Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 670: Skynet is still sparse and not leaking out

The official quickly went to the Chamber of Commerce and told the old man what he said. The steward on duty immediately changed his face and said that he would send someone to report it to the president immediately. He also said that the president would rush to the government office within half an hour. The official went back and reported everything in detail. Lu Minglang was amazed when he heard this and hurriedly asked someone to show the old man a seat and let him sit next to him to watch the trial.

Jun Bai already realized that something was wrong. He secretly looked at the bribed steward and saw that the man had his head lowered and his face was pale, and his body was still trembling slightly.

pustule! This is so scary, it’s so cowardly! You deserve to be a butler for the rest of your life! Mr. Du started to curse in his heart, but when he found out the identity of the old man, he couldn't curse anymore.

Soon, officials from outside reported that Ge Qian, the branch president of the Chamber of Commerce, was here.

Ge Qian is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a tall build and an upright face. If it weren't for the fact that he was the branch president of the Chamber of Commerce, no one would think he was a businessman.

He first saluted Lu Minglang, then walked quickly to the old man, suddenly knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Ge Qian has met Elder Lin."

As soon as he made this move, everyone in the hall was shocked. Even Bai Ruozhu didn't expect that this old man turned out to be the elder of the Chamber of Commerce.

Logically speaking, the highest decision-maker of the chamber of commerce is the president, followed by the branch presidents of each branch. But in fact, there are elders above the president. There are eight people in total. There are two elders in each region. If the branch president has Major decisions require the approval of two elders in the region, and major decisions by the president even require a vote of eight elders.

Therefore, the elders of the Chamber of Commerce are all highly respected and senior elders. Ge Qian only gave this gift when he saw Lin Zhenghui.

The chamber of commerce steward who came from Anyuan Town came to his senses, walked over tremblingly, and saluted Lin Zhenghui, saying, "Anyuan Town steward Liu Bin has met Elder Lin."

Lin Zhenghui snorted coldly through his nose and said, "Liu Bin, do you still recognize me as an elder? Just now, you thought your wings were hard and you no longer take me seriously. Do you even dare to cheat under my nose?"

"You bastard, Liu Bin, are you so bold as to be disrespectful to Elder Lin?" Ge Qian shouted in a deep voice.

Liu Bin was shouted at, and he knelt on the ground with a thud, "Subordinate, I don't dare."

Ge Qian ignored him and turned to salute Lu Minglang and said, "Sir, please let me take a look at the contract Liu Bin brought to see if it is fake."

Lu Minglang asked someone to hand over the contract. Ge Qian took the contract and Lin Zhenghui also gave him the contract and said, "You, the branch president, should take a good look at it. The Chamber of Commerce can't mess up like this."

Ge Qian's face became more and more gloomy as he looked at it, then he held up Liu Bin's contract and said: "Mr. Lu, the paper and signature of this contract are all from the Chamber of Commerce, but they were not signed a few months ago, but these two What was created recently is that even the signatures signed by both parties are imitations. This is an omission of the Chamber of Commerce, and I cannot absolve myself of the blame. I will definitely clean up the door for the Chamber of Commerce today."

Liu Bin was so frightened that his calves trembled, and he knelt on the ground as soon as his legs became weak. His face was pale now, he was sweating profusely, and he was afraid that his courage might break.

Bai Ruozhu asked Jiang Yichun last night what would happen if someone in the Chamber of Commerce was found guilty of cheating for personal gain? Jiang Yichun said that such a situation is rare, because the punishment of the Chamber of Commerce is very terrible, it is said to be more uncomfortable than the torment of going to the eighteenth level of hell, and the Chamber of Commerce will not let you die cleanly, the punishment will last for a month, so that the Chamber of Commerce will The steward came to visit to serve as a warning to others.

Du Songbai's face was also very ugly at the moment. He didn't expect Bai Ruozhu to have such a strong backing. Elder of the Chamber of Commerce, if he knew, he would never tamper with the contract.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. If you do something wrong, you must pay the price.

"Liu Bin, please tell me the truth, so as not to suffer any more physical pain." Ge Qian said sternly.

"Branch president, I was sent by an official to bring up the contract, but I couldn't find it in the archives. I, I was afraid of taking responsibility, so I made a replacement copy." Liu Bin still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He was just derelict in his duty, but if It's colluding with outsiders to commit fraud, but it's not that simple.

"You bastard, you still haven't confessed honestly!" Ge Qian's face was so cold that it was almost freezing. He bowed to Lu Minglang, "My lord, Liu Bin is stubborn, please torture me."

Lu Minglang nodded, threw a sign, and ordered thirty large boards to be played.

Liu Bin was slapped in the hall. Bai Ruozhu looked at Du Songbai with a smile on his face, and saw that with each slap, Du Songbai's beard jumped, as if he had seen his tragic situation soon.

Soon, Liu Bin screamed that he had done it.

"It was Li Chenghe, the manager of Beiyu City, who asked me to do it. He said that as long as I did as he said, he would transfer me to Beiyu City afterwards." Liu Bin said, "He asked me to fully cooperate with the Du family. If I don’t agree, I won’t be able to hang out in Anyuan Town.”

Ge Qian said to the people around him: "Go and bring Li Chenghe to me!"

Lu Minglang didn't move on the stage. It was supposed to be a contract dispute case, but why did it become an internal matter within the chamber of commerce? He just wanted to watch the excitement.

Mr. Du finally couldn't hold back his anger and said, "What do you mean by fully cooperating with the Du family? You can't talk nonsense!" He glared at Liu Bin fiercely, but it was a pity that in Liu Bin's heart, he was not divided between the president and the Du family. Elders are scary.

"Mr. Du, why should you be anxious? The contract can't be faked, and it can't be true if it's fake. No matter who tries to manipulate it, it's useless. Justice is in the heart of the people." Bai Ruozhu looked at Mr. Du and said calmly.

Lin Zhenghui, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but look at Bai Ruozhu twice, and a smile appeared on his face, "The little girl is right, justice is in the heart."

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. She had already given birth to a baby, why did she still call her a little girl? But think about it, Lin Zhenghui can really be her grandfather at his age.

"Thank you, Elder Lin, for upholding justice." Bai Ruozhu blessed him with a polite salute.

"Bai Ruozhu, I don't know how you coaxed Elder Lin to come forward for you. I really underestimated you." Du Songbai said through gritted teeth.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "Elder Lin said that today he is here to clean up the house, not to help me. Even if Elder Lin doesn't come, can you deceive everyone with deception? Do you think I am a good person? Are you lying? You must remember that Skynet will not miss anything."

Lu Minglang was actually almost deceived, but Bai Ruozhu's words were like putting gold on his face, which made him feel very comfortable. He nodded and said, "Skynet is sparse and not leaking out. That's a good thing to say!"

Lin Zhenghui looked at Bai Ruozhu with a hint of approval, and the smile on his face became a bit thicker.

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