Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 509 Hua Xiangrong was swept away

Mrs. Li also wanted to go to Hua Xiangrong, but a table full of women went to Hua Xiangrong. Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but laugh when she saw the battle. She had attracted so many customers to the shop at once, Lai Fu's wife Will you be scared out of your wits?

For the sake of convenience, a group of ladies simply divided themselves into three carriages. The unused carriages would follow later and they could just wait at the intersection of Hua Xiangrong.

Bai Ruozhu and Yu Hongxiu were pulled into a car by Mrs. Li, and the eloquent Mrs. Gao was also in the car.

When the carriage drove away, Mrs. Gao raised her thumbs at Bai Ruozhu, "Ruozhu, you are really capable. You are also good at treating doctors and opening a shop. You handled Mrs. Sun's matter just now very well. Otherwise, she would be worried when she goes back." It’s lumpy.”

Yu Hongxiu also held Bai Ruozhu's hand and said, "Yes, I don't even know what to do."

Bai Ruozhu gave her an angry look, "How is that possible? You are such a smart person, and you are praising me so hard."

Yu Hongxiu laughed and said to Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Li: "You don't know that Ruozhu took care of my body before I got pregnant. She also took care of my severe morning sickness before. In addition, she took care of me." Her cooking skills are very good, and I have to go to her house to have dinner whenever I have nothing to do."

Mrs. Li had known Bai Ruozhu for a long time, and was introduced by Yu Hongxiu at that time. Naturally, she knew that Bai Ruozhu had cooked for the Xie family. She couldn't help but think that she had thought that Bai Ruozhu was just a cook. How could she be so blind? What's up?

Could it be that I have become short-sighted after spending too much time in a small place?

While Mrs. Li secretly blamed herself for being blind at the time, she also thought that she would have to let her husband return to the capital to take up a post in the future. The capital was the most prosperous place in Danliang Kingdom.

Bai Ruozhu was a little embarrassed to be praised by Yu Hongxiu, and Mrs. Gao was also very surprised and asked: "By the way, I heard that Mrs. Meng found a woman to treat her teeth, and said that the woman had good cooking skills. Is it Ruozhu?"

Yu Hongxiu nodded hurriedly and said, "It's Ruozhu. The old lady likes her very much. The hairpin on her head was given by the old lady."

Mrs. Gao was filled with envy when she saw it. It was indeed a top quality product. She was also very lucky to have met this Bai Ruozhu today. Maybe he would soar to the sky one day.

Soon the car arrived at Hua Xiangrong, and a group of female relatives got out of the car and entered the store. As expected, Mrs. Laifu was frightened. There were so many people here now, and she couldn't say hello to them.

Fortunately, these ladies came here after having had enough food and drinks, and they didn't want to use the tea or snacks. Otherwise, even if Bai Ruozhu came to help, she would have been busy for a while.

The ladies were wandering around the store looking at the samples on display. Some couldn't help but reach out and touch them, saying with emotion: "Although it's not as smooth as silk, it's still soft and comfortable, and there are many patterns. It's really good." .”

Seeing that they were fascinated, Bai Ruozhu took out a picture album for them to see, such as trousers and half-sleeves. She even took a long crocheted scarf and demonstrated on the spot several ways to wear it. Wear.

As a modern person, Bai Ruozhu had seen many pictures, texts or videos of how to tie a scarf in her previous life. In addition, she has a good memory and has memorized many ways to tie a scarf, so when she demonstrated it, she immediately impressed all the ladies. We were so obsessed that in the end almost everyone wanted to buy a scarf. As a result, there were only three scarves in stock in the store, and the ladies had to fight over it for a long time.

In the end, Bai Ruozhu intervened and said, "Mrs. Li is the host today. Can I give this scarf to Mrs. Li first?"

After hearing this, everyone agreed one after another. How could there be any reason to immediately refuse to accept the meal after eating someone else's meal?

"As for the remaining two, let's draw lots and compare our luck. Just come to my place to play a little game. As for the madam who didn't get the scarf, don't be angry. You can order it today. I promise to work overtime to make it for you. . And you can choose the pattern and color you prefer when ordering," Bai Ruozhu said.

Everyone thought her proposal was good and agreed.

Then Bai Ruozhu found some bamboo sticks, broke off two of them, mixed them up and held them in his hands, and asked everyone to take one. The one who drew a shorter piece was naturally the winner of the scarf.

Soon, the lottery was over. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Sun actually won one of the numbers. This made her extremely happy. She was originally unhappy because she had lost face today, but now that she had won, it meant that she was lucky. Could she not are you happy?

The other one was drawn by a lady whose husband's family did not have a high official position. She was also very happy and immediately bought the scarf. Mrs. Sun finally came to her senses and hurriedly paid the money, as if she was afraid that if she paid late, the scarf would no longer belong to her.

Then these ladies swept Bai Ruozhu's shop. When they left in twos and threes, Bai Ruozhu smiled bitterly with the money she received. Her shop was almost empty, and she also received a large order. There were more later. busy!

Mrs. Laifu also smiled and frowned at times. She was happy to earn a lot of money, but at the same time she was worried about the big job ahead.

"Let's not continue to open the store. Let's close the store and go home to catch up on work. The stores are empty anyway, and we can't keep busy even if we take orders." Bai Ruozhu said helplessly.

Mrs. Laifu hurriedly took the account book, then gave Bai Ruozhu all the money and deposit received today, closed the shop and went home.

Yu Hongxiu was not in a hurry to leave and wanted to go to Bai Ruozhu's house to play, but when she saw that Bai Ruozhu was very busy, she said goodbye with a smile.

After returning home, Bai Ruozhu told everyone about today's situation. Everyone became happy, but Bai Ruozhu said with a bitter face: "It's worrying that the business is good, otherwise we hire two small workers. .”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Laifu immediately shook her head, "No, no, don't you mean that someone has learned your craftsmanship and wants to steal business from us? What if we hire someone and they arrange for a spy to come in and secretly learn our craftsmanship?" What should I do? Or what if someone poaches me after I’ve almost learned it?”

This is also a problem. Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said: "Then first buy a hard-working maid, one who can sign a death contract, and you won't be afraid of her being poached."

"Then if she is bribed, she will not be able to prevent her from spreading her crochet skills." Lin Ping'er said worriedly.

Bai Ruozhu laughed and said, "Don't think so much now. Just buy a maid back and let her spin thread first. If you trust her later, we will talk about it later."

The family members all nodded, and that was all they could do.

"The top priority now is to make some samples, otherwise it will be difficult to open the shop. Let's divide the work and start working now." After Bai Ruozhu said this, he divided the work for everyone.

Fortunately, the samples are mainly small items such as caps, muffs, girdles, and gloves. It is not time-consuming for experienced hands to make them. However, Bai Ruozhu requires that the patterns must be exquisite. Otherwise, how can Hua Xiangrong's level be reflected and how can she compete with her competitors? ? ——

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