Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2861 Orphan Training Center

"Don't be too polite, I should be considered the junior of many of you." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

Wei Mingli was a little anxious when he heard this, "Leader, you can't say that, but your medical skills are our seniors."

Bai Ruozhu waved her hand, "Don't be too polite today. I have something to ask you for help."

"Leader, just make arrangements." Wei Mingli was extremely serious, and Bai Ruozhu was a little bit dumbfounded. It was probably because he had been reminded to be careful before, which probably frightened the branch president.

"Go in and talk." She said and walked inside.

Many doctors in the branch were discussing a case, and the scene was so intense that no one noticed Bai Ruozhu coming in.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but remember that when she was studying medicine in the United States in her previous life, she and her classmates had such heated discussions about cases.

It’s just that everyone spoke English at that time.

Thinking back to those days, she suddenly felt that she was a little old and lost the high-spiritedness of her youth.

"Acupuncture is enough here. Why waste expensive medicines? How much can ordinary people afford?" a doctor said loudly.

"The effect of medicine is better when combined with medicine. This depends on the patient's personal conditions. We doctors also have to be more flexible." Another person said.

Everyone nodded. This is not to treat patients differently, but to consider the patients based on their actual situation. This is how to help them.

For example, if an ordinary person suffers from this kind of strain disease, acupuncture treatment will take three months, and combined with medicine, it will only take one month. For his own good, you say that he must take medicine, but how can he buy the expensive medicine? The money for medicine can catch up with the expenses of the whole family for several years.

Not to mention the benevolence of doctors, you should selflessly provide medicinal materials. No one can afford this kind of behavior.

Finally, someone noticed Bai Ruozhu, stood up and saluted with some excitement, "I've met the leader."

Now the doctors stood up and saluted, which made Bai Ruozhu a little embarrassed, especially the old doctors with gray hair and beards who bowed ninety degrees.

She hurriedly went to give him a hand and said, "Don't talk about false etiquette. Please sit down and talk."

Wei Mingli saw Bai Ruozhu's character and winked at everyone, "Just sit down when the leader asks you to sit down."

Bai Ruozhu took out a notebook and said, "Please circulate this around and leave a file in the meeting before sending it to nearby branches."

"Okay, okay, thank you, leader." Wei Mingli's eyes lit up. The leader's handbook was something that even their doctors couldn't bear to put down after reading it.

"The weather will change in a few days. Let's make some decoction to prevent wind and cold and distribute it to the people for free. I will ask the steward to allocate the cost." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Don't worry, Alliance Leader, we still have funds, so we don't need to allocate funds for the time being." Wei Mingli said, "But will there be any big changes today?"

The weather is still warm, but the only change is rain and wind. Do you need to prevent wind and cold in advance? Not to mention Wei Mingli, everyone else was also a little confused.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "I studied at the Astrology Tower for a while, and I can read some celestial phenomena. In a few days, there will be strong winds and the temperature will drop a lot."

A group of people looked at her with more admiration. Observing the sky was not something ordinary people could learn.

"These are all small expenses. There is another thing that I need everyone's help with. I plan to do this from now on as a new responsibility of our Doctors Alliance," she continued.

Aosong's eyes lit up, knowing what she was going to say.

"Today I discovered that there are many children who have lost their parents and are homeless in the city. They can only make a living by begging outside, and are even often beaten and scolded. When the weather gets cold, their situation will be even more difficult, and many of them even If you can't grow up, you will die young. Our Medical Alliance has always wanted to help people, why not help these children first, children are our future."

Thinking of the scenes she saw today, her eyes turned red for me. She has children of her own, and her children are living a good life, with no worries about food and clothing, but she cannot ignore those children who are suffering because of this. She feels uneasy. .

"I hope that alliances of doctors everywhere will set up orphan shelters, provide children with food and accommodation, and teach them skills. I hope that the help to the children is not just a few mouthfuls of food, but to help them have a better future."

"It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Depending on the children's situation, we have to teach them to read and write, to learn medicine to save people, or to learn business. No matter how poor they are, they can still run errands and do odd jobs to serve the Doctors Alliance."

Bai Ruozhu saw that many people's eyes were red, and she was full of emotions. If these things were from the past, if they were from the previous life, she would not dare to think about it. There are only as many things as she can do. She is not a bluff. Fat people.

Now that she had the power, it was time to do something.

"This is a good thing, I agree with the alliance leader's idea!"

"Yes, yesterday I saw a child begging for food and gave him a few copper coins, but now I think about it. A few mouthfuls of food are really not enough. I have to help them have a better future like the leader said."

"Great, maybe we can train great talents in the future, haha."

"Not to mention, it would be good to cultivate reserve talents for our alliance."


The doctors all seemed very excited as they spoke to each other. Only Wei Mingli frowned slightly, looking a little worried.

"Leader, this matter requires a lot of money. I have estimated that it will be difficult to maintain the current situation when the Doctors Alliance opens free clinics and regularly administers medicine." He is in charge of management, and he has a more thorough view. To pour cold water on purpose.

Aosong grabbed the gold leaf and slapped it on the table next to him, "I'll fund part of it first."

The doctors were stunned to see that they were all gold leaves, not silver.

"I will find a way to fund it. Another way is to raise donations." Bai Ruozhu showed a rare sly smile, which stunned everyone, and then they realized that their alliance leader seemed to be only twenty years old, right?

"Our free clinic does not charge consultation fees, and we charge very little at other times. But when we treat rich people, we have to charge whatever they want. No matter how rich they are, how can they live longer? In the future, we will add another fee for visiting nobles and rich people. , ask them to donate to the orphan shelter." Bai Ruozhu said.

Wei Mingli's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. Rich people pay more attention to reputation. When the time comes, write the sponsor's name and amount on the door of the orphanage."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing and raised his thumb at Wei Mingli.

If there is competition among several companies, or someone dislikes the other, and he donates five hundred, do you want to outdo him and donate one thousand?

This can gain face and gain a good reputation, so why not do it?

"It shouldn't be called an orphan shelter. It's more appropriate to call it an orphan training center. We don't just shelter them, the focus is on cultivating them into adults." Bai Ruozhu said.

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