Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 688 A child comes to deliver a letter

Jiang Yichun protected his wife and glared at everyone, saying, "Don't you have a conscience when you see innocent people being drowned? Don't talk about ghosts and gods!"

"If someone falls into the river on a day like the River God's Day, it must be the River God who wants to take her in. If you dare to compete with the River God, you will not end well!" Someone took the lead and shouted, "You will bring bad luck to us. Lucky you, get out of our Linchuan City quickly, get out!"

Many people on the shore shouted, "Get out! Get out!"

Bai Ruozhu was soaked to the skin at the moment, and shivered from the cold when the wind blew her, but no matter how cold it was, it was not as cold as her heart felt at the moment. She stared at everyone and said loudly: "She was not taken in by the River God, she was Someone pushed him into the river."

The girl who met the girl was also a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She could clearly feel that she hit the girl and made her fall into the river, but she never called for help, let alone stood up and explained. Judging from the out-of-the-box temperament and large-scale movements she showed before, she is not a particularly timid person, so it can only mean one thing - she did it on purpose.

Unfortunately, no one listened to what Bai Ruozhu said. The onlookers were still scolding her, but the murderer she saw before had long since disappeared.

"Does being pushed into the river mean that the river god wants to accept the person and is not allowed to save him?" Jiang Yichun roared. If he wasn't afraid of waking up his son, he would definitely use his inner strength and roar even louder.

"If you say yes, I will throw you all into the river. Since you believe in the River God, you should be accepted by the River God. You are not allowed to climb ashore yourself, lest you make the River God unhappy!" Jiang Yichun's voice It was very cold, and his eyes were extremely sharp, which frightened those people. Everyone became quiet for a while, and no one dared to shout any more.

"Ruozhu, let's go back, be careful of catching a cold." Jiang Yichun hugged his wife distressedly, started using Qinggong and quickly left the river.

When the two started to move, someone came back to their senses and shouted at them again, telling them to get out of Linchuan City.

Back at the inn, Jiang Yichun asked the waiter to bring hot water, and quickly took off Bai Ruozhu's wet clothes, helped her wipe her body with hot water, and then put her into dry undergarments. During this period, he felt hot in his heart several times, but when he saw that Bai Ruozhu was frowning and had no thoughts at all, he suppressed the desire in his heart.

"Ah Chun, it's all my fault for meddling in other people's business. You see, the little girl's family didn't even thank me at all." Bai Ruozhu said with some frustration.

While helping her wring her hair, Jiang Yichun said softly: "No matter what they say, you just need to feel guilty about it. It's no trouble, as long as you don't feel guilty for a long time because you saved less people."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of her past life, when she and a classmate met an old man begging outside. However, the old man didn't look like someone who was really struggling, but her classmate still gave the old man a few yuan. You must know that they were all students at the time and had no spare money at all. She asked her classmates in confusion: "Aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

She still remembers her classmate's answer very clearly. She said: "You only lost a few yuan by cheating me. But if I don't help her and worry that she is really in trouble, I will always feel sad and guilty." Then why should I make myself uncomfortable for a few yuan? Just think of it as buying my own peace of mind for a few yuan."

Thinking about it now, she thought that even if she was scolded, she would at least have peace of mind. Otherwise, she would not be able to have peace of mind the rest of her life when she saw a living life disappear.

It's a pity that Bai Ruozhu underestimated the level of superstition of the people in Linchuan City, and she didn't know how they knew the inn where she was staying. At noon the next day, people gathered at the door of the inn, shouting that the woman who broke the rules yesterday should get out of Linchuan City. Sichuan City.

Soon many people knew about this and started shouting outside the inn. Deng Deng had not yet taken a nap, so she was very curious when she heard the sound. She was babbling, as if asking her mother: What are they shouting about?

Deng Deng can now sit very steadily. He seems to like this position very much. He is sitting on the bed playing a rattle. He is shaking it very rhythmically. When someone outside shouts, he will start shaking it. When he stops outside, , he also stopped, just playing happily like this, and giggling a few times from time to time.

"Two guests, you shouldn't have gone to the river to save people. Look at the commotion now. The shop can no longer operate." The shopkeeper's tone was not bad, but it was just such a commotion outside. Who dares to stay in the hotel?

Jiang Yichun opened the door, gave him thirty taels of silver, and said, "This is to compensate for the losses in your store. We will stay for two days at most and then leave."

"Thank you for the reward, sir." The shopkeeper was not polite and accepted the money, then said, "Just close the window and ignore it, but you must be careful when you go out. Who knows what these people will do. . Oh, it’s really crazy. I heard that the girl was captured today and was going to be drowned in the river, saying that she was going to give it to the river god.”

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but stand up, looked at the shopkeeper outside the door and asked, "How is the girl doing now?"

"She said her father was making trouble and stopped her. She even reported it to the government, and the government sent out troops to stop her." The shopkeeper probably has more contact with outsiders and is not as superstitious as ordinary people. He also He sighed and said, "Maybe someone deliberately incited this. If someone pushes a river lantern into the water, you will die. Then no one will be able to let their children go to put a river lantern in the future, and neither will adults." , otherwise if you push someone you have a grudge against, won’t you end up killing someone?”

"I don't think it's aimed at us. I'm afraid that the person who deliberately took action is up to something. The girl who fell into the water didn't know who she offended. She suffered such a crime at such a young age. It's really pitiful." Bai Ruozhu also followed. Sighed.

The shopkeeper shook his head, "I hope the elder in the yamen will find out about this matter soon." After he finished speaking, he withdrew.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun had no intention to care about other people's affairs now, and they didn't think much about it. They were only worried about the news about the old man Shou Gu. As a result, in the evening, a child squeezed in from the rioting crowd and said to the shopkeeper: "I'm looking for a beautiful sister who is taking care of the child. Someone asked me to deliver a message to her."

The shopkeeper was afraid of being deceived by outsiders, so he didn't dare to let the child go to find them easily. He went to the room to send a message. Jiang Yichun frowned and said, "Bring the child here."

Bai Ruozhu put Deng Deng on the inside of the bed to play with. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She had a feeling that the people who came were probably related to Old Man Shou Gu.

The child looked to be eight or nine years old. He entered the room and said loudly: "An old man asked me to come to the inn to find my beautiful sister who had a child. Did you bring a plant with you?"

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