Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2927 Poison hidden in manure pit

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun both asked some questions, and Duan Fei answered them one by one, but there was not much useful information. He had no idea who reported the letter to him, or who was eyeing the Xue family, let alone What exactly is the heirloom? He came to Linchuan City only because of his unwillingness to let go of anything cheap and his desire to buy five stones to scatter.

Furthermore, the person who bought his Five Stone Powder was the leader of an underground gang, and he bought this kind of thing specifically to control people and make money.

The two asked some more about the situation, and when they saw that Duan Fei's poison was about to take effect, they hurriedly hid.

Duan Fei shook his head, "The wine I drank last night was really strong. I can't drink any more today, lest I delay tomorrow's important event."

He muttered and walked forward, and soon turned into Liuxiang and entered the most famous brothel in Linchuan City.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun circled back to the inn and told everyone what they found.

"It's too abominable. There are still people selling Five Stone Powder. We will catch them all tomorrow!" Aosong said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "Don't move yet. There will only be a few people trading tomorrow. If you catch them, it will only scare the enemy away. It's better to stay still, find their base camp, and then kill them all."

"This kind of underground force is so arrogant. Most of them are angry with the government. We can't tell the government about this matter for the time being, otherwise they will immediately get the information and hide." Jiang Yichun analyzed, "But if we don't ask the government for help, we I’m afraid there aren’t enough manpower.”

"And the action is too big, it may be difficult for the Xue family to investigate." Bai Ruozhu also became worried, but Wushisan must not be allowed to leak into the market.

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she smiled mischievously at Jiang Yichun, "There are plenty of opportunities to deal with those people. We can do something to Wushi San first. Even if we don't deal with Duan Fei, the buyer won't let him go."

"Okay, that's a good idea. What do you want to change it to? Poison?" Aosong clapped his hands in agreement. Looking at her high-spirited look, Astrology was a little dazed.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said, "Laxatives also help people who take them detoxify."

"Isn't it too easy for them?" Aosong pursed his lips, "Those who give away five stones are not good people."

"What if they were using it to harm innocent people and secretly put some in people's food? If I changed it to poison, I might accidentally injure them." Bai Ruozhu said.

Aosong stopped joking and said, "Well, you are still thoughtful. When should we take action?"

"Ah Chun and I are going, and you stay to protect Xing Xing." Bai Ruozhu said.

"What danger is there in broad daylight? Why do you need me to protect you?" Aosong's face felt a little hot.

Bai Ruozhu laughed softly, "The mastermind behind the scenes didn't show up. If he wants to show us some color, he must choose the wounded."

"Oh, okay then." Aosong became nervous upon hearing this.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun left the astrology room. Jiang Yichun asked, "Isn't it too obvious that you forced me to do this?"

"If she's not willing at all, it's useless for me to do anything. I think there's going to be a show soon." Bai Ruozhu chuckled, "I won't tell you anymore, I have to get some laxatives that taste like Wushi Powder, otherwise I'll cheat." No one."

After saying that, she returned to the space to concentrate on preparing the medicine. Jiang Yichun took this time to send someone to check out the Golden Tiger Gang who had been dealing with Duan Fei. Sure enough, this gang had some background. Their gang leader had once rescued Qing'an Prefecture Yin. He received a lot of care from the governor of Qing'an, and the county magistrates of Linchuan City were all disciples of the governor of Qing'an.

This matter is a bit complicated. Originally, she would not care about these Jianghu gangs and underground forces, but they want to do such harmful business as Five Stone Powder. Jiang Yichun can't just sit idly by and ignore them.

In the afternoon, Bai Ruozhu brought out three boxes of medicinal powder. The size of the boxes was almost exactly the same as Duan Fei's.

"Would you like to give it a try? I guarantee that you will be as happy as a god." Bai Ruozhu said as she got in front of Jiang Yichun.

There was a black line on Jiang Yichun's head, "If you want to have diarrhea, you can do it yourself. I'll just be a mortal."

Bai Ruozhu laughed loudly and carefully collected the medicinal powder.

They had dinner with Xiao Dengdeng, Chu Shuang and Luo Shi, and then went out when it got dark.

Duan Fei was fast asleep in the room at the moment. He was probably exhausted from fighting the beauty for hundreds of rounds during the day.

Bai Ruozhu put some poison, then went into his room and rummaged around, but found nothing.

"This guy is very cautious. It seems that he needs to be tortured and interrogated." Jiang Yichun said in a low voice.

Bai Ruozhu gave him an angry look, "Another waste of my poison and torture."

She said and threw a pill into Duan Fei's mouth. Duan Fei soon opened his eyes, but they were out of focus.

If you use the medicine twice a day, the effect will be much worse. The two of them did not dare to delay and quickly asked about the whereabouts of Wushi Powder.

"I packed it in a bamboo tube, sealed it, and hid it in the cesspool in the backyard."

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other, is this really true? Are you kidding them?

"Aren't you afraid of someone picking up the feces and taking it away?" Jiang Yichun asked.

"I investigated and found that a manure truck comes here every five days."

Bai Ruozhu checked Duan Fei's condition carefully. He was really poisoned and controlled by her poison. He was not lying. But what the hell is this cesspit?

Seeing that the poison was about to pass, the two hurriedly left Duan Fei's room. Duan Fei opened his eyes and saw that it was still dark, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

"It's a shame he figured it out. No wonder he wasn't discovered by the government." Jiang Yichun's face was gloomy. "You go back first. I'll ask Mu Yu to fish it out."

Bai Ruozhu almost stopped laughing, poor Mu Yu, you were shot again. My sister can't help you, and I don't want to help you.

She was a bit mysophobic, and when she thought about the smell of the cesspit, she immediately handed him all the powder she had prepared and ran away in a hurry.

"You little heartless one." Jiang Yichun cursed, then found Mu Yu and gave him this arduous task.

"Oh no, Master, are you kidding me? Can we change our approach? Or wait until he goes out tomorrow to do it?" Mu Yu's forehead was about to sweat. He must have appeared in the wrong way, otherwise how could he start such a mission?

"No, on a day like tomorrow, he will be very vigilant. If something happens, he may change his plan. Soon he will use the poison twice in a row, and he will notice if he uses it again." Jiang Yichun said with a cold face, "In When I was in the General Administration Department, what kind of hardships did I not suffer? What does this mean? I was not allowed to jump in. "

Mu Yu thought of their past days. Once when they were on a mission, they were chased and hid in a pool full of poisonous snakes. The poisonous snakes rubbed past them. He never wanted to recall that feeling in his life.

They were bitten many times that time, and everyone was poisoned. After escaping, the master also disappeared for a while, and he did not expect to live in Houshan Village.

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