Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2924 A touch of blood

"Didn't I mention it to you before? Xue Wenhui came to investigate the toothpaste case. I told him a few words in advance. If you don't let this kind of thing go, what will you do if they don't investigate it for you?" Jiang Yichun said.

Of course, if they are indeed guilty, Xue Wenhui will not cover up, but they can warn them in advance to avoid deepening the misunderstanding.

"Xue Wenhui didn't come in handy, so the matter is settled." Jiang Yichun slapped him in the face mercilessly.

"Then he doesn't want to investigate further? Who knows if there are others who are causing trouble? It doesn't matter. I don't know who will smear you." Gao Wei sighed, "Despite your current glory, you have no foundation. It's incomparable to those big families. I'm not being alarmist, but this time Ruozhu got the job of doing business with the barbarians and the Western Regions, and I don't know how many people are jealous."

Bai Ruozhu nodded. Business history was definitely a fat job, but she had no interest in it. It wasn't Shanta and Aosong who had tricked her.

In the past, when her family's life was hard, she only thought about making money. If her life gets better, she will not be so motivated to make money.

It's just that there are so many people down there to support, and their livelihoods must be maintained, and the business cannot be interrupted.

Soon after arriving at Xue Mansion, the three of them saw Xue Zhuo who was seriously injured and unconscious.

When his father named him, he probably wanted him to grow up vigorously. His body was quite strong, but he didn't have much brains.

If he didn't have the energy to leave Bai Ruozhu and the others, at least the Xue Mansion would have more secret guards, and maybe the assassin wouldn't dare to assassinate so blatantly.

"Isn't this wound the heart?" Gao Juan asked.

"The doctor said that Zhuo'er was lucky and his heart was biased, otherwise he would have died on the spot." Mr. Xue's eyes turned red as he said this, "Who did I offend? In just a few days, things happened one after another at home. .”

Bai Ruozhu also felt strange that the Xue family had been in such a miserable state recently.

"The other party wanted his life and left thinking he was dead, but they didn't know that the position of his heart was different from ordinary people," she said.

Gao Juan had already gone up to check, but Bai Ruozhu was not in a hurry to get close. Xue Zhuo's chest was injured, his clothes were torn, and almost his entire chest was exposed.

"The situation is not good, Ruozhu, give him an acupuncture to protect his heart pulse." Gao Juan said.

Jiang Yichun glared at his father, but couldn't say anything.

Bai Ruozhu took the silver needle and started injecting it. Xue Zhuo's condition was indeed not good, but he should be saved.

She moved quickly, and inserted the silver needles one by one. Xue Zhuo's bleeding slowly stopped, and his face was no longer so frighteningly pale.

"I'll leave the stitching to you, and you'll write the prescription as well." Bai Ruozhu left the room after saying that.

Although it may look like a set of formations, it is very taxing on the eyes and the heart. After all, Xue Zhuo's heart position is different from others, so Bai Ruozhu needs to be more careful.

Jiang Yichun also followed, "My father has been so kind lately. He is so kind every day."

"Maybe it's easier for people to be like this when they get older." Bai Ruozhu chuckled.

With Bai Ruozhu's acupuncture technique and Gao Quan's surgical ability, Xue Zhuo's life was saved, but he did not wake up.

Seeing that everything was fine, Bai Ruozhu went to see Xue Zhi.

"Sister Bai, thank you." Xue Zhi saw her entering the room and wanted to get up to salute, but Bai Ruozhu went over and held her down.

"Don't move, take a good rest first. How are you feeling today?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Xue Zhi's face was pale, but she was much better than the day of the accident. At least she looked like a living person.

"It's much better. Before, it felt like someone was strangling my neck. It was difficult to breathe in. Everywhere on my body hurt. I thought I wouldn't be able to survive." Xue Zhi said with red eyes. After experiencing an anger, her whole body People are a little quieter.

"Think carefully, have you met anyone or something special before? You were cursed, but I don't know where the curse came from." Bai Ruozhu said.

Xue Zhi thought for a while, "It's nothing special. I just fainted on the boat."

"It shouldn't have been that time. Aosong and the others said you weren't cursed at that time," Bai Ruozhu said.

Xue Zhi shook her head, "I can't remember it anymore. By the way, I fixed my mother's hair at home."

The "her mother" she said was referring to Mrs. Xue's body.

Mrs. Xue was obviously cursed. Could it be that because she touched Mrs. Xue's body, she was also contaminated by the curse?

Bai Ruozhu gave her another prescription to recuperate her body, and comforted her for a few words before leaving.

Master Xue set up a banquet and said that he would treat them to a good meal. Gao Juan had already agreed, so Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun could not refuse.

"Master Xue, didn't you tell Xue Zhi about her brother?" Bai Ruozhu asked during the dinner.

Mr. Xue sighed, "I don't dare to say it. I'm afraid that she will be weak and stimulated. Alas, my two children were saved by you, but I am here to drink from you."

After three rounds of drinking, Gao Zhan and Mr. Xue talked more, while Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun were talking to each other beside them, ignoring them.

Suddenly, screams came from outside, "People are dead, people are dead again!"

Mr. Xue stood up suddenly and even knocked over his chair.

"What's going on? Who's yelling again?" His face had turned pale, and he was obviously scared, but he pretended to be calm.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun glanced at each other, could it be another mourning hall?

The rules at this time are to suspend the spirit for three days for ordinary families, and for at least seven days for rich families. Some families even suspend the spirit for seven or forty-nine days to do some important things, to show their respect for the deceased.

Mrs. Xue should have been suspended for seven days, but she didn't want anything to happen again.

The housekeeper ran in in panic and said, "It was the boy sweeping the house. He slipped and hit his head on the corner of the coffin for some reason. He was knocked to death instantly."

"What? You will die after just kowtow?" Mr. Xue asked in disbelief.

"The old slave has seen it and passed away," the steward said.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other. Jiang Yichun understood her thoughts and said, "Mr. Xue, let's go check out the scene."

"Okay, okay, let's go together." Mr. Xue seemed to be relieved. Jiang Yichun asked for help, and he didn't have to be so afraid.

Because of Xue Zhuo's appearance, Bai Ruozhu didn't want to get involved in the Xue family's affairs, but now things are getting weirder and weirder. She still has to see if it's a curse of bad luck or someone is killing people secretly.

The housekeeper hurriedly led the way, and Bai Ruozhu and the others quickly arrived at the mourning hall.

There were several servants waiting at the door, but all of them were very frightened and did not dare to go in.

"S-Sir, Awang is dead." Someone said stumblingly.

Mr. Xue pushed people away and walked in. He saw the shocking blood stains on the coffin at a glance.

The bright red color stung his eyes. This man's blood was bright red, but how could it be so red? The red color is so weird.

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