Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 527 Finally found him

Bai Ruozhu also followed behind, constantly thanking the people on both sides, showing no anger or fright at all, as if he was just going to the Yamen for a formality.

After sending the person to the official, Bai Ruozhu raised his hands to the people who were following him and said, "Thank you everyone, these little frog thieves can't hurt me yet. Don't worry, go back and rest quickly."

Most of the night, they only got excited when they saw the gangsters getting excited. Now the three people have been taken to prison, and the excited people also dozed off. They said goodbye to Bai Ruozhu and returned home.

Bai Ruozhu and the shopkeeper walked back together. Halfway through, they saw a thin beggar sitting on the roadside, humming and saying, "My arm is about to be broken. Why are there so many people at night? Who can step on it?" It's on my arm."

Bai Ruozhu didn't know why, her heartbeat skipped half a beat. She felt that Jiang Yichun came to find her, but when she looked at the beggar, she was disappointed again. Judging from the figure, the man was not Jiang Yichun at all.

However, I did encounter an injured person, who was probably accidentally trampled by the onlookers when he had just rescued the three gangsters.

When the innkeeper saw her walking towards the beggar, he breathed hot air into her frozen hands and said, "Doctor Zhuhua, don't delay. Go back to the inn quickly to avoid encountering bad people plotting against her again."

Bai Ruozhu didn't look back and said, "I'll check his injuries. I'll do a free clinic in the town for three days. No matter who you are, you can get free medical treatment."

The shopkeeper opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. It was not good to leave her behind, so he could only wait aside with the boy.

Bai Ruozhu went over and squatted in front of the beggar, and a foul smell immediately spread into her nostrils. She was a little germy, so she rubbed her nose unfavorably, but even so, she still reached out and grabbed the beggar's dirty hands. He took his wrist and felt his pulse.

She was shocked by this pulse. This beggar's meridians were damaged in many places. If he wasn't always injured and beaten on a daily basis, then his situation was very special.

She couldn't help but take another deep look at the beggar, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. If someone came to plot against her, it would be impossible for her to avoid him if he was so close, and she would have to take advantage of him.

Hey, she turned her head slightly and looked at the injury on the arm that the beggar was covering, and her eyes widened a little. Jiang Yichun had injured his right arm there!

"Doctor, is my arm broken?" the beggar asked pitifully, and looked up at Bai Ruozhu.

Because the two of them were so close, Bai Ruozhu saw a pair of extremely bright eyes through the gap in the beggar's dirty hair, and she almost couldn't help but reach out and hug him tightly.

She became excited, and her intuition was right. He was Jiang Yichun. Everything else might have been hidden from her, but she could not admit those eyes were wrong. How could she have stared at her affectionate eyes under the moonlight for so many nights? do not remember?

With great difficulty, she suppressed the excitement in her heart and tried to keep her voice normal and said: "It's broken. Come with me to the inn to set the bones. I don't have any medicine in my hand, and I don't even have a silver needle."

The beggar looked delighted, "Do you want money? I don't have any money?"

The shopkeeper was very angry when he heard this. When could beggars be allowed in their inn? But when the female doctor opened her mouth, he could not stop him. He could only take his anger out on the beggar and said loudly: "Female Doctor Zhuhua is free. Don’t worry, we don’t charge a penny for medical treatment in this town!”

The beggar laughed, got up from the ground and said, "Thank you, the female doctor."

Bai Ruozhu wanted to reach out to help him, but she held it back in the end. She looked at the beggar quietly from the corner of her eye. He obviously looked about the same size as her, and he was also extremely thin. How did Jiang Yichun dress like this? The face can be disguised, but how can the body shape be changed?

Suddenly, she remembered the "bone shrinking skill" mentioned in martial arts novels. How could she forget this?

Soon the group returned to the inn. Both the shopkeeper and the waiter wanted to sleep, and were very disgusted with the smelly beggar. Only the waiter still asked Bai Ruozhu with a smile: "Female doctor, do you need me to do anything?"

"Just bring me a bucket of hot water and clean his wounds." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." The waiter quickly ran towards the stove. The stove was not turned off at night, and there was always a large pot of hot water ready for use at any time.

Soon the waiter brought hot water and followed Bai Ruozhu and the beggar upstairs. Bai Ruozhu asked him to put the water in the room, and then said: "After working hard for half a night, you should go to sleep. I don't need your help later." .”

The waiter nodded after hearing this and said, "Okay, the little one will go back to sleep."

The waiter exited and closed the door, thinking that Dr. Zhuhua really had a heart of a bodhisattva, and other doctors would definitely not want to pay attention to a stinky beggar.

The beggar's temperament suddenly changed in the room. He walked quietly to the door, as if checking whether it was safe outside. After confirming, he suddenly turned his head and strode towards Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu stared blankly at the beggar in front of her. Every time he took a step, there would be some slight sounds on his body, and his figure also lifted up little by little. When he walked to her, he had already changed back to his normal state. That tall and tall Jiang Yichun needed her to look up to him.

He pushed back all the messy hair on his face with some annoyance, stretched out his arms to hug Bai Ruozhu, who was still in a dazed state, laughed softly in her ear, and said, "Why are you so bold? How can I feel relieved?"

Bai Ruozhu's eyes were already moist. It was him, it was really him. He was fine and he was standing in front of her. All the hard work and fear in the past few days were worth it. She found him!

Before she could ask all the questions she wanted to ask, he grabbed the back of her head, pressed his chapped lips fiercely, and blocked her mouth tightly, their lips entwined together, and his tongue Pry open her shell teeth and get in unscrupulously, as if you want to eat her into your belly.

Bai Ruozhu never knew that Jiang Yichun's kisses could be so crazy. He had kissed her softly, passionately and passionately, but never as fiercely as this moment. His kiss was like a storm, making her feel like a boat swaying in the wind and rain, unable to control herself, and she leaned against his arms weakly.

He kept attacking and plundering, pushing her against the wall, as if he wanted to turn all the thoughts of these days into this kiss and release them deeply, and he seemed to want her to be carved into his body and become his forever. , only for him.

Jiang Yichun kissed all the way down Bai Ruozhu's neck. Bai Ruozhu was finally able to breathe. He could only breathe heavily, and his mind went blank. All he knew was that his hands were tightly holding his neck, as if he was afraid that he would never come back. It disappeared before his eyes, and it seemed like a silent invitation to him.

With a crash, Jiang Yichun pulled apart Bai Ruozhu's collar. The snow-white skin was in sharp contrast with the yellow-black skin on his neck, but it stimulated people's senses even more. Jiang Yichun couldn't help but groaned, it was really killing him. Already...


During the revision process, some words have been modified, but this will not affect everyone's reading, please forgive me~

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