Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3050 Mute Prince

Nero needed time, and Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun couldn't wander around Gaochang City blindly, not to mention that Astrology was still waiting for treatment from the royal family of the Western Regions. The two quickly returned to the palace.

Bai Ruozhu called for the chief chamberlain of the palace and said that she wanted to meet the current person in charge of the royal family.

"Master Bai, I'm afraid it's a bit inconvenient these two days." The chief chamberlain said with a salute.

"We can understand the current situation and are very sad about it, but we also have important matters to discuss on our mission. I wonder who the heir to the royal family is now?" Bai Ruozhu said patiently.

"This..." The chamberlain hesitated.

Jiang Yichun winked at Bai Ruozhu and spoke at the right time: "But His Majesty the King did not leave any edict?"

The king's death was too sudden, so it was normal even if there was no edict, and as far as they knew, the Western Region had not established a crown prince before.

The chamberlain hesitated even more, "I don't know."

If you know, you can only say you don’t know.

"How many princes are there in the palace now?" Jiang Yichun asked from a different angle.

The chamberlain wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke slowly: "The Second Highness is already on his way back to Gaochang. It is estimated that he will be able to return to the palace within two days. In addition, the eldest prince has been resting in the palace. He is not in good health. .”

Bai Ruozhu had some doubts in her heart. What was wrong with being in poor health?

As far as she knows, there are not many princes in the Western Regions, and the tradition of the Western Regions royal family is that princes must be sent to manage the place when they reach adulthood. They cannot return to Gaochang City until the Chinese New Year or the establishment of a heir apparent. So the last time they went to the Western Regions, such a big thing happened. Not a prince was seen.

The king of the Western Regions was still in his prime, so it would not be too late to establish a heir four or five years later.

"Take us to meet the eldest prince." Bai Ruozhu mentioned.

"This..." The chamberlain hesitated, but this was not something he could refuse casually.

Finally, he saluted respectfully and led the way for Bai Ruozhu and the others.

Bai Ruozhu saw the opportunity and gave him a generous reward. The chamberlain looked happy and felt much more relaxed.

"I wonder what disease the eldest prince has? I'm good at medical skills. Maybe I can help him." Bai Ruozhu asked.

Seeing that there was no one around, the chamberlain simply began to speak slowly.

It turned out that the eldest prince was seriously ill when he was a child. He had constant high fever and eventually became ill and could no longer speak.

He said it euphemistically, which probably meant that the eldest prince was so sick with fever that he became mute.

No wonder the eldest prince stayed in the palace, unlike the tradition of the Western Regions.

"I wonder who the eldest prince's biological mother is?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

"It's Empress Li, she passed away a few years ago." the chamberlain replied.

Bai Ruozhu nodded. The eldest prince might be a little lonely and helpless.

Soon they arrived at the palace of the eldest prince. Before they entered, they heard painful cries.

This kind of crying is different from ordinary people's crying. It's like your mouth is covered and you want to cry but you can only make an unclear sound.

"The eldest prince has learned about your majesty..." The chamberlain's voice was choked with sobs, and he raised his sleeves to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Bai Ruozhu asked him to call, and the palace servant inside said something to the eldest prince, and then the crying subsided.

Soon they were invited in, and they saw that the eldest prince had wiped away his tears, but his eyes were red and swollen, and it looked like he had been crying for a long time.

"I've met the eldest prince." Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun saluted together and introduced themselves.

The eldest prince's eyes were dull, and he raised his hands towards the two of them, making a slight ahhh sound, which meant that there was no need to be polite.

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