Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2869 Interrogation

The two were happy for a while, and then felt a little emotional.

Recalling the time when Jiang Yichun was chased by a killer to the mountains outside Beiyu City, Bai Ruozhu bumped into him when he went out to collect firewood. She used her space to save him regardless of the danger.

He noticed that she was very different at that time, and it was then that he realized that he had long been attracted to this woman.

At that time, he didn't know that he had a past experience with her, let alone that Dengdeng was his flesh and blood. He even doubted his own preferences. How could he fall in love with a woman who gave birth to someone else's child?

He thinks he may be crazy?

But love is love, he is not a person who dares not face him.

Aiwujiwu, he also liked her children, and the boy got close to him. It was only later that he found out that he had fallen under Wu Wanqing's love-forgetting spell, and had forgotten that experience. It turned out that she was his wife, and Dengdeng was his child. .

These past events were like a marquee, and it was at that time that he seriously injured his arm. Although his strength continued to improve later on, and he awakened his mermaid bloodline and gained the ability to control water, he still felt a little regretful sometimes.

Now this regret is gone.

He hugged her and let her lean into his arms. The greatest luck in his life was to meet the woman in his arms. Without her, he would probably still be a killing machine in the General Affairs Department, going through wind and rain. He will not think about the future, slowly lose himself, and slowly forget his name.

It was she who made his life complete and freed him from any shortcomings.

"Ruozhu, can you still be my wife in the next life?" he asked softly.

Bai Ruozhu grinned, "But I want to have the most beautiful men in the world in my next life, so don't hold me back."

He turned over and pressed her down, "Sitting with all the beautiful men in the world? Is your wife too free and easy to think about? Or is my husband unable to satisfy you?"

No, it smells dangerous!

"Humor, this is humor, do you understand?" She immediately changed her tune, "Who can compare with you? I'm stupid for thinking about others."

"Really?" Jiang Yichun smiled mischievously, "I don't believe it for my husband."

As he spoke, he leaned down and kissed her deeply and long, and it took him a long time to let go of her.

"Hey, your arm is getting better, but it's not completely healed. Don't move it, or you may injure it again and affect the recovery effect." Bai Ruozhu reminded dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, it's up to you." He turned over and lay on the inside of the bed, looking at her eagerly.

"What are you looking at? Sleep." She said a little funny.

Jiang Yichun smiled mischievously, "I've been sleeping too much recently and can't sleep anymore."

Bai Ruozhu was speechless, "But I'm tired and sleepy."

"Then you go to sleep and I'll watch you." He said.

Oh my god, the beautiful man is lying on his side and staring at him eagerly. Who can sleep?

Bai Ruozhu was full of resentment, but she couldn't help it because she was too sleepy and fell asleep after a while.

Luo Shi was very happy at the hotel, and Chu Shuang persuaded her to leave with them instead of living in the paradise of the Jiuli tribe.

"I'm afraid that I can't control my abilities and bring you trouble." Roche said hesitantly.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you. You can practice it slowly and you'll be able to control it freely." Chushuang laughed, "No one gave you guidance. When I first awakened my ability, I got into a lot of trouble. "

Luo Shi became curious, "What's the trouble?"

"I have the ability to create barriers, and I liked singing when I was little. Once I sang a song, and the whole village screamed." Chushuang suppressed a smile, "I sealed everyone in the original barrier. Earth, except for a few elders who can break through the barrier, everyone else is in a hurry."

"Then you are so awesome. How old were you then?" Luo Shi asked in surprise.

"About six or seven years old." Chushuang suddenly smiled bitterly, "That's why I was selected as a saint, and I am the only saint who can successfully let them live past the age of thirty."

Luo Shi talked with Chushuang and learned that she was captured back to the island and her flesh was cut off piece by piece by the elders to eat, and they sealed her with secret techniques to prevent her from dying.

It was scary to think about it. Compared with Chushuang, she felt that she had been very happy these years.

Afterwards, Tang Yin summoned Luo Shi, and Luo Shi used his ability to make Tang Yin fall into a dream and saw the scene of the massacre of the city twenty years ago.

When Tang Yin thought about it, his face was covered with tears. He was a great person, how could he be seen like this?

He quickly wiped away his tears and then asked Luo Shi: "Are everything in the dream real? Didn't you make it up?"

"Although I can make people fall into dreams, the things in the dreams are real and cannot be faked. Otherwise, wouldn't I be omnipotent?" Luo Shi replied.

Tang Yin nodded, "Okay, go down. I will give justice to the people who died in this matter."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Luo Shi bowed solemnly and retreated.

The people over at Tang Yin have been investigating the assassin, but to no avail. However, Aosong unintentionally caught Mrs. Sun Er.

"Your Majesty, this is the confession of Mrs. Sun Er." The county magistrate handed the confession to Tang Yin, who read it and handed it to Jiang Yichun and Bai Ruozhu.

It says that Mrs. Sun Er is a spy sent by the Yueqiu tribe. As long as she completes her mission and returns home, she can become an elder of the temple.

"The second Mrs. Sun and Ding Xiang were brought to see me together," Tang Yin said.


Not long after, Mrs. Sun Er and Ding Xiang were brought up together. It seemed that they had changed clothes before, but there were still some scars on their arms, which showed that they had been forced to confess by words and deeds.

The county magistrate was afraid of being blamed by the emperor, so he changed into clean prison uniforms before bringing the person over.

Bai Ruozhu didn't sympathize with them. One poisoned a twelve-year-old boy, and the other was an enemy spy. He didn't know how many people were killed, so the punishment was light.

Tang Yin looked at Bai Ruozhu, "They are all women, let's judge them."

Bai Ruozhu was helpless, Tang Yin really knew how to call her, that's all, who made him the emperor, and she was still receiving the salary from him.

"Ding Xiang, what crime do you deserve for poisoning Sun Zhou's orphan Sun Wen?" she asked sharply.

Ding Xiang shivered in fear, "My slave, my slave didn't know it was poison. I just thought it would make him sick. I didn't know it would kill him."

She said and glanced at Mrs. Sun Er carefully.

Mrs. Sun Er said calmly, "I gave her the medicine, she didn't know anything. I also wanted to harm people. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"You cannot escape your crime, but I am very curious. You are actually a spy. You must have your own mission. Is it just to persecute the Sun family? Even if your Majesty comes to Xunyang City this time and you provide poison to the killer, but Who could have expected that His Majesty would come to Xunyang City?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Mrs. Sun Er did not hide anything, and said slowly: "The Sun family's medicine shop provides military supplies and medicinal materials for the Zhenbei Army. If you control the Sun family, you can manipulate the medicinal materials and destroy the entire Zhenbei Army at a critical moment. "

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