Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2906 Thigh Pendant

"I still have some errands to attend to, so I won't be able to stay for a long time. Su Zhen and the doctors from the Doctors Alliance know how to treat me in the future. Just don't worry, everyone." Bai Ruozhu said, "But the Niu family's body and bones are too weak, and treatment is difficult. Later, the lung disease becomes chronic, and you will need to take medicine for a long time to maintain your health."

She said and handed the written prescription to the frowning Niu San.

Niu San is not a bad person, but he is too cowardly to protect his wife and daughter.

Moreover, he thought about his mother's offer to marry him a young wife and have a son, but he did not refuse, and was willing after all. This shows that this kind of man is not a bad man, but he is definitely a scumbag.

Next to me, the Niu family's mother-in-law snatched the prescription and looked at it. She recognized a few words, but after a few glances, her face became hard to read.

"Master Bai, does this medicine cost a lot of money?" she asked.

"Lung disease is like this. It needs to be taken care of carefully. Maybe it will get better in a few years. Don't think she is a girl and refuse to give her treatment and medicine." Bai Ruozhu said deliberately.

Mrs. Niu laughed dryly, "No, no."

Bai Ruozhu saw that it was almost done and didn't say anything more.

She explained some more matters, calmed the crying children, and told them that she would come to see them if she had the opportunity in the future. The children felt better now.

"Sister, I will practice my boxing well. When I grow up, I will protect you!" the eldest child said, patting his chest.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing, but her eyes were a little blurry.

"Then you have to eat well and sleep well, so that you can grow taller and stronger."

The child nodded vigorously, "Yeah, I will eat and sleep well. I will also study hard and practice boxing."

Bai Ruozhu touched his head. This child was so sensible.

After another delay, she reluctantly separated from the children and headed towards Luohe City.

After the group of people left the village, they found a place to change clothes. They took off the clothes they wore and burned them. They used disinfectant powder on their hands, feet and faces, and Bai Ruozhu was no exception.

She even found an excuse to go to the toilet, but actually went into the space and took a hot spring bath to wash away the germs on her body.

The group cleaned up and then went to Luohe City.

"Mom, I miss you so much!" As soon as Xiao Dengdeng saw his mother, she rushed forward like crazy, hugged his mother's legs, and instantly transformed into a little koala and hung on her mother's body. on the legs.

This is an authentic thigh pendant.

"Mom, I really want to kick. Are you anxious?" Bai Ruozhu picked up her son and kissed him.

"I'm anxious. I'm just waiting for my mother to come back and take the boat. I also miss my grandma and grandpa." Xiao Dengdeng said.

Bai Ruozhu touched his head and said, "Let's be filial."

"There are two younger brothers. They must have grown taller." Xiao Dengdeng said excitedly.

"Then let's set off as soon as possible." Bai Ruozhu was also eager to return home.

She then met Gao Zhan and asked about the situation in the capital.

There wasn't anything special going on in the capital, except that Bai Zepei was very unhappy and felt that it was too hasty for her to leave like this.

She didn't see Jiang Yichun, but after asking, she found out that he had gone to see Xue Wenhui. Bai Ruozhu thought that Xue Wenhui was also kind to her family, so she said she would also pay homage to Imperial Envoy Xue.

When she found the Yamen, Master Mei invited Jiang Yichun and Xue Wenhui to welcome the guests for dinner. Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to chase after her.

She asked downstairs and found out their private room, then went upstairs towards the private room.

She was about to knock on the door when a woman's delicate voice sounded in the private room.

"I'm lucky enough to meet Brother Jiang today. I'd like to propose a toast to you."

It suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere seemed a little strange.

After a long while, Jiang Yichun's voice slowly sounded, "I still have official duties and I don't drink."

Bai Ruozhu grinded his teeth. Where did this little vixen come from? Why is she so enthusiastic about her men?

She coughed all her life, knocked on the door and said, "Your Majesty Bai Ruozhu, please see me."

"Master Bai, please come in quickly." Mei Zhenghua opened the door personally and welcomed Bai Ruozhu in.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Mei Zhenghua quickly, was she the woman he arranged?

The woman was sitting under Xue Wenhui. She was very sweet and cute, and matched her delicate voice very well.

She saluted Xue Wenhui and Mei Zhenghua, and then noticed that the sweet girl looked similar to Xue Wenhui, and she was probably Xue Wenhui's daughter.

"Master Bai, this is my niece Xue Zhi. She was going to Beijing to visit relatives, and she happened to meet me here." Xue Wenhui introduced.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at the woman and saluted, "Miss Xue Zhi, it's our first time meeting you. Let me toast you."

She said, picking up the wine glass, raising it to Xue Zhi and drinking it down in one gulp.

Jiang Yichun glanced at her quietly, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'd like to pay my respects to Mr. Bai." Xue Zhi raised her glass and drank it in one gulp.

Bai Ruozhu sat down next to Jiang Yichun, "After the matters in Sujia Village were settled, I heard that Mr. Xue had arrived, so I thought I would pay a visit first, just in time to have a meal."

Xue Wenhui laughed loudly, "Welcoming guests, you are the major shareholder, and we are following you to have a meal."

Bai Ruozhu didn't show any pretense, "Then everyone can eat whatever they want, no need to be polite to me."

Several people laughed together, and Jiang Yichun, who had always had a cold face, also laughed, looking at his wife with an extraordinarily gentle look.

Xue Zhi, who was sitting opposite, was stunned. How could there be such a good-looking man in this world? It makes people unable to take their eyes away after just one look.

But she quickly put away the surprise in her eyes to avoid being discovered.

Bai Ruozhu briefly talked about the situation in Sujiacun, but did not go into too much detail. After all, Xue Zhi was not a member of the imperial court, so it was not convenient for her to know some things.

"Tomorrow I will go to Sujiacun to see the three archways. It is rare for one imperial family to have three archways." Xue Wenhui said with emotion.

Bai Ruozhu also understood that Xue Wenhui wanted to verify it in person. After all, he was an imperial minister and was specially sent to investigate the case. It was impossible to just listen to one side's remarks. Naturally, he had to learn more about it.

That night, the Niu family wrote a letter of divorce to Shen, and even agreed to take her daughter Niuer away. From then on, Shen took her daughter to her uncle's house, and later opened a studio in the city.

Many years later, Qinglian Studio in Luohe City became extremely famous, and Niuer became a talented painter well-known far and wide. However, she would often think of her fairy-like sister who appeared on that afternoon that terrified her and saved them. In that room, she was given a sweet candy to eat...

Because Xue Wenhui still wanted to investigate, Bai Ruozhu and the others could not leave immediately, so they first rested in Luohe City and purchased the supplies needed on the ship.

Yu Shengyan took Xiao Dengdeng shopping, but unexpectedly ran into Mr. Shen and Niuer.

"Master Bai, you haven't left Luohe City yet." Shen was very happy to see her and greeted her enthusiastically.

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