Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 625 Crisis management, reversing the situation

Bai Ruozhu's clear and high-pitched voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

She turned around and called Wu Ying, Cui Fan and others, then pointed in the direction of the woman who yelled first, and said to Cui Fan: "I don't know what happened to the woman over there and her son. If you don't talk about it carefully, how can anyone hope that their son will miss the treatment? You go and bring him here."

Cui Fan's martial arts was much better than Wu Ying's. He flew over and quickly picked out the screaming woman and her sick son.

Everyone saw hope, and someone shouted in the crowd: "My arm is crushed, help me!"

When Wu Ying heard this, she immediately flew over and carried the man out.

"My leg seems to be broken, please help me!" someone shouted again.

Immediately, the injured people were rescued one by one, and the rioting crowd became quiet, because all their attention was attracted by Bai Ruozhu who was rescuing people on the red carpet.

The woman who shouted first kept rolling her eyes, and it seemed that she was not in trouble. The young man she called her son was already lying on the ground in a coma with a pale face. Bai Ruozhu went over to check his pulse, and soon The brows knitted together.

"Tie this woman up for me and hand it over to Mr. Xiao later." Bai Ruozhu pointed at the woman and said.

Cui Fan immediately detained the person. The woman had a really loud voice, and now she shouted at the top of her voice, "What are you going to do? Are you going to kill someone? My son almost died when he came over to watch the fun. Do you still want to kill me and silence me?"

Bai Ruozhu didn't look at her, she was already injecting the unconscious young man. She kept doing it and said without looking back: "Don't keep saying that he is your son. Even if you are his mother, he is definitely not his biological son, right? Honey, right?" Would my mother know that her son has a heart disease and still give him wine brewed with Caowu?"

"What the hell, I don't know what you're talking about." The woman was stunned for a moment, then started to quibble.

Bai Ruozhu snorted coldly, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. The prefect will naturally look into it." After that, she ignored the woman and concentrated on rescuing the young man who had a heart attack.

The Aconite wine she just mentioned contains a modern ingredient called aconitine on the Aconite. If it is not prepared correctly, it will be toxic when brewed into wine. Ordinary people may not have any problems if they drink a little, but for people with heart disease, it can easily cause arrhythmia, coma and shock.

Bai Ruozhu took out a set of needles, and the young man's breathing became normal, and his face was not as scary as before. She then went to see other people, and found that someone had a dislocated arm, and she corrected it as soon as she took action. Some people's legs were stepped on and fractured. She set the bones and found splints to fix them.

There were also people with sprained waists, sprained ankles and other minor injuries, and she treated them one by one. She also asked Zhang Liliang to record the conditions and addresses of these people, and promised to send someone to deliver medicine later.

Her way of handling this made the onlookers very satisfied. In the past, there were cases of chaos and crowding caused by watching the excitement, but anyone who got injured had to admit it was bad luck. Bai Ruozhu was willing to take responsibility and spent all the money for medicine. There are really very few that have come out.

Bai Ruozhu was almost done with it. She hurriedly turned around and winked at Mrs. Laifu and said, "Go and tell the distinguished guests about the content of our lottery later and what prizes and services the three winners will receive."

Mrs. Laifu came back to her senses and nodded to Bai Ruozhu with some shame. She followed him out to see what was going on outside and actually forgot about her responsibilities.

At this time, Bai Ruozhu blessed the onlookers and said: "It is a good thing that Hua Xiangrong is holding a new product launch conference today, so I don't want anything unpleasant to happen. No matter if someone makes trouble, it is purely an accident." No matter what, I just hope that the matter will be resolved as soon as possible, so that everyone can come and leave happily."

She pointed to the injured people and said, "These friends are injured. I want to send them home to recuperate first. Can everyone make way for them?"

"Boss Bai is right, everyone, make way for me!" Someone had already shouted, so a road slowly appeared in front of Bai Ruozhu, wide enough for one or two people to pass.

Bai Ruozhu saluted again to the crowd of onlookers, "Thank you everyone for your cooperation."

With this passage, she arranged for Cui Fan to take the injured people out with their guards, and then took a carriage to the end of the street to take them home.

At this time, the young man who had suffered a heart attack also woke up. He looked around in confusion and asked in a weak voice: "Am I still alive?"

Bai Ruozhu walked over quickly and said, "You had a heart attack, but you have saved your life. But in the future, please do not drink medicinal wine randomly, especially if it is given by someone with evil intentions."

There was a look of surprise on the young man's face, and he soon seemed to think of something, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

"If you can't move around right now, please go to the backyard of my shop to rest temporarily. Heart disease is not a minor illness, and you need to take good care of it." Bai Ruozhu said again.

The young man was a little dazed, and he didn't know whether he heard it or not. Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to ask her elder brother to help him in carefully.

The woman who was being held in custody looked at the young man and shouted, "Jill, are you okay? Just be okay, be okay, please save my mother quickly, they are going to kill me and silence me."

Capt. Xiao had already sent someone to arrest her. After hearing what she said, he couldn't help but said loudly: "I am the captivity of the government. Who dares to kill you to silence me? Don't spread rumors and cause trouble again!"

The young man suffering from a heart attack was in a sluggish state and seemed not to hear anything. He was helped into the backyard of the shop by Bai Zepei like a marionette.

Seeing that the scene had stabilized, Bai Ruozhu nodded slightly to Zhang Liliang. Zhang Liliang came out to talk to the onlookers, warmed up the atmosphere, and then said that the press conference would continue.

At this time, except Wu Ying, the other nine maids walked to the gate and lined up in a row, and stood there motionless, so that people could see the crochet style and workmanship more clearly.

The melodious music sounded again, and Mrs. Laifu also began to draw prizes for the distinguished guests. She took a lottery box, and then asked Mrs. Meng to help draw a lucky guest.

Then Wang Miaoshuang was invited to draw one, and finally Bai Ruozhu went over to salute everyone and drew the third lucky guest.

Bai Ruozhu, the three winners, were not very familiar with each other, and felt a little pity in their hearts, but this was truly fair and just.

The winners each received a new type of crocheted eight-tailed skirt, but the colors and patterns were different. The three ladies were very happy and immediately thanked Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "We also have VIP-level services to take care of the skin of the three ladies. I will ensure that you will be radiant when you go out and you will look one or two years younger immediately. Then you will really want to thank me!"

The VIP service she comes with is actually advertising her hot spring women's club in advance.

The press conference has come to an end. Bai Ruozhu took the three winning ladies to the backyard for beauty treatments. The others were very curious and left in no hurry.

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