Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 711 His Abnormality

That morning, Jiang Yichun took her and her child on the boat. She was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to write a letter, so she finally had someone deliver a message to Lin Zhenghui.

After getting on the ship, she slept in the cabin, and he was not allowed to take the child on the deck, so he had to go into the cabin to stay with her. Although the official ship is much larger than ordinary ships, the conditions on board are limited after all, and they are not on a large official ship, so the rest cabin is very small, and it seems a bit crowded with three people staying in it.

Bai Ruozhu lay on the bed and rolled her eyes at him lazily, saying, "You bastard, you have the nerve to stay here, you guy who doesn't keep your word!"

Jiang Yichun chuckled, "How could I not keep my word? I didn't say it just once, right? Did you feel uncomfortable just now?"

"I feel uncomfortable! My waist is about to break!" She said through gritted teeth. She couldn't help but think of the beautiful scene in the inn that morning, and her face turned red.

That was the first time the two tried this pose. =======A big river crab crawled over========================== =======Climb and climb====================The river crab continues to crawl================== Soon I was immersed in the different feeling.

"Then you won't want it anymore?" Jiang Yichun leaned over and picked up her hair and asked teasingly.

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes and had some bad ideas in her mind, and said, "You have to listen to me next time." She still didn't believe that she couldn't suppress him again, so she hummed.

He was amused by her little expression, pinched her nose and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you next time." He wanted to see what tricks she wanted to play.

As the ship moved forward, Bai Ruozhu was afraid that something might happen, so she simply stopped going to the deck. Except for washing and using the toilet, she mostly stayed in the cabin and was not allowed to go to the deck. Probably Deng Deng was also frightened by what happened last time, so she didn't bother going to the deck to play.

Lamei was the only maid brought by Bai Ruozhu in order to help her take care of the children. Although Lamei couldn't speak, she was diligent and down-to-earth, so Bai Ruozhu let her follow.

The ship traveled for four days and passed by a town called Wuyuan City. It was said that it was easy to get foggy here, so it was called such a town.

When the official ship docked for rest and supplies, Jiang Yichun hugged his son and took his wife off the ship, saying that she was going to get rusty on the ship, so it was better to go around for a while. Bai Ruozhu didn't worry anymore when she thought about him accompanying her, having so many secret guards, and being on land.

The family of three landed ashore and instantly felt elated. Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but stretch and felt much more comfortable.

"Let's go to the Chamber of Commerce first and see if my master has any letter for me." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay." Jiang Yichun smiled and took her hand, walking with her towards the Chamber of Commerce in the city.

He was holding his fat son with one hand and holding his wife with the other. He looked very happy. In addition, the three members of the family were all very good-looking, which immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by. Bai Ruozhu looked around and realized that even if there was a family of three going out on the street, it was the woman holding the child. She couldn't help but think of the saying about a father not holding his son, so she hurriedly stretched out her hand and said, "Let me hold the child."

Jiang Yichun hid and said, "Didn't you still complain about back pain?"

Bai Ruozhu's face turned red. She was suppressed by him again before she could implement her plan to suppress him last night.

Wuyuan City is not big, so a family of three quickly found the Chamber of Commerce. Bai Ruozhu went over and showed his token to show his identity.

"Miss Bai, this is a message from Elder Lin, saying that he has left for Beijing and will meet you in the capital then." A steward said respectfully when he saw Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu was taken aback and asked, "Didn't he say anything about coming to Beijing?"

"No, that's all the message said." said the steward.

Then she asked the steward about the situation in Guqiu City. The steward said: "The general manager of Guqiu City, Zhang Zhifang, tried to collude with foreign thieves to harm his own people. He was severely punished by the Chamber of Commerce. Now the general manager of Guqiu City is also Replaced by General Manager Zhang Ding Zhang."

Bai Ruozhu felt relieved after hearing this, thinking that her master had indeed not been worshiped in vain, and everything had been taken care of in a few days.

After leaving the Chamber of Commerce, Bai Ruozhu asked Jiang Yichun: "Why do you think my master suddenly came to Beijing? He didn't mention it before, right?"

Jiang Yichun laughed, "You still don't understand Mr. Lin. He came to Beijing for you. I'm afraid he has to send more people to you. He finally found you, a suitable successor to a business genius, so how could he be willing to let anything happen to you? ?”

She and Lin Zhenghui had not known each other for too long, and they could not say how deep their relationship was. She did not even admire Lin Zhenghui from the bottom of her heart, but because of this incident, she felt a little touched in her heart and felt that Lin Zhenghui was sincere to her. Concerned.

"Your master is just too old and too cautious. He said that he can't give you more manpower. He is afraid that you will attract too much attention and get into trouble. If he doesn't see that being his apprentice will already be a big trouble." Jiang Yichun said and hummed. He snorted twice and said, "It's not convenient for you to establish your authority by recruiting so many people."

Bai Ruozhu took eight secret guards with her this time, leaving two secret guards to protect the Bai family. If there was any situation, she could be notified through the Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible. The ten stewards all expressed their willingness to go to Beijing with Bai Ruozhu. She just didn't want them to interfere in her family's business, so she arranged for them to leave later and meet her at the Chamber of Commerce after entering Beijing.

Now it seems that ten stewards are barely enough to do business in Beijing, but the secret guards are obviously too far behind, and even her basic safety cannot be guaranteed.

The family of three walked around the city casually, ate some local snacks, and then returned to the ship. Halfway through, Jiang Yichun looked at something on the side of the road and suddenly settled on it.

Bai Ruozhu noticed something was wrong with him and hurriedly turned her head to look. It was a small bottle that was not too exquisitely made. She looked at it carefully and couldn't help but ask: "Snuff bottle?"

Jiang Yichun came back to his senses and showed some surprise, "You recognize the snuff bottle."

Bai Ruozhu nodded and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Jiang Yichun pulled her and continued to walk forward without looking at the snuff bottle again, indicating that it was not the snuff bottle that attracted him, but the memory related to the snuff bottle.

"My father had a snuff bottle when I was a kid. No one in Danliang used this stuff at that time. He bought it from a Western businessman." Jiang Yichun's voice sounded a little sad.

Bai Ruozhu knew that he was thinking of his father, so she held his hand tightly and said, "When the business in Beijing is over, we will go to pay homage to your father and give him some snuff bottles."

Jiang Yichun nodded, said nothing, held Ruozhu's hand, and returned to the boat.


I can only update three times today because I am going to attend the Women’s Video Writers Annual Meeting tomorrow and my suitcase has not been packed yet. Various things have been delayed. My child has been pestering me all day long when he knew I was leaving. In addition, it is difficult to guarantee updates in the next four days because there are various schedules. I really haven’t saved the manuscript. I can only say that there will be no less than three updates. I will try to ensure four updates. I will count and write down the less. Come back a little bit to replenish everyone, okay?

Today's other update will be posted later, and I currently owe two updates. I remembered it...

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