Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 591 I have long hated Ruozhu

Shu Xin snorted coldly and said: "How can anyone in the Meng Mansion just go in if they want to? What if some spy or assassin sneaks in? Our old lady only said thank you, madam, and didn't mention the others at all."

"You..." Deng's eyes widened, but after all, she was still jealous of the Meng family and did not dare to argue with Shu Xin.

Yu Hongxiu was in a good mood in the room. She knew that Bai Ruozhu had gone to see the old lady. It was not that she had never thought of this method, but Mrs. Deng was keeping a close eye on her and Ruyi. She really had no way to report the news to the old lady. . Unless Mrs. Deng slept at night, she had no shame to disturb the Meng family at that time.

In fact, she has almost reached the limit of her patience in the past two days, and she is thinking about breaking the pot. Although she is a Jiangnan woman, it does not mean that she has no temper. Fortunately, Bai Ruozhu came and helped her, otherwise it would be inconvenient for her to make trouble on her own.

She gently touched her slightly bulging belly, and a soft smile appeared on her face. My child, my mother will definitely protect you.

When Mrs. Deng saw Yu Hongxiu coming out of the house, she was about to go over to help her. Shu Xin hurriedly winked at the guards, and the two guards directly stopped Mrs. Deng.

"What does this mean? I can't touch our own niece-in-law?" Deng's eyes widened, "No, it must be that Bai Ruozhu who confused right and wrong and said bad things about me. I must see Mrs. Meng. I Just wait at the door of Meng Mansion. Miss, help me inform the old lady."

After Mrs. Deng finished speaking, she strode towards the carriage outside the door. Shu Xin showed annoyance. The guard dutifully rushed over to stop her again and said, "Madam, the carriage is not prepared for you."

Deng rolled up her sleeves angrily, "My niece-in-law can sit down, but I, the elder, can't sit down?"

Shu Xin helped Yu Hongxiu walk toward the carriage. She moved very carefully. The old lady had given instructions to protect Mrs. Xie.

She helped Yu Hongxiu get into the carriage, then turned back to Mrs. Deng and said: "This carriage is prepared for Mrs. Xie. The space inside is small. If there are too many people, it will be bad if it touches her belly. Even I have to He was running outside the car."

"How could I be so careless?" Deng said unwillingly.

"Whether you are careful enough or not, these are the rules. If you want to wait outside the Meng Mansion, just follow the carriage, or you can hire a carriage yourself. Let's go first." Shu Xin said and asked the guards to follow. , the carriage headed towards Meng Mansion.

Mrs. Deng stamped her feet behind her, turned around and glared at Ruyi, the maid in Hongxiu, and rolled up her sleeves again. Ruyi was so frightened that she ran away. Mrs. Deng didn't have time to catch up. She thought she had to go to the Meng Mansion, so she let her go temporarily. Passed by wishful thinking.

Bai Ruozhu prepared six dishes that were delicious and delicious, plus two snacks. Half were the old lady's favorites, and the other half were Yu Hongxiu's favourites. When she asked the maid to bring the dishes to the main room, Yu Hongxiu He had just sat down and was drinking milk with red eyes.

Bai Ruozhu said that it is not good to drink tea when pregnant, and it is better to drink warm milk. The old lady remembered this, so she had the milk prepared before Yu Hongxiu came.

When Yu Hongxiu saw Bai Ruozhu, she stood up to say thanks, but Bai Ruozhu stepped forward quickly and held her down, saying, "You are weak and don't pay attention to those formalities."

The old lady beside her said distressedly: "Yes, I saw you well a year ago. In less than half a month, you have lost a lot of weight."

"She is depressed. Normally she would not be depressed because of this. But when she is pregnant, especially her first child, her mood is easily affected, which in turn affects her body." Bai Ruozhu sighed and said, modern times call it prenatal. Depression, ancient people did not pay attention to mental illness, so there was no name for prenatal depression.

"Come, let's chat while eating. Look, Ruozhu has made a lot of things you like to eat. You have to eat well so that you can get better." The old lady was afraid that the dishes would get cold, so she asked the maid to serve them. The three of them sat down Started eating at the table.

Danliang Kingdom does not have strict rules about eating and sleeping. Chatting while eating is a way for many people to promote their relationship.

When Yu Hongxiu came out of the prison, she felt much better and quickly started talking about her second aunt. It turns out that Deng's family used to have a martial arts gym, so Deng learned some boxing and kicking skills from her father since she was a child. The Xie family is quite famous in their hometown, but Xie Xingyun, the second eldest child in the family, has a naughty character. If he doesn't study hard, he will become a dogfighter. The old man of the Xie family picked a slightly more powerful daughter-in-law like Deng, thinking that he could be controlled easily. Thanks, second brother.

Everything was fine in the past few decades. After Mr. Xie's parents died of illness, Xie Xingyun and his wife did help him a lot and cared about him very much. Therefore, Mr. Xie always felt that he owed his second uncle's family.

Until Mr. Xie met the lord of Beiyu City and became his staff, his second uncle and his wife became even more enthusiastic with him, and even arranged for his second aunt's niece to be his wife. At that time, Mr. Xie, who was a filial piety guardian, was old and had nothing to be picky about, so he didn't express his opinion. Of course, he didn't agree straight away, otherwise such a difficult second aunt could make him die.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Xie followed Meng Liangsheng to the south on official business, and met Yu Hongxiu. Meng Liangsheng helped the two matchmakers, and Mr. Xie was naturally willing. Yu Hongxiu was a noblewoman from the south of the Yangtze River. She was a good match for him, and her red sleeves were even more fragrant. He feels that being able to marry such a woman is a blessing he gained in his previous life.

When the matter was settled, he immediately wrote a letter to his family and sent it back urgently. But even so, when he returned, his second uncle and second aunt made trouble with him, saying that he was difficult and untrustworthy, and that he disliked poverty and love. Rich and so on.

At that time, he and Yu Hongxiu were getting married in the south. For this reason, Xie Xingyun said that the Xie family did not recognize it. Yu Hongxiu immediately said: Our marriage was arranged by the Lord of the City, and the marriage certificate was in accordance with the Eight Classics. If you don't agree, go to the city lord.

In the end, the elders of the Xie family naturally gave Yu Hongxiu a concubine, but after two years of silence in Yu Hongxiu's stomach, Xie Xingyun and his wife began to have fun again. At first, they forced Mr. Xie to take a concubine, and the object was Deng's niece. , the girl was only sixteen years old when she first told Mr.

Mr. Xie and Yu Hongxiu had a good relationship and did not want to take a concubine, so Mr. and Mrs. Xie Xingyun said no and adopted the child first. After all, Mr. Xie was already thirty. Mr. Xie was also very angry about this. It's not like he couldn't have a child. What about adoption? In particular, the one who needs to be adopted is Xie Xingyun’s second grandson.

Just when Mr. Xie took Yu Hongxiu back to Anyuan Town, Xie Xingyun and his wife were still struggling for this contract. Unexpectedly, Yu Hongxiu suddenly became pregnant. Of course, Bai Ruozhu's name was also known to them. So Deng had long hated Bai Ruozhu.

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