Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2965 Is it still too late?

Shanta saved her. She was grateful to Santa and regarded Santa as her best friend. She also hoped that Santa could find the happiness that belonged to him.

But before, Sangta didn't cherish Aosong and never accepted her. When Aosong was in the most danger, it was Xingxing who stood by Aosong, even sacrificing his own life for Aosong. What qualifications did Sangta have to talk about astrology? ?

Sangta looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise, "How long have we known each other? Are you helping that Fuso man?"

"He is my senior brother's younger brother and also my friend. Why can't I help him? Besides, he is lying here just to take care of Aosong." Bai Ruozhu said angrily.

Shanta's eyes were slightly red, and he looked at Aosong again, "I already understand what I mean, is it still too late?"

Just one sentence made Aosong burst into tears. She gritted her teeth and turned away from Shanta's eager gaze, "It's too late, I want to marry an astrologer."

Mrs. Zhong became anxious when she heard this, "Song'er, you are acting out of your own will. You want to save people, but it's not sweet to be stubborn. Mom knows what's on your mind, so just follow what she said. Even if the horoscope is awake, He will also agree with mother’s suggestion.”

Bai Ruozhu felt extremely uncomfortable. She felt unfair for Xing Xing and felt a little sorry for Aosong.

She thought Aosong wouldn't have any feelings for astrology, but she still couldn't let go of Santa, right?

She opened her mouth, but finally closed it. As for the choice, it was up to Aosong, the person involved. If she doesn't like astrology at all and only reluctantly gets married to astrology out of repayment, then even if astrology wakes up, both of them will be miserable throughout their lives.

"Mom, people will change." Aosong smiled a little sadly, and she looked at Shanta again, "I'm not acting on impulse, nor am I thinking of repaying a favor. I know what I'm doing."

"You..." Shanta's face turned red and her eyes were blood red, "You will regret it!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to roll up his sleeves and leave, but was stopped by Gao Deng.

"Aren't you here to help?" Gao Deng asked.

"I'm here to steal the bride!" Shanta yelled, "I didn't even get it, so what else will I do if I don't leave?"

Aosong closed his eyes and shed a few tears, but he didn't look at Shanta again or stop him.

Sangta glanced at her again, with a look of disappointment on his face. He looked at Bai Ruozhu again, with a look of even greater disappointment. Bai Ruozhu knew that Sangta resented him.

He liked Bai Ruozhu at first, more out of admiration and admiration, but he was in love with Aosong without even knowing it, but it was a pity that he noticed it too late.

Both of them were women he had liked, but they both rejected him. If that was the case, why did Aosong come to provoke him in the first place?

Mrs. Zhong still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhong Gui, who shook his head at her. Even when Shanta came to express his love, Aosong didn't change his mind, which showed that no one could persuade her.

Aosong wiped away his tears and forced a smile, "Dad, keep going."

"Okay." Zhong Gui sighed silently, but he was a little relieved in his heart. His daughter had grown up and had her own opinions. She was no longer the naughty girl who climbed trees and played in the mud.

The heads of the three clans announced the start of the ceremony. The Zhong family's wedding was different from the ordinary ones. In addition to worshiping the master of heaven and earth, the couple also needed to exchange blood and sign a blood contract.

This is equivalent to an eternal seal. A man cannot divorce his wife, and a woman cannot ask for reconciliation. They are bound together forever.

Bai Ruozhu felt a little emotional, if there was such a marriage contract in modern times, wouldn't everyone be more cautious when getting married, and the divorce rate wouldn't be that high?

But if we really can't live together, it would be too painful to be tied to each other for life and death.

Fortunately, the women of the Zhong family are not accessories. They will also accept the secrets of the Zhong family, and their strength is also good.

The ceremony was carried out step by step. Mrs. Zhong's eyes were red and swollen from crying, but she could only accept the fact and accepted Aosong's kneeling.

Since Astrology could not kneel down and kowtow, Aosong kowtowed twice on his behalf.

At the last step, the elders of the three tribes took a dark scimitar presented by the elders of the four tribes, cut Aosong and Xingxing's wrists respectively, and then put their wrists together.

Other clan elders came over, and Zhong Gui also came up. Everyone chanted obscure incantations, and the entire wedding hall became mysterious, and a sense of ritual arose spontaneously.

Chushuang showed a solemn look and whispered: "It is a very ancient ritual. I didn't expect that the Zhong family still continues such a ritual."

The Zhong family is not simple, and it has probably been passed down for thousands of years.

After about a quarter of an hour, the ceremony was over. Their wrists were separated. There was no trace of blood on them, and even the wounds were gone!

Bai Ruozhu was very shocked. Even her best ointment did not heal the wound instantly, leaving no scars. This ceremony was indeed not simple.

"The ceremony is completed, the newlyweds enter the bridal chamber!" the elders of the three clans announced loudly.

The servant stepped forward and lifted the soft bag with the horoscope on it, and carried the person out of the wedding hall and back to the room.

Aosong saluted everyone, "Thank you so much, grandpas, for your help. Mom and Dad, you have worked hard too. Song'er will go down first."

"Go." Zhong Gui felt sour in his heart. He had thought more than once about the image of his daughter being dragged away by the groom's officials with red silk when they got married. He thought he would definitely be reluctant to let her go.

But when the day came, the groom could not drag his daughter away. The daughter had to go back to the new house by herself.

Aosong saluted Bai Ruozhu and the others again, thanked them for attending her wedding, and invited them to sit down and eat.

Who is still in the mood to eat? After Aosong left, Bai Ruozhu and the others also saluted and said goodbye to Zhong Gui and went back to their rooms.

"You said Sangta really left?" Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun muttered.

"Let's go, who knows." Jiang Yichun is still not very friendly to Sangta, but today he feels a little sympathy for him, after all, his two passions have no results.

Bai Ruozhu pursed her lips, "I think he will come back. Although he has grievances, he will not ignore what happened this time. He is still very loyal."

Jiang Yichun hummed, "You think highly of him."

"I'm telling the truth. You'll find out when you wait and see. Unfortunately, he has already complained about me." Bai Ruozhu sighed.

"He saved you, but you also saved him once, so it's even, you don't owe him anything. There's nothing wrong with you just now, whether you were helping the bride or not, so don't feel guilty." Jiang Yichun said with a cold face.

Bai Ruozhu burst out laughing, "Are you trying to comfort me? You are so unhappy when you say it so harshly."

"It's not that I'm not willing to comfort you, it's that I'm unhappy that he dares to complain about you. Who does he think he is?" Jiang Yichun said unhappily.


I'm going to Changsha to attend the annual meeting tomorrow. There are a lot of things going on, so there will be less updates. Updates will be resumed on the 21st to compensate everyone~

In addition, Hu Ge, Yang Yang, Pan Yueming and other handsome guys were invited to the annual meeting. I really want to hug them all (nympho face...), just tell me who you want to hug, right?

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