Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 511 Isn’t she dreaming?

"Madam really guessed that when her mother was still alive, she owed her uncle's family a lot of money, so even if her uncle wanted to sell her, the village chief wouldn't be able to stop her." Ge Yapo said next to her.

At this time, it is important to pay the debts of the father and the son. Even if her mother dies, she will have to repay the debts.

Bai Ruozhu stared at the mute girl without saying a word. The mute girl cried for a long time. Finally, she raised her head to look at Bai Ruozhu and nodded vigorously, indicating that she could do what Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay, I'll buy her. What's her name?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Ge Yapo showed joy and said: "My name is Zhaodi. Her family is still hoping to have a boy, but they don't want her father to get seriously ill and die early. As for what she will be called in the future, it's not you who has the final say?"

Bai Ruozhu has always felt that calling a woman Zhaodi or Laidi is a very helpless name, as if she exists just to have a boy in the family, so she doesn't like such names.

"Call it wintersweet, it can bloom beautifully even in the coldest winter." Bai Ruozhu said lightly.

The mute girl looked at Bai Ruozhu blankly, her eyes gradually regaining her vitality. She nodded gratefully to Bai Ruozhu, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly kissed Bai Ruozhu according to the rules.

Then Bai Ruozhu asked Ge Yapo about the price. As expected, Ge Yapo was a man of his word and gave Bai Ruozhu a preferential price. Bai Ruozhu liked her and rewarded her with three pieces of silver, saying that she would come to buy her in the future. she.

Ge Yapo was very happy to go through the formalities with Bai Ruozhu, and gave Bai Ruozhu the deed of sale of wintersweet.

On the way back, Bai Ruozhu asked Lamei to get on the carriage. Lamei was hesitant. It seemed that the rule she knew was that servants could not ride in the carriage. Bai Ruozhu was helpless and said, "You have to serve me in the carriage, what's the use of you down there?" "

Only then did Lamei get into the car.

"There are many people in my family, but I don't need you to take care of them all. They are not used to being taken care of by others. You can go back and learn to spin and help me spin every day. In addition, I have a cousin who is a poor person. Now There is something wrong with her brain and she needs someone to take care of her on weekdays. You will be responsible for taking care of her from now on." Bai Ruozhu told Lamei carefully.

"Just wash her face and hands in the morning and evening, watch her eat a little bit while eating, and don't let anyone scare her. You don't have to be polite to control your food and drink every day. I have enough food at home, and every quarter I will make you two sets of clothes, and you will receive one or two taels of silver every month, which will increase if you perform well in the future. Do you have any opinions?" Bai Ruozhu said again.

Lamei shook her head hastily. She felt that these were really nothing. Spinning was too easy for her. It was much less work than what she had done at home before. She also took care of clothes and moon silver. She was not here. Dreaming?

Bai Ruozhu looked at her silly look and couldn't help but laugh, "You can save the Yueyin as soon as you take it. It will be your own dowry in the future. By the way, I don't know how old you are yet."

Lamei made a good gesture with her hands. She was only fifteen years old.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, saying there was still a few years left before the wedding, so there was no rush.

"Open your mouth and let me see if your condition can be cured." Bai Ruozhu said.

Lamei looked a little embarrassed, as if she was particularly shy with her mouth. Bai Ruozhu did not rush her, but said softly: "I am a medical student, maybe there is a way to make you speak again."

Only then did Lamei open her mouth. Unfortunately, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but shake her head after looking at it. This girl was so cruel at the time. It's really difficult to cure a bite like this.

When Lamei saw her shaking her head, she knew there was no hope. She looked depressed. The lady was right before, she shouldn't have given up so easily.

"Don't be sad. I'll find a way to treat you. Even if you can't speak again, you can still make some vague sounds." Bai Ruozhu said.

Soon they arrived at Bai's house. Bai Ruozhu brought wintersweet in. The family members were all curious and came out to watch the fun. Lin Ping'er was afraid that she would not be able to control her servants without the majesty of her master, so she glared at them, telling them not to be so casual.

"Father, mother, this is the maid I bought back. Let's call her Wintersweet from now on. She is responsible for taking care of Ruolan and helping with spinning. Let's live in a room with Ruolan first." Bai Ruozhu said.

Lamei was a little nervous and hurriedly hugged Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong. She opened her mouth but only made two sounds.

"Wangmei injured her tongue and can't speak. Please be more considerate in the future." Bai Ruozhu explained hurriedly.

Lamei smiled gratefully at Bai Ruozhu. The lady did not say that she bit her tongue and committed suicide, which saved her a lot of face.

Bai Ruozhu then introduced her family members, and Lamei saluted everyone respectfully. Then Bai Ruozhu took her to see Bai Ruolan. She took Bai Ruolan's hand and said, "Ruolan, can I let Lamei take care of you in the future?" "

Bai Ruolan was still very attached to Bai Ruozhu, and immediately grabbed her sleeve and shook her head vigorously. Lamei was nervous beside her, fearing that the master's cousin wouldn't like her and she wouldn't be able to stay.

Bai Ruozhu touched Bai Ruolan's hair, helped her smooth the messed up hair, and said, "I have a lot of things to do, so I can't stay with you every day. You need to be sensible when you grow up, okay? Look at Deng. They are very good at pedaling."

Bai Ruolan thought for a while and nodded reluctantly. She was really like a five or six-year-old child now, and even talked less than a five- or six-year-old child.

Lamei breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to help Bai Ruolan, but Bai Ruolan shook her away in horror and hid behind Bai Ruozhu.

"Don't touch her yet. Take your time. She will need to adapt little by little." Bai Ruozhu said.

Lamei nodded, indicating that she understood.

Bai Ruozhu then led Lamei to Aunt Lin and asked her to spin with Aunt Lin, because Lamei knew how to spin and quickly got started.

Aunt Lin was greatly relieved when she saw someone helping to spin the thread. She smiled and said to Bai Ruozhu, "It's better now. I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with your progress."

"Aunt Lin, please rest more in the future and don't be too busy spinning. If you are too busy, we will buy another maid, so we can't tire you out." Bai Ruozhu said to Aunt Lin with a smile.

"That won't work. You're good enough to us, and I'm not too old to move. I can't become a freeloader." Aunt Lin hesitated, as if she couldn't do anything without working.

Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to let her go. Anyway, they only had to light oil lamps at night, and they were not allowed to work after dinner to avoid hurting their eyes.

When Bai Ruozhu left Aunt Lin's room, Lin Ping'er pulled her aside and asked, "Why did you buy a mute on purpose?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed and cried, this really happened to her. She felt that the condition of the wintersweet was suitable for buying it home. She then told her about the wintersweet story in a low voice. Her mother was a soft-hearted person. She wiped her tears after hearing this and said, "I'm so sorry for this child. I'll find some clothes and shoes for her, and look at her toes." It’s all exposed.”

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