Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 506 The pills discovered by Mrs. Li

In the Bai family, the knitting shop has been open for a few days, and the business is not bad. Mrs. Laifu learned some simple accounting methods from Bai Ruozhu, showed Bai Ruozhu the account book she kept, and handed over the money she received these days.

The business was the best on the opening day, because they were all regular customers and basically bought something. For example, Yu Hongxiu ordered a muff. Bai Ruozhu wanted to give it to her as a gift, but she refused to agree, saying that favors are favors and business is Business.

After that, some people also went to Hua Xiangrong to buy small hats for children, and they also ordered them to be made. Mrs. Laifu and Wang Caiyue were the ones rushing to do the work. Then there was the deposit of 10 taels given by Wu Wanqing today. All added up, it was already 200 yuan. That’s as many as sixty taels.

The whole family listened to Bai Ruozhu talking about the accounts and couldn't close their mouths with joy. With such income, do they still have to worry about not being able to gain a foothold in Beiyu City?

Bai Ruozhu calculated it carefully and said: "We have just opened our business, so it would be good if we don't lose money. But we have already covered this month's rent, taxes, and costs, and there is still a surplus, which means it is already very good." , after all, not many people know about our Hua Xiangrong."

Everyone nodded, but Mrs. Laifu said with some worry: "The highest revenue is on the day of opening, mainly from regular customers, but it's hard to keep counting on these regular customers, right?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "So I have a task for you. Let's make a batch of gifts for the New Year. They should be able to highlight the style of our Hua Xiangrong, and also create the brand effect of Hua Xiangrong, and exchange favors during the New Year. Always give gifts, these gifts are our Hua Xiangrong’s sincerity, and they can also serve as advertising for our Hua Xiangrong.”

Bai Zepei was reading and listening casually next to him. When he heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "What is advertising?"

"It's just to advertise it widely. I said it was simplified when I was anxious." Bai Ruozhu stuck out her tongue secretly, but she said she had forgotten it when she was happy.

"Spread the word? This is a good idea." After Bai Zepei finished speaking, he continued to read his book.

Bai Ruozhu glared at him, couldn't she just go back to the house and read a book? Why are you staying here and staring?

"Also, there may be a banquet one month after the Chinese New Year. I will bring Mrs. Laifu with me then, so that you can get to know more customers." Bai Ruozhu turned to Mrs. Laifu and said.

Mrs. Laifu nodded hurriedly. In the past, she followed Bai Ruozhu to see Mrs. Ding and felt that she had learned a lot. This time she would definitely learn from Ruozhu.

But she was a little nervous. Can she do well in those ladies' banquets? Wouldn't it embarrass Ruozhu?

"Then they invited us, should we also have a banquet?" Lin Ping'er thought for a while and asked.

"Mom, you may need more ingredients when the time comes. It depends on the situation." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay, I will prepare all the ingredients in the past few days." Lin Ping'er nodded and said.

The family had a lively discussion about what small items to give away, and finally decided to make a batch of hand warmers, with Hua Xiangrong’s logo hooked in the middle. Fortunately, the logo was not too troublesome, it was a peony flower in full bloom. The pattern also looks rich and noble.

The Bai family are all do-it-yourself characters. That night everyone discussed the color pattern, the color of the lining fabric, and started making it.

Bai Ruozhu was very happy to see that her family members were so motivated, but instead of hooking up the muff, she picked up a pen and ink and started sketching.

She drew some simple patterns, such as gloves that could be hooked, long scarves to tie around the neck, and even half-sleeves and jackets that could be worn outside clothes. Guests can choose different patterns, or embellished with beads and jade, depending on the customer's needs.

She plans to make a picture album to show to customers who come to the store, and will also make some samples so that customers can refer to the actual products.

While the Bai family was busy celebrating the New Year, guests came from Anyuan Town. It was Mr. and Mrs. Li.

Mr. Li came directly to the house and said he asked Mr. Xie. Mrs. Li looked much better, but her eyes were still a little gloomy.

Bai Ruozhu felt Mrs. Li's pulse, and then said with a smile: "Most of the poison has been cleared away, faster than I thought. I will prescribe some side medicine. You insist on taking it for half a month and then take a look."

Mrs. Li nodded and said gratefully to Bai Ruozhu, "Thank you, otherwise my life would be wasted."

Mr. Li also thanked Bai Ruozhu, and then he went to reminisce with Bai Zepei. Mrs. Li quietly winked at Bai Ruozhu, meaning that she had something to say to Bai Ruozhu alone.

Bai Ruozhu understood and led her to her room.

"Miss Bai, can you help me see what this is?" Mrs. Li saw the door closed and quietly took out a small porcelain bottle from her arms. When she opened it, there were five or six small black pills inside.

Bai Ruozhu smelled something was wrong the moment she opened the bottle cap. When she saw the pill, she immediately snatched the cork from Mrs. Li's hand and capped the bottle.

"Where did you get this?" she asked, staring at Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li was shocked and said, "Is there really something wrong with this thing? I found it in my mother-in-law's house."

"Don't keep this stuff. Women can't smell it all the time, otherwise they won't be able to conceive, let alone take it." Bai Ruozhu said with a frown.

"What? Is it because of this that I haven't been pregnant in the past few years?" Mrs. Li immediately became nervous and stretched out her hand to Bai Ruozhu, "Doctor Bai, please help me take another look to see if I can't have children in the future. Have a child?”

She said her eyes were red. Since she gave birth to her little daughter, her stomach has not moved for several years.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "Don't think too much. Apart from the chronic poison, you have never taken this pill or inhaled this gas. I just checked your pulse and paid attention to your condition. As for you not having it in a few years? Being pregnant may be a matter of fate."

Mrs. Li breathed a big sigh of relief, "Fortunately, that's probably because I'm overthinking." She said with a look of shame and said, "What happened last time made me have some scruples, so I arranged it in front of my mother-in-law." I know this is not good, but I don’t want to put myself in danger anymore, and I don’t want my child to lose his mother at a young age.”

Bai Ruozhu nodded. She could understand Mrs. Li's thoughts. It was good that Mrs. Li did not seek revenge against her mother-in-law.

"Our yard was cleaned and checked before, but my mother-in-law didn't check too carefully. Later, the maid said that there was a bottle of pills in her house, and she didn't know what they were used for. I didn't see the old lady taking them. I felt that I was afraid, so I asked the maid to steal some in the past two days, because there are a lot of them in one bottle, so I don’t think she would notice."

"Have you seen other doctors?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Mrs. Li shook her head hurriedly, "I didn't dare to find anyone else. If it's really bad, it would be detrimental to my master if the news spread."

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