Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 516 If you want to look good, don’t be afraid of pain

In fact, Bai Ruozhu's smile was not that creepy, it was even quite bright and friendly, but Du Fuling was scared now, as if Bai Ruozhu was going to eat her.

"You, don't mess around!" Du Fuling's lips were trembling a little.

"Sit down and relax. This hasn't even started yet and you're already so scared. How can I pick you up?" Bai Ruozhu pointed to the chair next to her and asked Du Fuling to sit down so that she wouldn't have to wait for a while. When it hurts, I can fall to the ground and roll around.

Bai Ruozhu smiled evilly in her heart, wasn't Du Fuling afraid? Then let her be more afraid!

She held Du Fuling's chin with one hand, told her to open her mouth, and then began to use a handkerchief dipped in water to clean the location of her broken tooth. When no one else noticed, she held the fingers of Du Fuling's chin. After just a few clicks, it was as if nothing had been done.

She knows a set of acupuncture methods that can help people relieve pain, and naturally also knows which acupuncture points can increase people's pain. Of course, she has not planned to make Du Fuling really painful to death, so she does not need acupuncture and can achieve the effect with her fingers. .

Then she started to clean Du Fuling with strong liquor. Du Fuling opened his mouth and shouted vaguely: "Why are you giving me a drink? It stinks!"

Bai Ruozhu frowned, "Do you still want treatment? Liquor has a cleaning and sterilizing effect, so don't scream if you don't understand. If you always talk and move around, what will happen if your teeth become crooked later? Or you If you were injured by tampering with the tool, do you still want me to be responsible?"

Mrs. Meng couldn't stand it anymore and said unhappily: "If you want to look good but are afraid of pain, then just don't accept it. I've never seen you looking at a doctor like this. Are you too squeamish?"

Du Zhongshu made a serious face and said: "Poria, please stop talking and listen to Doctor Bai's instructions."

Bai Ruozhu took a quick look at Du Zhongshu and called him "Doctor Bai". Does this mean that he is no longer a friend from now on? She sneered in her heart, since when Du Zhongshu and Mr. Du stood aside to plot against her, she could no longer regard Du Zhongshu as a friend.

Du Fuling did not dare to speak any more. She followed Bai Ruozhu's instructions and opened her mouth, but she did not dare to close her eyes for fear that Bai Ruozhu would do something to her, so her big eyes were filled with tears. of fear.

"Try to make your mouth as big as possible. You are the front teeth. Raise your head as much as possible. It will be easy for me to operate." Bai Ruozhu muttered, "If you want to be beautiful, don't be afraid of pain. What are you doing? I heard that some people want to be beautiful." Double eyelids require surgery, and some people have to point their chins to remove the bones, which is called pain."

Du Fuling wanted to ask if such a thing really happened? But she couldn't speak because Bai Ruozhu had already put the needle-nose pliers into her mouth.

"Ah..." Du Fuling screamed, and after one scream, she screamed a series of times, opening her mouth and shouting: "Ah... it hurts me to death..."

Her sudden shouting frightened everyone in the room. The old lady sighed directly, why did she let people treat her in her room? She originally wanted to watch the excitement, but it turned out to be like watching a pig being slaughtered. Come on.

"Does it hurt that much? There's no bleeding, and the root of the tooth is still there, so it's not an extraction." The old lady muttered, becoming even more unfavorable to Du Fuling.

Bai Ruozhu secretly chuckled inwardly as she operated. Of course it didn't hurt anymore, but she just amplified Du Fuling's pain.

She ignored Du Fuling's screams, cleaned the broken tooth that was relatively well preserved, and then clamped it on the root of her tooth. Because the clip would touch the gums next to it, Du Fuling screamed again.

This time she moved and knocked off the broken tooth held by Bai Ruozhu. The broken tooth fell to the ground and rolled far away.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly ran over and clamped the broken tooth back with tweezers, then glared at Du Fuling and said, "Can you still catch it? If you moved around like that just now, the tooth would fall into your stomach and it would be fine if it didn't get stuck on you. Where can I find suitable teeth at this moment? Do you want to install a dog tooth?"

Du Fuling started to cry and said while crying: "You must have done it on purpose. Can't you give me acupuncture to relieve the pain? Why don't you give me pain relief? You just want me to be in pain, right?"

Bai Ruozhu rolled his eyes at her and said confidently: "Sister, you are trying to connect a tooth. Acupuncture relieves pain by temporarily paralyzing the nearby nerves. Your area is paralyzed and you cannot move freely. If the tooth is not connected well, there is nothing wrong with it. What should I do if it falls off again after two days?”

"Who has nothing to do all over again? Besides, the broken tooth needs to be drilled, and you can't reattach it repeatedly. It must be done in one go." Bai Ruozhu said again with a straight face.

Needless to say, Du Fuling was sobbing and didn't dare to talk nonsense. If she couldn't pick it up, she would suffer in vain. Maybe her front teeth would be missing forever, or maybe she would be given a dog tooth? It's not enough to make her sick!

Bai Ruozhu saw that she had calmed down and continued to fix her teeth, because she had to drill holes in the teeth and roots to fix them, but she didn't have a dentist's electric drill in her hand, which was not easy to operate at all, which made her a little worried.

It happened that Du Fuling couldn't help but hide back when she was in pain. She took the opportunity to say: "No, she is always moving and can easily get sideways. Madam, can you help me ask a guard named Xu Xing to come over?" Help?"

The old lady gave Du Fuling a disgusted look and immediately asked someone to call Xu Xing. Bai Ruozhu took advantage of the time to wash her hands, sat aside to rest and drink tea, and rubbed her waist pretending to be very hard.

"It's not easy to pick someone's teeth, especially if you encounter someone who is uncooperative." The old lady couldn't help but sigh.

Bai Ruozhu was drinking tea leisurely, while Du Fuling covered her mouth and cried in grievance, and poked at Bai Ruozhu with her eyes from time to time. Mrs. Meng couldn't help but feel angry when she saw this. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to adjust. The relationship between the eldest lady and Bai Ruozhu also gave the Du family face. Who knew that the treatment would also cure an enemy? This girl from the Du family is too ignorant.

From this moment on, Mrs. Meng had a dislike for the Du family, which even affected many things in the future. It was a pity that Mr. Du did not expect this result, otherwise he would have slapped himself hard.

Not long after, Xu Xing rushed over. Bai Ruozhu asked him to clean his hands, and then explained to him how to do it.

"You have internal strength. Later I will ask you to use a tool to drive the steel nails in. You must use your internal strength to drive them in quickly and accurately." Bai Ruozhu handed the pliers to his hand.

She herself took tweezers to align the broken tooth with the root incision, and then signaled to Xu Xing that she was ready.

Xu Xing was very nervous and said at a loss: "Doctor Bai, I have never seen anyone's teeth before. What should I do if I don't use my strength enough? Will her teeth be shattered?"

As soon as he said this, Du Fuling was so frightened that she started to cry again.

Bai Ruozhu ignored Du Fuling, gave Xu Xing an encouraging look, and said, "It doesn't matter, just use less force first, even if it goes in slowly, the other hand must hold her head, and you can't let it go." She moved around."

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