Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 549 We can’t get married

Bai Ruozhu nodded. She was a rational person and knew that Jiang Yichun's approach was the most appropriate.

"What should you do if you recall the days when you disappeared and feel that you still love that woman?" Bai Ruozhu suddenly asked.

Jiang Yichun's face turned very ugly. He was afraid that Bai Ruozhu would think so, so he didn't dare to tell Bai Ruozhu.

"Impossible!" He said solemnly, "If there is someone I really love deeply, I won't feel nothing at all. Even if I don't remember anything, I will at least feel that there is someone waiting for me, right?"

Bai Ruozhu was a little stunned after hearing this. It seemed to make sense, but it was also a theoretical matter. What if a situation happened that did not conform to the theory?

"If you had a child with someone else, wouldn't you be responsible?" Bai Ruozhu's heart twitched, "I won't share a husband with anyone else, and I don't want to steal someone else's father, so you'd better take care of everything. Figure it out.”

"I..." Jiang Yichun felt his mouth taste astringent, as if he had eaten coptis.

Just then, the guard came back with hot food, interrupting the conversation between the two and breaking the awkward atmosphere in the room.

Bai Ruozhu knew that Jiang Yichun was also troubled, so he said calmly, "Let's eat first, and then we'll talk about it after eating."

Jiang Yichun nodded hurriedly, but he ate very absentmindedly afterwards. Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but kicked him under the table and said, "Why is the food I cooked not to your liking? You don't like it?"

"How could it be!" Jiang Yichun didn't dare to be distracted anymore and started to eat well.

After the meal, Bai Ruo just wiped the corners of her mouth, took Deng Deng from his arms, and then put on a serious face and said: "Before you recall that previous experience, we can't get married, so let's do this for now. I don’t want you or I to regret it in the future.”

When Jiang Yichun heard this, he stood up quickly, walked behind her and hugged her, saying, "No matter when I marry you, I will never regret it. I only want to marry you in this life!"

Bai Ruozhu's eyes were a little moist when she heard that. She turned to look at him and said, "So now that we've figured it out, we don't have any knots in our hearts, and then we can be together again, okay?"

Jiang Yichun couldn't help but rushed over to hold her face, and kissed her. He kissed her very carefully, and the kiss was so gentle that she almost indulged in it again.

She hugged him and pushed him, and finally pushed him away with a red face, complaining: "The child is going to be a bad learner!"

Seeing that Bai Ruozhu no longer had the alienating attitude before, Jiang Yichun's mood improved. He smiled evilly at her and said, "It's not a bad lesson, he will also marry a wife in the future."

Bai Ruozhu gave him an angry look and said, "You have a good rest. I have to take Dengdeng home for a nap. I'll come see you in a few days. Remember to give Wu Wanqing a try, but don't alert the snake. In addition, you also send someone to find him." Find someone else who is good at detoxifying."

Jiang Yichun nodded, "I've already asked someone to inquire."

"Have you suspected her for a long time?" Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised.

He touched his nose and said, "I'm just afraid you'll be unhappy."

She suddenly laughed, and her smile was as bright as a flower for a moment. It was good that he had this heart. As for the lost memories in the past, she would help him find them and face them with him, no matter how difficult it was. Yes.

Bai Ruozhu carried Deng Deng home, said hello to her parents, and took Deng Deng back to the house to take a nap. Deng Deng soon fell asleep, but she couldn't sleep peacefully, so she sneaked into the space. Here, I did some skin care for myself.

As expected, a woman will feel better after she looks beautiful. She touched her smooth face and her mood improved. There is no point in worrying about it. The answer to the mystery will be revealed sooner or later. Then she can decide how to do it well.

After thinking about all this, Bai Ruozhu came out of the space, took a pen and paper and started to draw the screen pattern that Mrs. Meng asked for. Just after drawing two strokes, she suddenly thought that the belt ordered by Wu Wanqing had not yet been delivered, and her shop had paid the deposit. After everything has been collected, it is natural that we cannot fail to deliver the goods on time.

Thinking of this, she simply put down her pen and picked up her belt.

She thought that today, Wu Wanqing would not give this belt to Jiang Yichun again, would she? Wu Wanqing might not be willing to give something she made to Jiang Yichun.

When Fang Guizhi and Wang Caiyue saw her waking up, they also took their work and came to her room. The three of them chatted quietly and started working.

"Little sister, your elder brother and I are going back to Houshan Village the day after tomorrow. Do you have anything to take back?" Wang Caiyue asked.

Only then did Bai Ruozhu realize that it was already the New Year. She had been so worried about Jiang Yichun's incident that she even forgot about the New Year.

"Are you ready for the gifts for making friends with us?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Wang Caiyue nodded, "My mother and I made a list and everything is ready."

Wang Caiyue could write, which helped Lin Ping'er a lot. Bai Ruozhu nodded towards her sister-in-law, thinking that she didn't need to worry about everything. You see, she was not at home this time, and things at home were handled in an orderly manner. It was time for her to let her sister-in-law take over more.

She suddenly glanced around and saw the silver hairpin on her sister-in-law's head, and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother has good taste," she said with a smile.

Wang Caiyue reacted immediately. She subconsciously touched the hairpin on her head and said with a blush, "Little sister, you are making fun of me again."

Fang Guizhi also stretched her neck to look at Wang Caiyue's hairpin and said with envy: "My eldest brother often goes out and his eyesight is different. This hairpin really complements my sister-in-law."

Wang Caiyue blushed even more and said complainingly: "Don't make fun of me. Zehao also bought you something and said he would give it to you before leaving as a New Year's gift."

Fang Guizhi was very happy to hear this, but she didn't expect that she would have her own share, which made her feel the warmth of home. In the past, the Fang family in Houshan Village only had her share to work during the New Year, and never bought her anything.

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "That's not as good as my sister-in-law's. My sister-in-law's is my only share."

Wang Caiyue lowered her head and said shyly: "They are almost the same."

The three of them were laughing and joking, and their work became a lot easier. At night, Bai Ruozhu finished the belt Wu Wanqing ordered. She gave it to Mrs. Laifu and asked Mrs. Laifu to take it to the store. , if Wu Wanqing hasn't picked it up by the time, ask Wei San to send it to the Wu Mansion.

In the next two days, Bai Ruozhu didn't go to see Jiang Yichun. She wanted to give the two of them some space to calm down. She also wanted to give Wu Wanqing an illusion to make her temporarily paralyzed so that Jiang Yichun could find something.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Bai Zehao took Wang Caiyue back to his hometown. They were supposed to return to the woman's parents' home on the second day of the Lunar New Year, but Lin Ping'er understood that Wang Caiyue was leaving home for the first time, so she thought of letting the two of them return to Wang's house early to celebrate the New Year.

Because the two of them didn't come back until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the family was very reluctant to leave. After the hired carriage slowly walked away, the family was about to return to the yard. When they saw a man walking towards the intersection at the intersection, they rushed They waved enthusiastically.

Lin Ping'er looked at the person coming, her face instantly dropped...

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