Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2944 A new person

"You're the only one? How long have you been here?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"Don't you ask me if I'm planning something? Do you want to take advantage of her?" Prince Rui's voice had a sarcastic tone.

"If you are really planning something, if I ask you, will you admit it?" Bai Ruozhu said.

Prince Rui laughed, "It's not good for a woman to be too smart. I don't know how Jiang Yichun lives."

"Then I don't have to worry about it." Bai Ruozhu's face darkened and he dared to mock her.

"Don't worry, I won't harm her, I just want to protect her." He looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking, and said quietly for a while, "I won't steal the throne, don't worry."

"Then what did you grab in the first place?" Bai Ruozhu said disdainfully, "It seems like you are not interested in the throne. Who caused the civil strife in the first place? Who plotted to usurp the throne?"

Prince Rui sighed, "My mother-in-law was killed by the late Queen. Before she died, she asked me to avenge her. I have been holding back and made myself blind with poison. I just wanted to avenge this revenge and let him It hurts beyond belief, but..."

He sighed again, "Only when I sit in that seat will I realize how much trouble I'm having!"

He even cursed, which showed how violent his mood was.

"You have to get up before dawn. If you don't go to court early, you are stupid. After court, you have to meet with ministers, approve memorials, and deal with various matters. At night, you have to be arranged to accompany various forces. Woman, how can I, an emperor, sleep with you?"

Bai Ruozhu burst out laughing. Thinking about it from another angle, the emperor also had to pay public food every night.

"Otherwise, I would be guarding the huge palace alone. It is cold and boring, and it is difficult to even leave the palace." Prince Rui sneered, "I thought about it later. The biggest revenge on him is to let him be tortured in the deep palace. , why should I torture myself?"

"I don't know how many people in the world want to be emperor. You're just not used to it yet." Bai Ruozhu said while suppressing a smile.

"I did the conspiracy to usurp the throne, but I also did one thing right." He paused, "That is, I made her my queen."

Bai Ruozhu showed a solemn look, "Don't pretend to be serious here. Isn't it enough for you to hurt her? It's the best thing if you don't get it, so you can't let it go, right? But have you ever thought about where this place is? What is she? Identity? If people find out that you are in the Meng Mansion, the entire Meng family will suffer. "

"No one will find out!" Prince Rui's tone was extremely determined, "I am no longer Prince Rui, my name is An Jin now!"

"But I still recognized you." Bai Ruozhu said dissatisfied.

Prince Rui suddenly took a step closer to her, "Take a good look at my face!"

Bai Ruozhu was stunned, look at his face?

She stared at him closely, then took out the Luminous Pearl uneasily and shone it on his face, but found no trace of the human skin mask.

"You..." She almost screamed, must she have had plastic surgery?

"Do you know what I've been through?" There was fire in his eyes, like a ghost in the middle of the night.

He touched his face and smiled bitterly, "I used the most powerful poison to help me mend my heart, but the poison was too strong. My whole body began to fester, and the skin fell off. It slowly grew back, and another layer The layers fall off and grow again over and over again.”

"It must be painful for a snake to shed its skin, right? I have experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one times of decay and rebirth. Every time I wanted to die, but it was not hatred that kept me alive, but her!"

The fire in his eyes turned into water again, like the deep sea.

"I just want to see her again, to see if she will feel sad for me because she thinks of me, and will she laugh when she knows that I am still alive?"

His eyes slowly became moist, "So I survived and tried my best to get to her, but I didn't dare to say who I was, and she wouldn't know who I was?"

He raised his head and suppressed his tears, "I have died and my appearance has changed. I am no longer King Rui. My name is An Jin now. What are you afraid of? Unless you report me."

Bai Ruozhu was completely stunned, shedding her skin ninety-nine and eighty-one times?

This is definitely more painful than plastic surgery!

"What kind of poison is it? Who helped you cure it?" Bai Ruozhu asked in surprise.

"The person you know said that he gave you a Gu worm. You will definitely recognize me." Prince Rui said.

Bai Ruozhu was even more surprised, was it Old Man Shou Gu? But why does Old Man Shou Gu help Prince Rui?

"Why are you afraid that I will trick you?" Prince Rui smiled, "My grandfather once saved him. He owed the Yang family a favor, so he used it to save me."

Bai Ruozhu thought of the Heart-tonifying Gu. She had heard of it, but she didn't know if Old Man Shou Gu had the Heart-tonifying Gu, and the Heart-tonifying Gu wouldn't make people that painful.

Perhaps Old Man Shou Gu had to save him, but he was worried that his ambition would not be quenched, so he deliberately gave him some hardships.

As for mentioning her, it was probably Old Man Shou Gu who gave him a reminder, telling him that not everyone in the world could recognize him.

After figuring it out like this, Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief.

For such a powerful being as Old Man Shou Gu, if he really sided with Prince Rui, Tang Yin would not be able to regain his kingdom.

"Will you let her know?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Prince Rui didn't rush to reply. He waited for a while and said, "I don't know yet. Every time I hear her crying secretly at night, I want to tell her, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I won't be able to endure it even if I tell her." She is around, she has a strong temper.”

Yes, despite Meng Jinse's soft and cute expression, she was actually stronger than other ancient women, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to assassinate Prince Rui when she was isolated and helpless.

"She will gradually forget you, you might as well let it go." Bai Ruozhu felt it was a pity, but thought of Meng Jinse's identity, there would be no result between the two of them.

"I have changed as a person. I am no longer Prince Rui. I am just the guard An Jin. Why can't we have a chance to be together?" Prince Rui asked unwillingly.

"Can you hold back and say nothing for the rest of your life? Can everyone under your command keep it a secret?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Prince Rui smiled bitterly, "When I reached the second half of Mend Heart, I escaped alone. Now my voice has changed. Even if they come face to face with me now, they won't recognize me. I have been completely cut off from the past. ”

Bai Ruozhu was speechless for a moment. She thought the familiarity at that moment was the familiarity of his back, but now when she looked at him, no matter how she looked at him, there was no sense of familiarity at all.

It can be seen that it is really what the old man Shou Gu said. It is because of the Gu that she feels familiar. Others would not be able to recognize it.

Otherwise, why didn’t Meng Jinse, who was so familiar with him, not see through it?

"I have no other intention, I just want you to keep it a secret for me." Prince Rui said again.

"Why?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

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