Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2886 The young man was caught

At this time, there were hurried footsteps outside, and a boy ran over anxiously, "Manager Wei, what's wrong, Zhong Xin was arrested by people from Sujia Village, and the villagers are clamoring to beat him to death!"

"What? What's going on?" Wei Xian asked hurriedly.

"Zhong Xin wanted to go into the village to see how the children were doing so he could record their symptoms, but he didn't know he was caught by people from Sujia Village," the boy said.

"This is nonsense!" Wei Xian's face turned red with anger, "Didn't I tell you not to act rashly? This will cause another misunderstanding."

He looked at Bai Ruozhu embarrassedly and said, "Master, Zhong Xin is a young man in the shop. He is a very enthusiastic and clever young man, but he is not very stable. I am the one who failed to take care of the people below me. I should be punished."

"We can wait until the end of the matter whether we want rewards or punishments. Let's go to Sujia Village and have a look. That Zhong Xin must have good intentions. Don't let anything happen." Bai Ruozhu said.

Manager Wei led the way, followed by Bai Ruozhu, Jian Qi and others out of the city, riding towards Sujiacun.

Only halfway through, I saw a bunch of people holding a young man in custody on the road, and they were all cursing.

"I really don't want to destroy the evidence. The doctor said that we need to record the changes in the children's symptoms in order to find a cure. Don't you all want the children to get better soon?" the boy shouted.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are from the Bai family, no one would believe your words! You businessmen just want to make money from our poor farmers, and you are all so evil."

"I told you how the ointment can whiten your teeth. It is burned with poison. It whitens the teeth, but the children can't bear it and have blisters in their mouths."

"We have already said that the Bai family are not allowed to enter our village. We have hired several doctors to take care of the children. You don't need to pretend to be kind!"

"Coming in at this time, who knows what you want to do, don't want to harm our children again, right?"

The people in Sujia Village were very angry, but fortunately, they just pushed and rubbed him a few times, but no one deliberately hit the boy.

"Master, that's Zhong Xin." Wei Xian said hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu got off his horse and walked over quickly. Jian Qi and the others also hurriedly dismounted and followed behind.

She walked up to the people of Sujia Village and saluted solemnly, "Dear fellow villagers, I am Bai Ruozhu, the shopkeeper of Baijia Toothpaste Shop. My clerk has no intention of offending you. If you have anything to say, please let him go."

"Are you the evil boss?" the village chief shouted, the old man's toothless mouth leaking.

"There is a misunderstanding here. I swear the Bai family will not sell toothpaste with problems..." Before she could finish her words, a half-used toothpaste was thrown over.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and ducked away.

Jian Qi and the others suddenly became angry and hurriedly tried to stand in front of Bai Ruozhu.

The people in Sujia Village were a little scared. After all, they were ordinary people, while Jianqi and the others were specially trained secret guards. They had murderous intent when they glared at them, which was enough to frighten them.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to hit someone?" the village chief shouted, but he was not in good health and coughed violently.

"Jian Qi, step back and wait aside." Bai Ruozhu ordered.

Jian Qi and the others hesitated a little, but when they met Bai Ruozhu's stern eyes, they all stepped aside obediently.

"Go a little further, don't scare them." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Master..." Jian Qi wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Bai Ruozhu's glare, and he stepped back more than ten meters.

During this period, no one in Sujiacun spoke, and everyone looked at Bai Ruozhu with some fear. Although Bai Ruozhu was not angry with them, she was obviously just a young woman, so how could she be so powerful?

Bai Ruozhu smiled at them and saluted solemnly, "My guy is not doing things properly. I will punish him. Please let him go. He is not old and is still a child."

"Children? What to do with our children? Have you let our children go?" someone shouted.

"So I came here in person because I wanted to treat the sick child. I am the female chief doctor in the palace and the leader of the Doctors Alliance. I promise with my reputation that I will do my best to treat the sick child and will never cover up the case. To harm children.”

She saluted solemnly again, "This is my attitude. The Bai family will be responsible for this matter to the end. The most important thing now is to cure the child. I hope everyone will believe me for once."

"Why should we believe you?" the village chief asked angrily, "Of course you are afraid of affecting your business. Your business is so good every day, and you don't even know how much money you have made. Why should we believe you?"

Bai Ruozhu was also helpless. Making money was a shady thing. The beginning of the transaction was to exchange things for things, and everyone got what they needed. It was very fair and reasonable.

She also provides things that everyone needs and charges appropriate fees. How can she be making dirty money?

Of course, she could only complain about this. Arguing with the people in Sujiacun now would only make things more troublesome.

"Go away. We won't beat this child. We will send him to the government and hand him over to the Luohe County Magistrate for trial," the village chief said.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they were going to take Zhong Xin to the door of the shop and beat him up to cause trouble. Fortunately, they were just delivering him to the officials. As long as the officials found out, they would release Zhong Xin.

"Boss, I really didn't do anything. I just played with a child for a while, and I just wanted to see their symptoms. The doctor said that as long as we know more about their symptoms, we can find the right medicine. But I see The doctor they invited was eating, drinking and chatting, and didn't care about the crying child." Zhong Xin shouted, saying a lot in one breath.

Bai Ruozhu did not expect such a situation. Their Doctors Alliance is now full of positive energy, and most of the outstanding doctors have joined the Doctors Alliance.

Sujiacun had to find a doctor outside the Doctors Alliance. Either he had a stubborn temper and refused to "collaborate" with the Doctors Alliance, or he had a foolhardy medical skill and poor character, and the Doctors Alliance would not accept him.

Of course, it would be a good thing to meet a doctor who is stubborn but has good medical skills. Unfortunately, based on Zhong Xin's findings, it is obvious that the doctor hired is not very responsible.

"You're talking nonsense. Doctor Ge is so kind to my children. My children all say they like him." A person shouted.

Zhong Xin said unconvinced: "Doctor Ge is the fat one with big ears, right? He feeds the children pig head meat. Of course the children say he is better, but I know that children with fever should not eat too greasy food, right?"

Bai Ruozhu narrowed his eyes, "Will your child be alone with the doctor? Doesn't your village send someone to keep an eye on it at all times?"

"Mother-in-law of the Li family and daughter-in-law of the Niu family are watching, this guy is lying." Someone else shouted.

"I didn't lie!" Zhong Xin was young, about seventeen or eighteen, and still had the competitiveness of a young man.

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