Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3139 A glimmer of hope

"You are avenging your family like this. I wonder what they will think if they know better?" Bai Ruozhu said with contempt in both her tone and expression, "A few years have passed and you haven't made much progress. After all, you can't let go of love. "

Eucommia ulmoides' bookish eyes were red, and she lost her previous composure, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and its fur suddenly exploded.

"Who do you think you are? You harmed my Du family, and I just want to tear you into pieces!"

"It's said that he was either cut into pieces or skinned and cramped. He has no intention at all and only uses his hands and feet to play with ambiguity. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread the word?" Bai Ruozhu continued to sarcastically say.

Du Zhongshu's expression became extremely ferocious, and he suddenly pulled open his clothes, revealing a large number of scars on his body.

"Take a good look at my face and my body. It's all thanks to you. I was bitten by a shark and there was almost no good piece of meat left. Do you know what it feels like to be bitten by a shark? You are unable to fight back. I’m desperate and can’t die, I hate you, I wish I could bite you to death like this!”

Bai Ruozhu saw the medicine bottle in his room before and guessed that he might have a lot of scars, but now that his chest was exposed, she was still shocked.

The injury has completely healed, but the scars are almost all over the upper body. Some new flesh is bulging, and the wounds are winding and irregular, and some places are still red, making it look really hideous and scary.

As a doctor, she was not afraid of these scars, but she was still shocked to see so many scars.

She had seen the scars of burn patients and knew their pain, but the shark bite scars all over the body of Eucommia ulmoides should be no less than burns.

With such a serious injury, why didn't he die?

As a doctor, she sympathized with such injuries, but as an enemy who had already been against him, she should not and would not feel sympathy for him.

"Hahaha, do you think it's ugly or disgusting?" He laughed maniacally. "These scars have been soaked in cold sea water and cannot heal for a long time. They even cracked again and again, and blood flowed everywhere. And now. It has finally healed, but it still hurts and itches, especially on rainy days.”

"Who is this all because of?" His voice suddenly rose, his eyes were red, and he wanted to kill Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu sneered, "It's your own fault. If you hadn't sneaked into my boat and made trouble, how would you have fallen into the sea? Just do some business honestly and live a stable life. Who can force you to get on the boat?"

"Fart!" he roared, "You killed my grandfather, killed my mother, and the Du family was ruined because of this. Why can't I take revenge?"

As he spoke, he suddenly rushed to Bai Ruozhu, pulled her up, and bit her shoulder fiercely like a wild beast.

He just said that he wanted Bai Ruozhu to taste the feeling of being bitten, but he actually did it!

Bai Ruozhu hit him with all her strength, and then used poison, hitting him four or five times in a row before opening him. But he was like a hungry wolf that had bitten its prey. He wouldn't let go until it was beaten to death, and he just tore off a piece of meat from her shoulder!

"Are you a dog? Get away!" Bai Ruozhu also got angry and attacked him fiercely. At worst, if she risked her life, could she still be bitten to death?

"What right do you have to scold me? The strong man feeds you. Now I am not afraid of your poison. I am stronger than you." Du Zhongshu said while fighting back.

The guards outside were worried when they heard the noise, and asked outside the door: "Your Highness, we must protect His Highness's safety."

Du Zhongshu was furious and shouted without looking back: "I told you that no one is allowed to come in. You don't have ears! Get out of here, get away from me!"

The guards were frightened and hurriedly backed away, but they did not dare to go far for fear of something happening in the room.

Bai Ruozhu took advantage of the time and secretly tried to untie the Western Region Fire Silk on her feet. She didn't know how the Western Region Fire Silk was entangled, but she couldn't untie it. The more she pulled it, the tighter it became.

But at this time, she found that Du Zhongshu was fighting with her vigorously, and the hand holding the other end of the silk had loosened. The silk was wrapped around his arm, but not as tight as around her feet, and it looked like it would soon loosen.

Think about it, if the controller is tied to death, how could the previous controller get the silk into his hands?

It can be seen that the silk attack end is locked on the target and it will only get tighter and tighter. The clavicle technique is useless, and Xiao Hei's teeth are useless.

But the controller's end is not tied up, so this is her chance.

"Don't sound like a victim. If your grandfather hadn't tried to monopolize my toothpaste recipe and made a fake deed, he wouldn't have ended up like that. This is his own fault!"

Bai Ruozhu deliberately provoked him, "And your mother, she just heard that you and I were closer, so she hired someone to assassinate me. My second brother was hit with an arrow in the chest and almost lost his life. According to your theory, Shouldn’t I settle the score with your whole family? Your mother will die unjustly in the end, and she will not survive because of her own devastation!"

Although these words angered Du Zhongshu, they have always been what she felt in her heart.

Probably because Du Zhongshu's family values ​​were so strong that he couldn't distinguish right from wrong. It was clear that the family members were at fault first, but he hated her, the person who was forced to fight back.

Therefore, we couldn't get together because of our different views. I didn't expect that we could not be friends, but we would become such hostile enemies.

Every time she thought about the fact that she had just traveled to this world, Du Zhongshu was the first person to cooperate with her and helped her many times, she felt sad and lamented the impermanence of the world.

"My mother has been forced to death, but your second brother is still alive, what qualifications do you have to speak against her?" Du Zhongshu shouted.

What a bullshit theory this is, it’s like a murderer who stabbed someone in the heart, and later died when he was wanted by the police. The injured person was eventually rescued, but the family of the murderer felt that the injured person was still alive. Was it caused by the injured person?

His family members are human beings, but others are not human beings? His family members are innocent when they die, but others who are lucky enough to survive are the murderers of his family members?


The two fought again, and all the furnishings, tables and chairs in the room were knocked to the ground. Fortunately, this was a cold palace, and there was almost nothing there. However, the tables, chairs, and shelves were too old, and they broke into pieces as soon as they were beaten.

Finally, Bai Ruozhu saw a glimmer of opportunity. The silk thread on the Eucommia ulmoides book had completely loosened.

She grabbed the silk and pulled it hard, and then with a thought, the person entered the space.

At this time, she had to hide in space when no one was around.

Unexpectedly, Du Zhongshu didn't react slowly, and he rushed towards the silk control that left him, and finally grabbed a few of the very thin ones.

But this Western Region Fire Silk Silk was extremely strong. Even Bai Ruozhu's hard tugging failed to break the few strands he was holding. The next second, he was also pulled into the space along with the silk thread. !

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