here one by one, let's go to the village and have a look."

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