Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3106 No one can remain innocent

"Great, there must be chaos over there. Even if we forcefully break through the palace's defense formation, they won't have time to take care of it." Zhong Helm said happily.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "We will see the opportunity later and we can exit."

"What about that big formation? Will they have a way to repair it?" Aosong asked worriedly.

Zhong Helm glared at her, "So I asked you to study law with me, but you are not interested. How much manpower and material resources will be consumed in such a large formation? Why do you let that guy Feng Chen watch? There is no room for any mistakes."

He paused and then said: "Once something goes wrong, it will be even more difficult to recover. Even if an expert from outside the world takes action, this formation will lose its initial power."

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, this was for the best. The second prince's plan was ruined, and it would not be so smooth for him to ascend the throne.

After another time of burning incense, Jiang Yichun went out to explore the road, and soon came back to report the news and lead everyone out.

The guards in the palace were not as orderly as before, and people wearing magic robes were seen running around from time to time.

Bai Ruozhu was very curious about the expression of General Feng or the expression of the second prince at this moment, but she would not be so bored that she would go and watch the excitement. The most important thing was to escape unscathed.

When everyone returned to their residence, they were worried that the second prince would be angry and search for them all over the city, so they simply changed their hiding place, this time to the busiest shop in Fangshi.

That was the property that Nero helped Bai Ruozhu settle down. Bai Ruozhu previously only wanted to do business all over the country and make more money, so he just asked Nero to find a shop and be responsible for the business.

But because the prices of shops in the downtown area are high and it is extremely difficult to find resale ones, in the end I only bought this shop that is not very conspicuous in the middle of the downtown area.

Nero thought, isn't there a saying in the Central Plains that goes, "The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley"? Unexpectedly, it would be a good hiding place now.

Everyone's clothes were wet and they all washed up and tidied up when they got to the place. Jian Qi took the secret guard outside to investigate the situation.

When Bai Ruozhu finished packing, he found the eldest prince wandering outside their house, wanting to knock on the door but he was very hesitant.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Jiang Yichun quickly and was sure that her family's talk about him had scared others.

"You want to ask about Yinlu?" Bai Ruozhu drugged Yinlu to make her unconscious, and sent someone to watch her, not allowing the eldest prince to come near her.

The eldest prince nodded vigorously, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Bai Ruozhu to read.

"Why is there blood on Yinlu's body? Did something bad happen to her?"

He is speechless and thinks much more than others, so how can these things be hidden from him who is so thoughtful?

"She is my maid after all. Keep her by my side and let me take care of her." The second sentence reads like this.

Bai Ruozhu suddenly became unhappy. Regardless of whether the eldest prince was Hongshen or not, he should learn to be smarter.

No one can remain innocent and simple forever, let alone these troubled times, how can he survive like this?

"Did you think of something when you saw that I had people watching over her and not letting you get close? Or do you think you trust someone who has been with you for more than ten years more, so I deliberately imprisoned her?" She stared at him coldly. explain.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment, then became nervous and waved his hands vigorously at her to show that he had no intention of doubting her.

"I was almost attacked by her today. She pretended to be crazy and was assaulted to win my sympathy. She almost stabbed me in the chest with a knife! She also admitted in person that she was the disciple of the Gu King of the Western Region and took orders to stay by your side. Even if you are speechless, it has something to do with her." She said word by word.

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