Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3205 Habitual betrayal

Qin'er's face turned blue with anger when she mentioned this matter.

"The day the Turks attacked the city, Chen Xiuxiu invited me out to buy rouge and gouache. Since she was engaged to my brother, I couldn't refuse. Even in the past, she had hinted that she wanted me to give her something, so I didn't mind too much. I think she is my future sister-in-law."

Qin'er continued: "We hadn't been wandering for long when the city gate suddenly opened and the Turks came in. I hurriedly pulled her and ran home. After running for a while, she sprained her foot and said it was too painful to run. Ask me not to abandon her. The maid and I helped her find a hidden alley and hide behind a broken car. I accompanied her and asked the maid to go home to report the news so that my brother could bring someone to pick us up."

"It didn't take long for the Turks to go around killing people and arresting people, especially women. We were so scared. At this time, some Turks searched nearby. She was so scared that she kept trembling and the hosta on her head fell off. It attracted the attention of the Turks.”

Qin'er began to cry as she spoke, "I was also frightened at the time, but she suddenly pushed me out and ran towards the back. I fell to the ground and was immediately caught by the Turks. She ran away and fell Not to mention that my feet hurt, but I was caught after a while.”

Mother Li slammed the table angrily, "If it hadn't been for her, would Qin'er have been in danger? In the end, she actually pushed Qin'er out to use as a shield. She is selfish and has a vicious heart. Such a daughter-in-law in our Li family Don’t dare to marry!”

"I chose the person at the beginning, thinking that the Chen family was a family of scholars. Who would have known..." Father Li shook his head, "But the Chen family is also pitiful. The whole family was actually killed by the Turks, and that girl dared to come crying and seek refuge. We were kicked out.”

It was indeed pitiful that the whole family was killed, so Bai Ruozhu had sympathized with Chen Xiuxiu before, but from the Li family's point of view, if she sympathized with Chen Xiuxiu again, she would have lost her mind.

There is no guarantee that such a selfish woman will cause any trouble.

"Why didn't you say anything when I rescued you?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Qin'er and asked.

Qin'er shook her head hurriedly, "Your Majesty has already taken a risk by saving us. How can I bother you with my personal affairs?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded secretly, this girl is sensible, otherwise she would have gotten into trouble with Chen Xiuxiu at that time.

"Your Excellency asked about Chen Xiuxiu, but have you ever met her?" Father Li is a businessman and is good at observing words and expressions. He guessed a thing or two from Bai Ruozhu's expression.

"We did meet her. She said that her fiancé's family disliked her and was caught by the Turks, so they drove her to the street..."

Before Bai Ruozhu finished speaking, Li's mother yelled angrily: "It's so shameless. Why didn't she say anything about the good things she did?"

Li's father pulled her and signaled her not to get excited. Only then did Li's mother remember that there was an adult here, and smiled at Bai Ruozhu sheepishly.

"I sympathized with her situation, gave her some food, and asked her to hide with me first. I didn't want me to go out to do errands, and when I came back I saw the Turks finding their way there." Bai Ruozhu sneered, "She told the Turks I also said that I would help the Turks ambush me."

Now the Li family was even more angry. The son of the Li family, Chen Xiuxiu's fiancé, who had been silent until now, raised his eyebrows in anger and cursed: "This is so shameless. This is repaying kindness with hatred!"

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him. This man had not spoken before. He was also worried about having a kiss, but his attitude was on the side of family and reason. He was filled with righteous indignation at the moment, but he knew right from wrong.

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