Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2897 Losing Money

Tian Feng winked at his son Tian Bing and ordered: "Hurry up and call him!"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Tian Bing turned around and ran out of the yard.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him. This young man was pretty good, enthusiastic and agile, and he was also very interested in Su Zhen.

Just as she thought of Su Zhen, Su Zhen appeared.

"Master Bai, my grandfather asked me to help." Su Zhen was in a good mood and looked eager to try.

Bai Ruozhu also wanted to teach her, so he said to her: "First help the child wash his hands and wipe his face, record the number of fevers, and I will prepare the medicine."

"Yes." Su Zhen replied happily.

She turned around and went to the kitchen to get hot water, filled a wooden basin with water and scrubbed the child.

Bai Ruozhu pretended to take medicine from the medicine box, but in fact he took several herbs from the space, pounded them in a medicine mortar and filtered out the juice.

After she finished doing this, Su Zhen also cleaned the children and found that five of them had fever, but luckily it was not too serious.

"Apply the medicine on their red rashes, just a little." Bai Ruozhu handed the concoction he had just made to Su Zhen.

"Okay." Su Zhen took it happily, "What do you have?"

"I'll give you a prescription later. I don't have enough medicinal ingredients, so you have to go get some medicine." Bai Ruozhu smiled at her.

Su Zhen knew that Bai Ruozhu meant to teach her, and the smile on her face became wider.

At this time Tian Bing called Niu San and Niu San's wife over, and happened to see Su Zhen's smile, and couldn't help but be stunned.

This is when she is happiest, right?

"What's going on with you two, you don't care about the child?" Tian Feng increased his tone and glared at Niu San.

These two couples are really ignorant. Their children are sick and they don’t know what to do.

"I want to eat pig head meat, I want it, I want it!" The girl was still crying, and she screamed even louder when she saw her parents.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at her quickly. It was obvious that the child wanted to attract her parents' attention. Her parents probably didn't care much about her on weekdays.

Niu San had lost all face today and was in a particularly bad mood. He suddenly rushed over and slapped the girl on the face.

"Eat, eat, eat, you lose money, you know how to eat all day long..." He wanted to curse again, but his arm was clamped.

Bai Ruozhu didn't expect that he would hit the child in public, and by the time she reacted, it was already too late.

She glared at him and said, "Can't you say something properly? How can you spank the child? Besides, the child is still sick?"

Probably frightened by Bai Ruozhu's aura, Niu San's eyes averted, and his anger was extinguished.

"If the baby doesn't listen or obey, won't he be beaten?" he said hesitantly.

Bai Ruozhu became even more angry when he heard this. It doesn't mean beating. This is abuse. Is this reasonable?

A slap in the face shocked everyone in the yard.

"I'll slap you too, how do you feel? If she were a boy, would you still call her a loser and hit her like this?" She slapped her and asked, glaring at Niu San.

Niu San's daughter-in-law stood aside and said nothing, but her face had an expression of gloating, and she almost didn't clap her hands.

Bai Ruozhu suddenly moved, and in an instant he was in front of Niu San's wife, and slapped her in the face as well.

"How did you become such a mother? Do you still have the nerve to gloat over misfortune?" she said coldly.

Niu San's wife screamed and covered her face, "I, I didn't beat the child."

"As a mother, have you taken good care of your children? Aren't you ashamed?" Tian Feng said angrily when he saw that she was still reasonable.

Niu San's daughter-in-law suddenly burst into tears. When she cried, the little girl who had been crying didn't dare to cry anymore and timidly ran to her mother.

"How can I care? Their whole family looks down on me and dislikes me for having a daughter. Is it my fault alone for having a daughter?" she cried.

The little girl hugged her mother's legs and cried again. This time she didn't cry loudly, but sobbed quietly.

Bai Ruozhu felt sour in her heart. What the hell is this? She missed her daughter so much that she went crazy, but others still disliked her.

Most farmers' families favor sons over girls, because men are born to work in the labor force. Men must do the farm work at home. Not to mention that after giving birth to a daughter, she cannot do much farm work. When she is older, she will have to prepare a dowry for her. Therefore, these are also farmers' families. Reasons for favoring boys over girls.

"Girl, don't cry. Mom is sorry for you." Niu San's daughter-in-law picked up the child and looked at Niu San, "You go back and write a letter of divorce, and I will take the child away."

Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised. She originally thought that Niu's third daughter-in-law was unruly and had an affair with another man, but she didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, she would leave Niu's house with her daughter.

Maybe when Zhong Xin saw her leaving with another man, it wasn't what everyone thought?

Niu San was also a little unable to react. He was stunned for a long time before he said with a pinched neck: "Just stop, do you think I don't dare?"

After saying that, he turned around and left. He didn't know whether he really went back to write a divorce letter or whether he felt it was too embarrassing and avoided it first.

Niu San's daughter-in-law wiped away her tears and said to Bai Ruozhu, "Thank you, madam, for treating Niuer."

"Don't scream, this is Lord Bai." Tian Feng reminded.

"Thank you, Master Bai." Niu San's daughter-in-law said calmly, she was more tolerant than the average peasant woman.

"Since the village originally arranged for you to take care of the children here, you should continue to stay and help, so that you can take care of your daughter." Bai Ruozhu said.

She glanced at the little girl named Niu'er again, and it turned out that the child was making trouble because he couldn't see his parents and wanted their attention.

She looked to be only four years old, the age when she needed the love of her parents, which made people feel sad just thinking about it.

The matter finally came to an end and the children finished their porridge. Su Zhen and Tian Bing helped the children get medicine.

"Master Bai, the medicine is gone." Su Zhen said.

"Then help you go to Luohe City to get the medicine. Ask someone to help you carry it, let's just Tian Bing." Bai Ruozhu smiled at Tian Bing, and Tian Bing's face instantly turned red. This lady must be too powerful. She just met her. For once, they actually figured out what he was thinking.

Su Zhen didn't think much and immediately agreed happily.

"Go to the pharmacy of the Medical Alliance to pick it up and tell them to charge my account." Bai Ruozhu said again.

"Okay, thank you, Master Bai." Su Zhen said gratefully.

Tian Feng also felt ashamed. After the accident, Baijiapu kept offering to help the children with medical treatment, but they firmly refused.

Later, Bai's shop sent money again, saying that the most important thing was to cure the child first.

It's a pity that they didn't understand Baijiapu's sincerity and delayed the child's condition.

At this time, the doctors from the Doctors Alliance arrived and saluted with great respect when they saw Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu asked half of them to take care of the child, while the other half went to check other children in the village.

"Check carefully. Even if there are no hands, feet and mouth, if there are any other diseases, we will also treat them." Bai Ruozhu said.

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