Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2839 Pretending to be crazy and acting stupid

Aosong nodded, what kind of fairy treasure is it? It's probably a natural wonder.

Bai Ruozhu dipped her fingers in water and wrote on the table: The special thing is that it can bring the souls of the dead back?

Aosong imitated her and wrote: It shouldn't be, that can't be the gate to the underworld, how is that possible!

Bai Ruozhu also thought it was too weird, but think about it, wouldn't there be many dead souls who were massacred near Luo's family?

By the way, why didn't she think of this!

She hurriedly wrote down a line: Could it be related to the Luo family in Xunyang City?

Aosong pondered and said nothing, but the horoscope wrote: No matter how special the place is, there is an eye, and it will be clear when you find it.

"Find an excuse to go out." Bai Ruozhu whispered.

While everyone was thinking about it, someone came over here. He was babbling something, his neck was crooked, drool was dripping from one side of his mouth, and he looked at a dead soul and giggled.

"Uncle, eat some sweets, want some sweets." He called, his voice as childish as a child's.

Bai Ruozhu thought of Li Shufang's words. This was probably the little fool Li Shufang said.

If his mouth wasn't crooked and he looked pretty good, it wouldn't be a bad thing for Li Shufang to marry him.

Probably out of habit as a doctor, Bai Ruozhu squinted his eyes and examined carefully, trying to see whether the man's dementia was in his mother's womb or acquired, and whether there was any chance of treatment.

As a result, after taking a closer look, she discovered something remarkable.

This kid is not stupid at all! But they pretend to be too similar!

It seems that he is less than sixteen years old. If he were to act in modern times, he would be able to win the Best Actor.

The little fool approached their tree house with a naive smile. Bai Ruozhu winked at Jiang Yichun, "They are here to find us."

"Is this child sick?" Bai Ruozhu said loudly on purpose, and then walked down from the tree house, followed by Jiang Yichun.

"I don't know whose child it is. Madam, you have good medical skills. Let's see if we can cure it." Jiang Yichun said cooperatively.

Bai Ruozhu secretly rolled his eyes at her, but he couldn't deny that the two of them cooperated very well. As long as she looked at him, he knew what she was thinking.

"Your hair is wet. Go up and wipe it. Sister has some sweets to eat." Bai Ruozhu said to the little fool.

"Eat candy, eat candy!" He clapped his hands and jumped.

So the person was taken to the tree house of the village chief's house. The ghosts below were a little worried, but no one followed. Bai Ruozhu also found that they seemed to be only outside and could not enter any house.

As soon as he entered the room, the little fool put away his drooling giggle and raised his hand to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Aren't you surprised?" he asked in a low voice.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "My husband didn't lie. I am a doctor and I can tell whether you are stupid or not."

He looked suspicious, "You are so powerful, even the Immortal Family can't tell."

Aosong hurriedly made a shushing gesture, pointed at the table, and wrote with water: "Stop talking, someone is eavesdropping."

The little fool nodded, and suddenly he yelled stupidly: "I want to eat candy, I want candy!"

The corners of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, Best Actor, a real Best Actor!

He then dipped his fingers in water and wrote: "I have been pretending to be stupid since I accidentally bumped into the clan leader and talked to the Immortal Family when I was a child. But what kind of bullshit Immortal Family is that? It's obviously a monster!"

Aosong was surprised and hurriedly wrote: "I don't feel the evil spirit."

"I don't know, but he requires the villagers to worship him, kneel down every day, and burn incense for him every day. He sent people to deliver the incense, but he never sent us any food." The little fool showed an angry look. , "Everyone in the village was confused by him. Even my parents didn't believe me. I didn't want to be controlled, so I had to keep pretending to be stupid."

"What kind of monster is he?" Bai Ruozhu wrote, and then he actually took out a small bag of candy from his sleeve and handed it to him.

She originally thought there would be a difference if she ate candy or not, but she was afraid that someone would find out, but she didn't know that the boy's eyes turned red when he got the candy.

He hurriedly opened it and ate a small piece, then lowered his head and said, "I ate this once, many years ago."

There is a lack of supplies here, and the villagers are living a very miserable life, but they still refuse to leave. If it is just that they are reluctant to leave their dead relatives, it is a bit unreasonable.

They still have descendants and some young children, and they must find a way out for their children. No matter how reluctant they are to leave their dead relatives, they can't ignore the living children, right?

Unless something else attracts them.

The boy's previous handwriting had dried up, and he continued to write: "Those outside are all relatives who died during the massacre of the city. The immortal family said that they went to the village of the gods and lived a carefree life. If we villagers faithfully believe He can become an immortal after death and live in the immortal family's place."

He couldn't help but sneer, and continued to write: "Death is death, nothing about becoming an immortal, nothing about being carefree, life is not good now, why should I believe that it will be better after death?"

Bai Ruozhu looked at him. Although this child was young, his thoughts were clear. No wonder he could pretend to be stupid for so long.

"The time I saw him, he was nothing special like the rest of us, but I was small and crouched in the corner and saw that there were many eyes on his sleeves." The young man's hands started shaking and his body was beaten. He shuddered, obviously the thought of it made him very frightened.

"Many eyes?" Astrologer almost shouted.

The young man nodded hurriedly, "I read that right."

Xingxing was silent for a moment and wrote on the table: "It's a Thousand-Eyed Monster. Fuso has a legend about him. He kills people with dazzling eyes. If he puts his eyes on himself, if he gets a hundred pairs of eyes, his strength will be very terrifying. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it." . Because it’s so evil, all the major Onmyoji families will join forces to destroy it. I haven’t seen the Thousand-Eyed Monster in many years.”

"So Pao Danliang is here." Aosong wrote on the table. "Because he is very cautious and will not kill people casually, so his evil spirit is not strong. Moreover, he makes the villagers worship him and gives him incense, and then he can be completely Suppressing his demonic energy will also help him increase his demonic power."

"But the Thousand-Eyed Monster has no ability to control the souls of the dead." Astrology wrote.

"He must have discovered the wonders here and took advantage of them." Bai Ruozhu said.

This was the sound of footsteps coming from below the tree house, followed by the woman's anxious voice: "Zhao Shu, you are naughty again. The village chief told you not to disturb the distinguished guests' rest."

"It's my mother." The young man lowered his voice, "I have to go, please help me."

He suddenly knelt down and kowtowed solemnly, then stood up and walked back to his stupid look.

"Mom, sugar, sugar, sugar!" The saliva flowed out again, carrying the sweet scent of osmanthus sugar.

Bai Ruozhu also walked out of the tree house and said to Zhao Shu's mother with a smile: "This child is not stupid from birth. He hit his head and has congestion in his head. It can be cured."

Zhao Shuniang looked surprised, "Madam, can it really be cured?"

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