Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 521 Designed to make him come out to find her

On the morning of the departure, Bai Ruozhu fed Dengdeng in his sleep again, then reluctantly kissed his little face, put him back in bed and continued to sleep. He got dressed, carried a small bag and walked out of the house. .

"Ruozhu, pay more attention to your health outside. If you need anything, don't worry about yourself." Bai Yihong said uneasily.

Bai Ruozhu forced a smile and said, "Dad, this is not the first time I have traveled far away, so don't worry."

"Last time, your second brother was with us. This time, you are going alone. Can we rest assured?" Lin Ping'er muttered dissatisfiedly.

Bai Ruozhu smiled bitterly, feeling that the second brother looked more stable, which reassured his parents.

"Mom, it's just a day's journey to the clan leader's grandpa's house, so don't worry." Bai Ruozhu said and winked at her mother to prevent others in the family from seeing anything.

It's not that Bai Ruozhu doesn't trust them, it's that people talk a lot and it would be good for them to know less.

Bai Zepei personally sent Bai Ruozhu to "Meng's Mansion". In fact, he asked Wei San to drive Bai Ruozhu to the alley of Meng's Mansion, then Bai Ruozhu got off the car, and then asked Wei San to drive Bai Zepei to the academy, so that his parents would be together in the future. She really went to the Meng Mansion, and someone from the Meng Mansion arranged her trip.

On the carriage, Bai Zepei handed Bai Ruozhu a copper waist badge and whispered: "Mr. Meng gave it to me. If you need help, you can go to the government for help."

Bai Ruozhu showed gratitude, "Thank you, second brother. I also ask second brother to thank Master Meng on my behalf."

Bai Zepei couldn't help but rub her head and said reluctantly: "Remember what you said, take good care of yourself. If you meet a bad person, whether he uses poison or kills, you must protect yourself first. There are other things to do." Second brother will help you carry it."

Bai Ruozhu finally couldn't help crying. The second brother was so smart that he knew that she would use poison, but he couldn't help but hate her. He even told her that she could kill someone to protect herself, and he would protect her.

She went to hold her second brother's arm, leaned her face against him, and cried, "Second brother, you are so good."

"How old are you? Your tears and nose are all on me. Go away!" Although his tone was disgusting, there was a faint smile on his face.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the alley of Meng's Mansion. Bai Ruozhu asked Wei San to stop the car and said, "It's getting late. Just send it here. You can send my second brother to the academy quickly. Don't be late."

Wei San glanced at Bai Ruozhu and found that the eldest lady's eyes were a little red. He thought it was probably because the weather was too cold and the cold wind blew her eyes red.

Bai Ruozhu waved goodbye to her second brother in the car and watched the carriage disappear from sight. She turned around and left with a long stride. She found a deserted alley, quickly changed into a coarse cloth blouse, and then took a small mirror to look at herself. As she started painting her face, she soon seemed to have changed into a yellow-faced village woman who looked to be in her thirties.

She looked at herself in the mirror. If someone she didn't know very well looked at her from close range, they probably wouldn't recognize her. Then she hired a carriage and drove all the way to Anyuan Town.

Because she was thinking about Jiang Yichun's comfort, she didn't choose to go to the store to rest at noon. She simply ate some dry food and asked the coachman to continue on her way. In the evening, she arrived at Anyuan Town.

She paid off the money to the coachman, walked around the market, and soon hired another carriage and headed towards Xuantian Mountain.

Xuantian Mountain can be regarded as a barrier between the Danliang Kingdom and the Turkic Kingdom. One side of the mountain is the territory of the Turkic Kingdom, and the other side is the territory of the Danliang Kingdom.

At nightfall, Bai Ruozhu finally arrived at Tianshan Town, the most prosperous town at the foot of Xuantian Mountain. This town was very similar to Anyuan Town, but the terrain was very different.

Bai Ruozhu asked the coachman to take her to an inn in the town. She paid the coachman and checked in at midnight.

She was lying on the cold bed of the inn, thinking of her lovely son Xiao Dengdeng again and again. He was already asleep at this time, right?

She would also think about Jiang Yichun's situation, but she couldn't help but think about it, making herself even more uncomfortable.

No matter what, she had to cheer up. There were still many things to deal with, and she needed to keep a clear mind to analyze all the situations.

She blew out the candles in the room, made the quilt look like someone was sleeping inside, and then entered the space with a thought.

She washed her face with water from the pond and instantly felt much more awake. She went to the pond to catch fish and grilled them. Although she had no appetite, she had to maintain good physical strength.

She came alone. It would be extremely difficult for her to find Jiang Yichun. Otherwise, wouldn't those who are looking for Jiang Yichun be in trouble?

So she decided on the plan from the beginning. Instead of going to Jiang Yichun, she found a way to get Jiang Yichun to come to her.

She had an intuition that although Jiang Yichun was seriously injured, it was not enough to kill him. However, he was injured and there was something that threatened his safety. It was not convenient for him to sacrifice himself easily, and he could not even leave the vicinity of Xuantian Mountain easily.

Also, based on her understanding of Jiang Yichun's hiding places in the past, he likes to hide in busy cities, which is often unexpected.

So starting from tomorrow, she would be full of energy and lure Jiang Yichun to come to her in person.

After eating a fragrant grilled fish, Bai Ruozhu felt much more comfortable. She lay on the ground in the space, and her head became clearer and clearer.

So many people were looking for Jiang Yichun, but he didn't show up. Either he was unconscious and couldn't show up, or there was something that prevented him from showing up.

If he was seriously injured and unconscious, someone must have saved him. Now that the government is looking for someone like this, if the other party has no trouble, they should hand him over to the government. Therefore, the second scenario is more likely, and the thing that makes him dare not show up easily may be that there is a traitor in the General Affairs Department, or even that person's position is not low!

Bai Ruozhu's eyelids twitched. If that were the case, would she appear in front of others and let someone use her to wait and see?

She sat up suddenly, no, her battle plan had to be adjusted.

Before noon the next day, news came out from Tianshan Town that a famous female traveling doctor passed by this place and said that she had a connection with this place. She wanted to provide free medical treatment to the people in the town. Not only did she not charge a penny, she would also give some herbal medicine to the patients. It was simply It is the living Bodhisattva in the world.

"Did you see that female tourist doctor named Zhu Hua doing a consultation? My son has been coughing for the past two days and wants to go to the female tourist doctor for help." A woman took her six or seven-year-old son with her. another woman asked.

"It's at the food market entrance on the west side. Go quickly. There's a long queue." The woman in question couldn't stop as soon as she opened her mouth. She said excitedly: "Doctor Zhuhua is such a good person. I heard that she He is a disciple of an immortal, and he was reincarnated to heal the illnesses of ordinary people."

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