Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 658 Are you willing to use your child’s mother as bait?

Mr. Du pointed at Bai Ruozhu's nose angrily and shouted: "You want to terminate the contract just because you want to? We'll see, you can wait to go to court!"

"Cui Fan, see off the guests!" Bai Ruozhu shouted loudly.

Guard Cui Fan came in, glared at Mr. Du, and said, "Please!"

Mr. Du left with a snort. Lin Ping'er heard the argument between the two in the yard, and came in worriedly and asked her daughter: "It's really okay. Is it bad if we offend the Du family?"

"Mom, I also want to do business and peace is the most important thing. I have turned a blind eye to the Du family, but they challenge my bottom line again and again. It's really unreasonable. It's the original Du Zhongshu, who is worthy of cooperation, seems to have changed. There is nothing easy to continue with this cooperation." Bai Ruozhu said.

Lin Ping'er sighed and said, "As long as you know what's going on, your parents will support you no matter what you need!"

Bai Ruozhu hugged her mother's arm, rested her head on her mother's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "My parents still love me the most, and they are my lifelong support."

"You will still have to get married in the future. Your husband is your support. Your parents can't accompany you for the rest of your life." Lin Ping'er said helplessly.

These words were a bit sad, and Bai Ruozhu didn't want to answer. She had always paid attention to her family's health. Even Lin Ping'er, who was in the worst health, was slowly getting better now. She just hopes that her family can be healthy and safe, and that her parents can live a long life.

She took a look at the yard. Originally, she wanted to buy a larger yard for herself, but now that she is breaking up with the Du family, she is afraid that the lawsuit will cost a lot of money, so the purchase of the yard can only be postponed.

She looked at the wooden box in her hand and went back to the house to tinker with filling materials.

Jiang Yichun received the assignment to round up Zhou Jue last night. He worked all night and only raided his stronghold, but found no trace of Zhou Jue himself and captured several of Zhou Jue's men.

Returning to the General Affairs Department, he personally took charge of interrogating several people and kept a close eye on them, fearing that some of them would confess something about Bai Ruozhu.

"The Sixth Prince just wants to capture that woman and return her to the country to do some research." One person couldn't bear the pain of the punishment and finally resorted to it.

Jiang Yichun already had poison hidden at his fingertips. No matter how high the risk was, he could not let anyone do anything detrimental to Bai Ruozhu.

"What research?" he asked coldly.

"I don't know, I really don't know. The Sixth Prince is suspicious by nature and won't tell us at all. It may have something to do with suturing." The man cried out in pain. An iron hook was pierced through his Pipa bone. If he moved, My face turned a bit white from pain.

"Where have the four arrested doctors gone?" Jiang Yichun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he really didn't know.

Come to think of it, Zhou Jue knows how to use poison and doesn't need help from others. He can study cowpox privately by himself. Why should he tell others that it is even more dangerous?

"They are already on their way to Chengshui Country." The man called out, "They should be taking the water route, but I don't know the details. The Sixth Prince will not let anyone know too much."

Jiang Yichun pulled off the iron chain on his pipa bone again, and his screams could not be heard.

"Where is Zhou Jue hiding? Or does he have any other strongholds?" Jiang Yichun asked again.

"I don't know, I really don't know." The man was about to collapse to the ground in pain, but the pipa bones on both sides were pierced by iron hooks and hung by iron chains. It would be more painful if he fell to the ground, so he was already in pain. I was sweating profusely, but I still had to hold on and not pull the iron chain.

"Really don't know?" Jiang Yichun winked at the guard next to him. The guard took a potion and applied it to the prisoner's wound. The prisoner screamed even more miserably. In the end, his strength seemed to have been drained away.

"I really don't know. He probably got sick again." The man finally couldn't bear it anymore and told him how Zhou Jue often got sick and then took care of his subordinates.

Jiang Yichun felt a chill when he heard it, and felt extremely nauseous. Almost even straight men can't stand this kind of thing.

After he was sure that all the prisoners posed no threat to Bai Ruozhu, he had someone report the results of the interrogation. Seeing that it was almost dawn, he rested in the office for more than an hour.

At dawn, a guard came to report that the General Historian had arrived and asked him to come over and talk.

Jiang Yichun's heart sank. He thought General Affairs Secretary had given a secret order and would not come, but he did not expect that the Lord would take this matter so seriously. Thinking that the Secretary of General Affairs had written in the secret order "get rid of the Bai family if necessary", he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Soon, he went to see General Secretary Sun Chengchao, and his master Wu Yunfeng was also there.

Seeing the tired look on his face and the bloodshot eyes, Wu Yunfeng said hurriedly: "Master Sun, although Yichun failed to capture Zhou Jue, he destroyed their stronghold in Beiyu City, which can be regarded as making up for it."

Sun Chengchao raised his hand to signal Wu Yunfeng not to say anything. He smiled and said, "I know you're protecting his fault, but I don't mean to blame him. I'm just asking about the situation."

Wu Yunfeng smiled apologetically and said, "Your Majesty is absolutely right."

Sun Chengchao turned his attention to Jiang Yichun, and his voice became a little more stern, "You rushed back very quickly, so you have done your best."

"I dare not live up to your lord's assignment." Jiang Yichun lowered his head and said.

"Are you sure Bai didn't hand over the suture technique?" Sun Chengchao asked suddenly.

"When my subordinates were on guard, they fought against Zhou Jue. He couldn't find Bai. Yesterday, when Bai's Zhuangzi was opening, he disguised himself as a woman and sneaked in. He knocked Bai out and tried to take her away, but we stopped him and ended up getting injured. Escape. He has never had the chance to question Bai." Jiang Yichun deliberately avoided Zhou Jue's first visit to Bai Ruozhu. After that, many people in the General Affairs Department knew about it. He didn't think Sun Chengchao would just ask. He alone.

Sun Chengchao didn't say anything and stomped around the room. After a while, he said, "The Bai family is a hidden danger after all. We can only eliminate it for safety reasons. What do you think, Yichun?"

Jiang Yichun's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a little faster. He lowered his head and said calmly: "Mr. Bai may still be useful to the court, and if you want to catch Zhou Jue, you can only use her as bait. If you can catch Zhou Jue alive, you can." I’ve negotiated some terms with Chengshui.”

Sun Chengchao suddenly laughed, "You are so calculating. Are you really willing to use your child's mother as bait?"

Wu Yunfeng next to him couldn't help but widen his eyes. He was busy these days, and his daughter was seriously injured and needed someone to take care of him, but he didn't know that such a thing existed. Of course, his first understanding was that Bai Ruozhu was pregnant with Jiang Yichun's flesh and blood.

At this moment, Jiang Yichun could hear his heartbeat clearly. He tried his best to answer calmly: "No one or anything is as important as the interests of the court. Yichun knows this very well and never dares to forget it."

"Really? You have to remember what you said today." Sun Yunchao suddenly turned cold and said in a sinister voice.

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