Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 459 She is too confused

Jiang Yichun just looked at Bai Ruozhu in a daze. He wanted to rush over and bite her red lips hard many times, but he held back because he was afraid of waking her up.

At this moment, the little Deng Deng kicked his arms and legs and stared, crying unhappily. The little guy was hungry.

Jiang Yichun planned to avoid talking to Bai Ruozhu, but Bai Ruozhu didn't even open her eyes, she slowly became afraid, and while crawling back, she grunted to express how sleepy she was.

Then she was seen leaning on the bedside, holding little Dengdeng in her arms in a daze, and opened her clothes to let him feed, while she continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

Jiang Yichun was completely in a state of sluggishness. He, he knew how to get up to nurse while sleeping?

At this moment, Bai Ruozhu's hand holding the child slowly slid down a little. The little Deng Deng, who was also feeding in a daze with her eyes closed, was so slippery that she couldn't bite and was about to fall off.

Jiang Yichun was startled, and without caring about being disrespectful, he rushed over, preparing to catch Deng Deng who was about to fall. But at this moment, Deng Deng cried dissatisfiedly, and Bai Deng fell asleep. Ruozhu raised his arm again and pulled him back to the proper position.

And she also put her legs on the bed, just under her arms, so that it would be less likely to fall.

Jiang Yichun was dumbfounded again. His current position was too close to the mother and son. The older one slept with his eyes completely closed and barely stopped snoring. The younger one also slept heavily without opening his eyes, but he still could Breastfeeding one bite at a time.

Uh, suck milk...

With a bang, the fire in Jiang Yichun's heart suddenly surged to Lao Gao. From this angle, he could just see a large area of ​​snow-white skin and most of the white rabbit that made blood flow.

He felt that his whole body was getting hot. Damn it, why did he bother rushing forward? Mother and son liked this way of feeding and sucking milk while sleeping. What was he worried about?

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay for half a quarter of an hour, otherwise he would really turn into a wolf.

He quickly placed a wooden box on the table in the room, jumped out of the room, and carefully closed the window. The moment he closed the window, he saw Bai Ruozhu, who was still sleeping with her eyes closed, moved, hugged Dengdeng and changed directions to breastfeed, and then continued to sleep.

Jiang Yichun almost didn't laugh out loud. How did you practice this? You know how to change directions even when you're asleep. Isn't it amazing? Of course, he knew that she was definitely asleep, otherwise how could she expose her breasts in front of him so naturally?

He closed the window and left helplessly. She was so smart on weekdays, why was she so confused when she fell asleep? Fortunately, he was the only one next to him. If there were others...

Jiang Yichun's eyes darkened a bit. Anyone who dared to sneak into her house would be killed without mercy!

As soon as it dawned the next day, Bai Ruozhu got up refreshed. She was too tired last night. Not only did she feed the milk with her eyes closed, but she finally became conscious and lay back in bed with her baby in her arms. Continue to sleep soundly.

She climbed up from the bed, yawned loudly, and stretched herself very comfortably. From today on, she and her family will start living in Beiyu City. Thinking about it, she can't help but feel a little excited!

While she was excited, she saw a small wooden box on the table and immediately thought that Jiang Yichun had been here last night.

He was going back to Anyuan Town to suppress bandits, so it might be inconvenient to visit her on some days. He came last night but couldn't bear to wake her up. After all, he still felt sorry for her, fearing that she would be too tired to rest well.

Thinking of this, she felt sweet in her heart. She felt that the man she was attracted to was really good and he really liked her.

She got out of bed, walked to the table, picked up the wooden box, opened it, and found a stack of papers inside.

Bai Ruozhu thought to himself: Didn't he write a love letter to her? He was being so romantic, which would make someone like her who doesn't understand romance panic.

With a smile on her face, she opened the paper and discovered that it was not a love letter at all, but a land deed! The vermilion official seal at the bottom stung her eyes. He gave her a village!

Wait, why does this Zhuangzi address sound familiar? Her sleepy eyes, which were still a little sleepy, suddenly opened, with a look of joy in them.

The title deed belonged to no other place, but to the hot spring house he took her to! No wonder he specially added a hot spring bath room, just for her. He had planned to give this hot spring house to her early in the morning!

He didn't wake her up for such a big thing and just put the land deed on the table so casually. Should he be so generous?

Bai Ruozhu complained in her heart, but raised the corners of her mouth. He really doted on her. Knowing that she liked hot springs, he gave Zhuangzi to her so that she could take a bath when she had time.

But the question is, how is she going to get there? It's not good to go secretly by yourself. How can you explain Zhuangzi if you take your family with you? Did you say you bought it yourself? Her parents must talk about her to death. And it was so fake. All the money she had in hand was not enough to buy the hot spring resort.

She carefully put the title deed into the wooden box and put it into the space. She would remember his thoughts firmly.

Soon she was brought back to her senses by the crying of Deng Deng. When she saw that the brat had pooped, she reluctantly changed his diaper and went out of the house to fetch water to wash his butt. Her mother saw this and came over to help. He patted Deng Deng’s bare butt and said cheerfully: “Look at how good Deng Deng is, with all the folds of flesh all over her body.”

Bai Ruozhu instantly thought of the buns. Fortunately, the pleats were horizontal and the legs were as cute as lotus joints.

"It can't be too fat. You have to let him turn over more when he comes back. After a while, he can roll around and let him move more." Bai Ruozhu said.

The two quickly put on Dengdeng's pants. Lin Ping'er rushed to hug Dengdeng and went out. Bai Ruozhu just had time to wash up. Only then did she realize that everyone in the yard was awake, either packing things or helping. Fang Guizhi and Wang Caiyue prepared breakfast together.

Mrs. Laifu's family was a little uncomfortable. After all, the others had been living in the same courtyard for a while. They had just joined in. They didn't know what to do for a while. They were afraid that something inappropriate would offend everyone. Not happy.

Bai Ruozhu walked over and said, "Sister-in-law, I was too tired to clean up the house yesterday. Today you have time to clean up the small room next to it and let me, Aunt Lin, live in it."

It must be inconvenient for Mrs. Laifu and her husband to take their children and squeeze into the same room with their mother-in-law.

Mrs. Laifu blushed immediately. Her family didn't have much ability. How could she be embarrassed to come over and occupy two rooms?

"No, no, this house is bigger than the one we lived in before. It's not crowded at all." She said waving her hands.

Bai Ruozhu knew what she was thinking and immediately gave her a look and said, "Do you have to be so polite to me? It's not like the house is not big enough. What are you embarrassed about? Besides, you don't want to give Niuer a brother as soon as possible. Already?"


Please don’t say that what I wrote is exaggerated. I remember when I was breastfeeding, I was so sleepy in the middle of the night that I slept and breastfed at the same time. My son also slept and ate at the same time, but sometimes he fell asleep sitting down and woke up to find that the sky was empty. All lit up...

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