Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2910 Deng Deng is missing

That night, little Dengdeng slept with Xueqiu in his arms. From then on, he no longer needed an adult to sleep with him at night.

This fact makes Jiang Yichun a little relieved, at least he won't squeeze in between him and his wife.

So just call it snowball.

Two days later, Bai Ruozhu and his party boarded the official ship and prepared to head west.

After he didn't want to get on the boat, Xue Wenhui sent Xue Zhi over. Xue Zhi's eyes were red, and she looked like she had just cried, and she didn't know what happened.

Xue Wenhui stepped forward and saluted, and said: "Master Jiang, Master Bai, something happened at my niece's family. She has to go back to the west, which also requires water. I have errands and can't leave, so I'll ask you to take care of me." "

"What's going on? Do you need help?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Xue Wenhui was also in a low mood and said: "Just now, a message came from my second brother's home. His wife, Xue Zhi's mother, is seriously ill. She said that she may not be able to make it through. He asked the girl to go back and see her mother as soon as possible."

He suddenly looked at Bai Ruozhu, "My second brother's family is in Linchuan City, east of Beiyu City. If it is convenient for Mr. Bai, please help my second brother and sister see a doctor when you pass by."

He had already spoken, and Bai Ruozhu couldn't refuse. Besides, Xue Wenhui had done a fair trial of the fraud case, which was considered a great help to her family, and she should repay him in return.

"Okay, my dad and I will go take a look then." Bai Ruozhu wanted to ask about the other person's condition, but thinking about it, Xue Wenhui probably couldn't explain it clearly. It would be better for them to go to Linjiang City and see for themselves.

Xue Wenhui solemnly saluted and thanked them, and Xue Zhi also thanked them. Bai Ruozhu comforted them a few more words, and then Xue Wenhui said goodbye to everyone and got off the boat.

Soon the ship lifted anchor and headed west. Bai Ruozhu arranged rooms for everyone and chose a slightly more spacious room for Xue Zhi. Xue Wenhui asked them to take care of her, and give priority to this girl.

Xue Zhi thanked her and went back to the room. She didn't come out again all afternoon. It was obvious that the little girl was in a bad mood.

Soon it was dinner time in the evening. Bai Ruozhu asked someone to invite Xue Zhi out for dinner, but Xue Zhi said that she had no appetite, so Bai Ruozhu had to ask someone to send food to her room.

For three days in a row, Xue Zhi refused to leave the room and ate in the room. There was only one maid waiting by her side. She occasionally came out to fetch some water or something, and the food she delivered was not touched much.

On the night of the third day, it suddenly started raining on the river. The river wind was gusty and the boat was a little unstable.

Bai Ruozhu and the others had drifted on the sea and experienced strong winds and waves. This small bump was nothing to them, but it was different for Xue Zhi. She was seasick and vomited violently.

"Master Bai, I'm sorry for disturbing your rest, but my girl is very seasick, vomited, and looks very bad. I'm really afraid something will happen." Xue Zhi's maid ran to the door of Bai Ruozhu's house and said.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun had just fallen asleep, and she stood up in a hurry, "I'll go take a look."

She quickly put on her coat, opened the door and said to the maid: "Let's go, I'll go see her. I remember she didn't get seasick before, right?"

"I didn't get seasick before. She was probably in a bad mood. She didn't think about food or food every day. It's no use trying to persuade her. It's only been a few days and her face has sunk." The maid choked up as she spoke.

Bai Ruozhu sighed. Although she agreed to see Xue Zhi's mother, she didn't know if she would be able to make it in time. Xue Zhi must have thought of this, so she was particularly worried.

"Let me persuade her."

Soon I arrived near Xue Zhi's house. I heard violent vomiting sounds before I even entered the door, but they were all retching, so I guess I couldn't vomit anything out.

The retching made her even more uncomfortable. Bai Ruozhu pushed the door open and went in, giving her a seasickness pill.

"Eat first and I'll take your pulse."

Xue Zhi took the seasickness medicine obediently, and Bai Ruozhu pressed her acupuncture points a few more times, and her retching condition really improved.

She looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise, "Is everything okay? I don't want to vomit!"

Probably because she discovered that Bai Ruozhu's medical skills were better than she imagined, she saw the hope of saving her mother, and her eyes finally lit up.

Bai Ruozhu took her pulse and found that she had stress-induced seasickness because she hadn't eaten well these past few days and was already thin, resulting in anemia and physical weakness.

"You're going to fall ill before you get home. Then your father will have to worry about your mother and you. Wouldn't it cause trouble to the family?" Bai Ruozhu said.

Xue Wenhui told them to take care of Xue Zhi, and Bai Ruozhu couldn't let Xue Zhi get sick like this. Besides, the little girl had reminded her that it was not bad.

Xue Zhi suddenly burst into tears and said while crying: "It's all my fault for going to the capital to get married. If I hadn't left home, I could be by my mother's side now, and maybe my mother's illness would have been cured long ago." As a child, it is really unfilial to stay away from home and not serve my parents."

"Your parents probably also hope that you will settle down in the capital, take care of your grandma on their behalf, and help them fulfill your filial piety. You didn't know that your mother would get sick. I don't blame you for these things. Don't think too much. When you get home, I'll get off the boat with you to check on mother's condition, and maybe we can think of a solution." Bai Ruozhu said.

Xue Zhi probably felt better after crying. She wiped away her tears and cheered up again. With Bai Ruozhu and the medical sage taking action, her mother would be fine.

"Thank you, Master Bai." Xue Zhi said sincerely.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at her, "You are a few years younger than me, so why not call me sister? My official position is just a false name. There is no need to call me sister outside the court."

Xue Zhi shouted cheerfully, "Okay, Sister Bai."

After that day, Xue Zhi's mood improved a lot and she was willing to go out of the house to have dinner with everyone.

In the blink of an eye, on the fifth day, in the dead of night, Jiang Yichun suddenly opened his eyes. Bai Ruozhu was also awakened instantly and asked hurriedly: "No, is there something going on outside?"

The two quickly put on their coats and ran to the deck, but they heard the sound of splashing in the water, and someone fell into the water.

No, he didn’t fall into the water, but someone familiar with the properties of water swam away from the water.

"Who is missing? Check quickly!" Jiang Yichun ordered loudly.

The crew on deck checked each other and no one was missing.

Jian Qi began to check on their group in the cabin. Soon, his voice sounded from the cabin, "Master, Young Master Dengdeng is missing!"

"What!" Bai Ruozhu was shocked. Since Deng Deng slept alone, they would go to see Deng Deng once or twice at night to see if Deng Deng was using the quilt and whether he would be afraid or wet the bed. But after observing After a few days, Dengdeng slept very peacefully alone at night.

Even once, Bai Ruozhu saw Xueqiu holding the corner of the quilt in his mouth and helping to cover him with the quilt.

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