Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 465 What the eldest lady taught you is

Bai Ruozhu could feel that Mrs. Meng didn't like her very much. She had a vague feeling from the first meeting, but at that time, she only thought that the wife of the city lord was too serious, but now it seems that she really doesn't like her. her.

Mrs. Meng's face became flatter and elongated. She even saw the three old ladies eating fried chicken with their hands, and a look of disdain flashed in her eyes.

Yu Hongxiu nervously put down the fried chicken in her hand, quickly wiped her hands with a handkerchief, stood up and saluted her, "Hello, Madam."

As she spoke, she winked at Bai Ruozhu, signaling Bai Ruozhu to salute quickly.

Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to stand up with Deng Deng in her arms, then blessed her body and said, "Greetings to Madam."

The old lady ignored the eldest daughter-in-law and continued to grab the base of her chicken wing and chew it happily.

"Mom, your teeth are healed? Can't you eat hard food? What if you have toothache again?" Mrs. Meng and Wang Miaoshuang asked with a cold face.

Mrs. Meng also seemed a little unhappy, and said in a bad tone: "The doctor is here, am I still afraid of toothache?"

When Wang Miaoshuang heard this, she became even more unhappy. She glared at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Miss Bai knows her identity. Even if you cure the old lady, you can't mess around in the Meng Mansion. What's the decency of doing such messy things? What impact will it have?" What should I do if the old lady’s body is damaged?”

Okay, people are starting to follow the rules and go online. What can Bai Ruozhu, a small ordinary person, say?

She lowered her head slightly and said, "The eldest lady taught you a lesson."

"Okay, I asked her to cook the food. It's fun to eat folk gadgets, but we don't eat them every day. Besides, there are only a few of us. What's wrong with that? Miao Shuang, you are just too serious." Old Madam Said dissatisfied.

Wang Miaoshuang didn't expect that the old lady would embarrass her in front of outsiders, and said dissatisfied: "Mom, you can't be willful, your body should come first. I'll have these things taken away, so don't speak for them anymore." She pointed to the maid to collect the plates.

"Princess Wang, this is my yard. Do you even care about what I do in my yard? Well, I can't live in this house anymore. Please pack your things for me and return to my old house in the capital tomorrow." The old lady suddenly exploded. She was so hairy that she covered her finger-sucking chicken with both hands and screamed loudly.

Wang Miaoshuang's face was extremely ugly, but she was our noble daughter after all. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"Mom, can't we talk properly? My wife is also concerned about your health."

"Hmph, no need to, just don't piss me off." The old lady said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu and Yu Hongxiu winked at each other. They were really miserable. It would be best if they could escape, but not get involved in the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

In the end, the eldest lady Wang Miao gave a lot of sincere and thoughtful explanations before taking the people away, but until she left, she still couldn't get the finger-sucking original chicken.

As soon as she left, the old lady smiled again and waved to the two of them: "Come here quickly, sit down and continue eating, don't pay attention to her, she is so virtuous."

Bai Ruozhu and Yu Hongxiu didn't dare to answer the conversation, so they just returned to their positions.

The old lady looked at Deng Deng in Bai Ruozhu's arms with a smile, and said, "This kid is very brave. He is not scared to tears by her. My second son is always frightened to tears by her. It's really annoying."

Dengdeng probably knew that she was praising him, so she grinned at the old lady and stretched her little hand towards the fried chicken, as if she wanted to eat it.

"Little guy, you can't eat it. When you grow up, your mother will give you a lot of delicious food." The old lady smiled and took a chicken leg, and deliberately waved it in front of Dundeng, and then put it Entered his mouth.

Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, should this old lady be so willful? She would bully other children too much.

After taking a bite, the old lady became a little unhappy and said, "It's because she was too verbose. She sucked her fingers so hard that the original chicken became cold and unpalatable."

"Don't eat too much of this. Let's wait a few days before making it for the old lady." Bai Ruozhu said hurriedly. She was really afraid that the old lady would ask her to make it again, and if the news would reach the ears of the eldest lady, she would be afraid. It's going to be miserable.

This time the old lady was not willful and asked someone to remove the fried chicken.

"Ruozhu, I have arranged the room for you. Go and see if there is anything you are not used to. If you need anything, just tell Grandma Lu." The old lady said.

Bai Ruozhu said embarrassedly: "I'm just staying for a few days, so I don't have the nerve to work with the old lady and Nanny Lu."

"I asked you to come, so I can't treat you any worse. Go take a look quickly and come over to have lunch together later." The old lady said.

Yu Hongxiu stood up with a smile and said, "I'll go too and see if the old lady is partial."

So the two of them followed Grandma Lu to the guest room arranged for Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu went in and took a look, wondering what else she could be dissatisfied with. It was four times bigger than her house in Houshan Village, and the furniture inside was all the same. It was fully equipped, and there was a cradle next to her bed. On the other side was Su Xiu's screen, something she rarely saw on weekdays. There are also some porcelains placed in Duobao Pavilion, and the overall decoration is very elegant.

"I originally wanted to arrange a vase of flowers for you, but the old lady was afraid that the child would be allergic to pollen, so she didn't do it." Grandma Lu said with a smile.

Bai Ruozhu blessed Grandma Lu and said, "The old lady and Grandma have been thoughtful. This place is very good."

Nanny Lu smiled and said a few words before saying she was going back to resume her life, leaving space for Bai Ruozhu and Yu Hongxiu.

Bai Ruozhu put Dengdeng into the cradle, beat her arm, and muttered: "This brat has gained some weight."

Yu Hongxiu went over and took her arm and said, "Don't worry about what happened just now. The old lady is telling the truth. She looks so serious. She has reprimanded me in public before."

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly made a shushing gesture. She listened carefully, but fortunately there was no one nearby.

Yu Hongxiu stuck out her tongue and lowered her voice, "I'll keep my voice down, but Mrs. Meng is a princess conferred by the late emperor, and the old lady has to give her some face, so she can be so arrogant, otherwise most parents would My daughter-in-law has no reason to show off her power in the old lady’s yard.”

Thinking about the angry look of the old lady just now, Bai Ruozhu sympathized with her, so the daughter-in-law here should not have too high a status. In the future, her family should be careful not to marry a princess or princess.

"Fortunately, the old lady has a good temper and doesn't care about fighting for power. Otherwise..." Yu Hongxiu paused and did not continue the topic.

The two chatted for a while, and then Bai Ruozhu found out that the father of the eldest lady Wang Miaoshuang was the princess of the county. Originally, the daughter could not be made the princess, but when the late emperor was in power, the unmarried Wang Miaoshuang had to be the queen mother. Because of his love, he made an exception and was granted the title of princess.

Bai Ruozhu thought to herself: Could it be that she had won the favor of the Queen Mother by being so serious and serious? Obviously it's impossible, so there must be more to Mrs. Meng than meets the eye.

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