Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3228 More anxious than us

The poison in General Hu is not too rare, but it is extremely poisonous. It can make people bleed from all the orifices in the blink of an eye, and can kill people in less than a cup of tea.

Of course, General Xiang Hu had the internal power to delay the onset of the poison, but he happened to be sleeping soundly when he was poisoned. If Bai Ruozhu's reaction had been slower, it might have been too late to save people.

"Who is it?" Soldiers shouted from outside, and soon someone rushed into the tent.

"General Hu!" the soldier exclaimed, and looked at Bai Ruozhu in the tent with a strange expression. During the day, General Hu was still publicly saying that Bai Ruozhu poisoned the soldiers.

Bai Ruozhu has never seen any big scenes in these years, let alone done nothing wrong, why is she feeling guilty?

She glanced at the two soldiers who came in extremely calmly and said: "Someone just sneaked into the military camp and poisoned General Hu, but don't worry, I have controlled the poison, and General Hu is fine. Mr. Jiang is chasing the spy, You go and check each tent individually to see who is not in his tent, or who just left the tent alone."

The soldier was panicked at first, but seeing her calmly arranging things and looking very calm, his suspicions faded a bit.

Looking carefully at General Hu's face again, even though his face and body were covered with blood, it looked very scary at first glance, but at this moment there was no more blood.

"If we send more people to guard him, I have to give General Hu an injection to detoxify him. We can't be interrupted." Bai Ruozhu said again.

"Yes." A soldier reacted, responded hurriedly, and winked at his companion.

Soon many people in the army were awakened. Two people arranged a search, and one person led several people to guard the tent.

Not long after, Jiang Yichun arrived, and his face turned cold when he saw General Hu's situation. The other party had obviously plotted against them, and the matter could not be let go like this.

"How is it?" Bai Ruozhu asked while inserting the needle.

"I couldn't find anyone. He should be in the military. He is familiar with the terrain. It would be difficult to find him if he got into the tent." Jiang Yichun said.

Ordinary soldiers live in a large tent with more than ten or twenty people, which is easy to hide.

"It doesn't matter. After all, his plot didn't work out, and we are leaving soon. He should be more anxious than us." Bai Ruozhu raised the corner of his mouth. If the other party just wants to cause some trouble for them, there is really no need to do too much. It will be exposed. It's not worth it for me to keep hiding.

And they will return to Beijing soon. If the other party's goal is not achieved, they will always be anxious.

Jiang Yichun nodded and looked at General Hu again, "How is he?"

"Can't die."

As soon as Bai Ruozhu finished speaking, there were the sounds of hurried footsteps outside, followed by the respectful voices of soldiers, "Liu Canjun, you are finally here. Lord Bai is still detoxifying General Hu."

"Who poisoned General Hu? Did you find anything?" Liu Canjun's tone was a little anxious, but his voice was particularly pleasant.

Most of the soldiers in the army are rough and tough, and their voices are loud when they open their mouths. It is rare to find someone with such a good voice as Liu Canjun.

"Still searching, no clues yet." The soldier arrived.

"Who was the first to discover that General Hu was poisoned?" Liu Canjun asked again.

"Li San and I were the first to arrive, but we didn't see the murderer. Mr. Bai arrived before us and was detoxifying General Hu." The soldier seemed to be afraid of offending Bai Ruozhu in the tent, so he spoke very tactfully.

There was silence outside for a few seconds. I don't know what Liu Canjun was thinking. Soon the tent curtain opened and Liu Canjun walked in.

"I've met Mr. Jiang and Mr. Bai." Liu Canjun saluted, and then looked at General Hu, "I wonder if there is a cure for General Hu's poison?"

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