Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 533: Caught again, returned to Beiyu City

After all, Li Yi had internal strength. Even though he was poisoned, he did not fall down immediately. He saw Bai Ruozhu jump away very proudly, then snatched the talisman paper from his hand and said, "I took the talisman paper and ran away. I'm fine, sir." Don't accuse innocent people unfairly, I have to go home quickly, lest my family becomes jealous again."

Li Yi swayed and his eyes widened. He actually fell into the hands of a village woman? Hey, that’s not right! He recalled the scene when he had just pulled the village woman closer and stared into her eyes, and he immediately understood that she was wearing a human skin mask!

Unfortunately, he still wanted to see it more clearly, but Bai Ruozhu had already run away with the talisman and mumbling words, and the people disappeared halfway there.

His eyes widened. Who was this woman? There was absolutely no such person in this town. Is she the woman who secretly helped Jiang Yichun? With help from such people, he might not be able to catch Jiang Yichun.

Li Yi squinted his eyes and started making calculations. Even if it was difficult to catch him, he could still make Jiang Yichun stink!

Bai Ruozhu didn't leave at all. She hid in the space and looked at the "big screen". She could see the ferocious expression on Li Yi's face very clearly. She couldn't help but shudder. This man was so scary. His eyes were It's so sinister.

Li Yi quickly closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged to do his exercises. After a while, he spit out a mouthful of black blood, then stood up from the ground, patted his clothes in displeasure, and said, "Come here, go get the people nearby." The road is sealed. When you see the woman in her thirties, arrest her immediately!"

"Yes, sir." The two guards in black responded and disappeared in a flash.

Bai Ruozhu shivered, and the road behind her was even more difficult to walk.

Fortunately, she has an optimistic personality. Since she won't be able to go out for a while, she might as well have a big meal in the space.

So, she got busy, fished out fish and stewed it in soup, added fresh and tender water chestnuts, fried lotus root slices, and made fried shrimps in oil, and then ate them happily.

However, she thought that Jiang Yichun might still be hiding somewhere, without even a meal, and she felt uncomfortable again, and she was anxious to go to Beiyu City to report the news.

Thinking of this, she finished eating in a few bites and started rummaging around in the space. Wasn't Li Yi going to catch her? Then she would be in trouble!

There are a lot of good medicinal materials hidden in her space, as well as a lot of poisons she concocted, but there are not many that are so poisonous that they can kill people immediately. After all, she was soft-hearted and did not prepare that vicious poison.

Thinking of this, she picked out a packet of medicinal powder, carefully walked out of the space, scattered it, and then quickly returned to the space.

The medicinal powder poisons people through the air, and is similar to the pollen that causes allergies. The poisoned person will feel itchy and miserable all over the body.

But there is one thing. The medicinal properties can only last for five days. After five days, the skin will be cured naturally and the skin will no longer itch.

Bai Ruozhu observed from the air, and sure enough, it didn't take long for the guards in the yard to get into chaos. Some people saw something was wrong and wanted to report it to Li Yi.

Bai Ruozhu seized the opportunity, quietly left the space, left the yard quickly, and then ran all the way to the street. Passing by a rack where a family dried clothes, she thought for a while and quietly took a set of men's clothes.

When Bai Ruozhu appeared again, he seemed to have become a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Originally, her appearance was too beautiful to be dressed as a man, but now her face was so ordinary that it had a unisex effect.

In addition, Bai Ruozhu is almost 1.7 meters tall, so he won't look too short when dressed as a man, just a little thinner.

Fortunately, it was winter, so she could wrap up her breasts and wear a big cotton-padded jacket. But if it were summer, she wouldn't be able to pretend to be a man with her figure.

Bai Ruozhu left the town smoothly this time. Not long after leaving, she found a donkey cart returning from Anyuan Town. She gave the driver some coins and the cart immediately turned around and drove her towards Anyuan Town. .

On the way, she encountered several waves of officers and soldiers who were interrogating her. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers saw a middle-aged man sitting swaggeringly on a donkey cart without a roof, so they didn't pay much attention and continued to interrogate the female family members.

Finally, she successfully arrived in Anyuan Town. She originally wanted to ask Mr. Li for help, but considering the official position of Youtongzheng, she was afraid that Mr. Li would be killed without any help.

Finally, she found a shop and bought clothes that would suit her as a steward, then pretended to be a steward of a wealthy family, hired a carriage and headed towards Beiyu City.

Halfway through the journey, it started to get dark. The coachman didn't want to drive at night, so he suggested that he go to a town he was passing by to get some tips. Bai Ruozhu was eager to return home, but he also knew that walking at night was very dangerous, so he had no choice but to agree.

She stayed at the inn where she had stayed on the way to Beiyu City. The coachman slept in his own car and watched the car.

In the middle of the night, Bai Ruozhu was still hiding in the space. Fortunately, she had nothing to do all night. She even wondered if this was all Li Yi was capable of? If he couldn't even catch her, how could he catch Jiang Yichun who had used the bone-shrinking technique?

As a result, something happened just as we were on the road the next day...

The carriage was running on the road, and suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves from behind, and the horses were galloping towards her. Before Bai Ruozhu had time to react, a man seemed to fall from the sky, overturned the roof of the carriage, and grabbed her. The collar on the back of her neck lifted her up.

Carrying her like this again, do you think she is a chick?

However, Bai Ruozhu had a look of panic on his face and asked: "What do you want to do? Do you want to rob? I am the steward of the Li family in Beiyu City. My family and my family are engaged in this, so don't do whatever you want."

She still took the medicine and her voice changed. Now her voice sounded like that of an authentic middle-aged man.

It's a pity that Li Yi is not that easy to deceive. He sneered, "Stop pretending, I know your eyes!"

Bai Ruozhu suddenly had the urge to stab himself in the eyes, and wanted to make a few excuses. Suddenly, his neck hurt and he softened.

Before she slowly lost consciousness, she seemed to see Li Yi throwing her on the horse and riding towards Beiyu City. Well, at least she was close to her destination...

When she woke up again, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and raised her hand to rub the back of her neck. That despicable and shameless traitor Li Yi was very aggressive, but she knew that Li Yi would not kill her because he had not yet asked her about the whereabouts of Jiang Yichun.

She found herself lying on a large bed. She hurriedly got up, and then realized that the clothes she was wearing were not her original ones. She hurriedly looked inside the clothes and saw that even her obscene clothes had been changed!

Bai Ruozhu was shocked and wanted to run into the space and hide. At this time, the door was pushed open, and a woman dressed as a maid smiled and said, "Madam, you are finally awake. Your Excellency is very anxious."

"What sir?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly, "Where is this?"

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