Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 472 Is Dr. Bai not that obsessed with money?

The guard wanted to save some face for the madam and avoid hurting her maid, so he kept his hands on her. But when he saw the madam rushing over, he had to block her to prevent her from rushing in, but he didn't know that she suddenly used a hidden weapon.

At such a close distance, a mechanical device like the Hidden Arrow was very fast. Even when he reacted, he was a step too slow and turned his head to the side. However, a Hidden Arrow still hit his cheek and penetrated deeply. Into the meat.

"Ah..." The guard couldn't help but scream, blood flowed down his cheek, and soon half of his face was stained red.

While the guards were distracted, Wang Miaoshuang rushed into the courtyard with his men and said coldly to his subordinates: "Find out that bitch!"

As a result, they had just taken a few steps when they were surrounded by guards who came after hearing the sound.

"Madam, you can't come in here!" a guard said in a deep voice.

"Why can't I come in? I am the mistress of this house and the princess of the late emperor's personal title. You, a little bodyguard, are the only ones telling me what to do? Get out of my way!" Wang Miaoshuang shouted sternly.

At this time, the guard who was injured by her secret arrow rushed over and said to the leading guard: "This subordinate neglected his duty and let the lady break in."

When everyone saw that he was injured, they immediately understood what was going on, and they all felt a little dissatisfied with the lady. She was obviously a womanizer, why could she be so ruthless and unscrupulous? Injuring the family's guards just to enter the courtyard, doesn't this make these guards who desperately protect the master's family feel heartbroken?

"What nonsense are you talking about, get out!" A loud shout rang out, and Meng Liangsheng walked over from a short distance away. He had an angry look on his face, as if he wanted to eat Wang Miaoshuang alive.

Wang Miaoshuang didn't expect that Meng Liangsheng would tell her to get lost in public. She was the head wife of the city lord's palace, and he would let her down like this!

Just for a bitch|woman who has given birth to a child!

"Why can't I come in? Other women can come in, why can't I? Meng Liangsheng, we have been husband and wife for so many years, don't bully me too much!" Wang Miaoshuang angrily called her husband's name. This was also because she was the Queen Mother's favorite. The princess would not have the guts to leave others alone.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Go back quickly. This is not the place you should be." Meng Liangsheng already understood what his wife had misunderstood. He felt that his old face was a bit embarrassing, but it was difficult to explain in public. There are still so many maids and women. If he If he leaked something that the imperial court wanted to keep secret, then he, as the city lord, would no longer be a leader.

"Are you covering up that woman? Your study is a forbidden area, why would you let a woman from outside come in?" Wang Miaoshuang shouted angrily.

The four doctors over there stopped, especially the female doctor. She looked at the city lord's wife very unhappily and thought, is there something wrong with this woman?

"Hey, I didn't expect that the city lord's wife is still jealous. Ling Shan, you are miserable." One of the doctors said with a smile.

The female doctor known as Ling Shan stomped her feet angrily, "I told you not to reveal my identity! Otherwise I will call you by your name!"

The doctor waved his hand hurriedly: "I will pay attention in the future. No one will hear this."

The tallest doctor said: "Okay, why don't you go and avoid it first, lest the city lord's wife make more trouble."

Ling Shan said dissatisfied: "Why should I avoid it? If I hide, won't she get the wrong idea even more? I'll go over and make it clear."

"No, have you forgotten what I was told above?" the man shouted sternly.

Ling Shan shrank her neck and didn't dare to run and make trouble.

But Wang Miaoshuang didn't stop. When Bai Ruozhu noticed the movement, Wang Miaoshuang and his men were about to start fighting with the guards. She just saw the female doctor with her sharp eyes and said loudly: "Don't think you should change her into black clothes." , I can’t leave if I cover my face again!”

Bai Ruozhu immediately understood what was going on. Wang Miaoshuang wanted to catch her and mistook the female doctor for her. Bai Ruozhu felt a little dumbfounded. Is Meng Liangsheng almost old enough to be her father? His fox son is older than her. This Wang Miaoshuang can really dream.

The guard following Bai Ruozhu whispered to the side: "Doctor Bai, you'd better not go there, lest..." lest the eldest lady cause trouble and get hurt.

Bai Ruozhu knew that the guard had good intentions, so she pointed to the injured guard over there and said, "Let her make trouble, Master Meng will take care of it. You can quietly bring the injured guard over so that I can treat him."

When the guard saw that his companion had been injured by the madam's secret arrow, he felt uncomfortable. Seeing that Bai Ruozhu still cared about them at this moment, he admired Bai Ruozhu even more. He immediately nodded and quietly went over to bring the guard over.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at his wound, checked his pulse, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Wang Miaoshuang was not so mad as to apply poison to his sleeve arrows.

She asked her guard to sit down in the next room. She gave him acupuncture to stop the bleeding and pain, and then carefully pulled out the sleeve arrow. Because there was a hook in the front of the sleeve arrow, the wound on the guard's face was very hideous, and she was afraid that his appearance would be ruined. .

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sigh. Didn't she just want to find out if her husband had cheated on her? Can't you ask your husband about it? Or come to interrogate her directly? Why do you do this to a guard? A good young man was disfigured like this.

"Doctor Bai, how are you?" Another guard asked worriedly.

Bai Ruozhu pretended to take the wound medicine from her sleeve, but in fact, she took the best gold wound medicine from the space with a thought, and poured the powder carefully on the guard's wound.

"There is no fear of life, but I am afraid that this scar will fall. Also, try to avoid this half of the face when drinking and eating recently, otherwise it will leak out." Bai Ruozhu said.

The guard's face was directly pierced by the sleeve arrow. It must be that the arrow was bitten by his teeth, otherwise it would not only be disfigured.

"It's okay, it's nothing for a man to have a scar." The injured guard said, but because of the wounds on his face, his speech was a little unclear.

"Stop talking and pay attention recently." Bai Ruozhu said with a frown. The man started bleeding again when he spoke. Isn't it a waste to wash down the medicinal powder? Her Jinchuang medicine is very expensive to prepare.

The guard was young and said nonchalantly, "I'm fine. I'll be fine in two days."

Bai Ruozhu became angry when he heard this, "You can't understand, can't you? Do you know how much silver it costs to prepare this fine golden medicine? You have to talk and throw away the medicine. It's a waste of money for you." Did you know!"

The injured guard's face turned red. He still wanted to speak, but when he saw Bai Ruozhu's angry eyes, he immediately did not dare to say anything anymore. The guard next to him said hurriedly: "Doctor Bai, don't be angry. I will ask him to pay for your medicine as much as you need."

"One hundred taels!" Bai Ruozhu said politely.

The two guards were dumbfounded. Is it true? Isn't Doctor Bai such a money-obsessed person?

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