Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 731 Surprise! He is back

It is impossible for a person with Jian Qi's status to not have some stories. Bai Ruozhu had no intention of exploring and uncovering his scars. He just said to him: "I want to form an underground force, which includes collecting information, secret business and more secret things." Wei, I don’t have any ambitions, but I like to plan ahead and don’t like to let myself be too passive.”

Jian Qi looked at Bai Ruozhu blankly. He used to think that she was just a smart farm girl, but as the days passed, he found that he could not understand her more and more, let alone guess her. Thoughts, and even confused by the aura she often exudes.

What makes her so confident?

"If your power continues to expand, maybe I can help you achieve your wish, but..." Bai Ruozhu stretched out her voice, "If your wish is revenge, I can only help you create opportunities. You have to do it yourself for real revenge. .”

"My wish is not revenge." Jian Qi said hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu thought that he had hurt his throat because of some hatred, but she didn't expect that he didn't want revenge.

"If you want to build an information network, I can help you, but it may not be faster or more complete than the chamber of commerce can collect information." Jian Qi said.

Bai Ruozhu shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said: "I know this, but the Chamber of Commerce information does not belong to me, and they will not use it for me if I want to check it, so I would rather have my own intelligence department. And you, Tell me your wish.”

Jian Qi hesitated for a moment and said, "Find me a woman named Lizhi."

"There must be a lot of women named Lychee. Do they have any characteristics?" Bai Ruozhu frowned.

"I have been in the Chamber of Commerce for so many years and I have found many lychees, but they are not the person I am looking for. Only when I find her can I know whether it is her or not," he said.

Bai Ruozhu still wanted to ask, but seeing that Jian Qi didn't want to mention it anymore, she couldn't ask any more questions.

She took out the dividends she had received a few days before welcoming the guests and gave them to Jian Qi as initial capital. Jian Qi did not expect Bai Ruozhu to trust him so much. When she left, her eyes changed when she looked at Bai Ruozhu.

Two days later, the field in the suburbs of Beijing had been bought. Bai Ruozhu directly asked the steward to rent it out. It was cost-effective to collect rent every quarter.

In the afternoon of this day, a secret guard hurriedly came to report, "Master, my uncle has returned to Beijing!"

Bai Ruozhu jumped up excitedly, grabbed the secret guard's arm, and asked, "How is he? Is he not injured?"

"No, no, he was welcomed into the palace by Jing Zhaoyin. He looked very energetic." The secret guard quietly slapped his arm, and his face turned red nervously.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Bai Ruozhu murmured, and it took him a long time to react and let go of his hand.

She hurriedly went to talk to Lin Zhenghui, and asked the waiter to greet the guests, ordered a banquet, and said that she would take care of Jiang Yichun in the evening.

Lin Zhenghui was also very happy. He and Bai Ruozhu waited for Jiang Yichun in the yard. In the evening, the banquets were brought over and placed in large insulated food boxes. Because he was afraid of getting cold, he did not rush to set the table.

As a result, the two of them waited around with Deng Deng, but Jiang Yichun didn't come back.

"I'll ask someone to inquire at the palace gate." Bai Ruozhu smiled apologetically at her master and called the old man over. But when Jiang Yichun didn't come back, she was too embarrassed to tell him.

"I'd better ask someone to inquire about it, lest the palace know that you are inquiring." Lin Zhenghui said. He had someone who could inquire into the palace.

"Thank you, Master." Bai Ruozhu smiled apologetically. She had already scolded Jiang Yichun in her heart. She would find a washboard later!

After waiting for about half an hour, it was already dark. Lin Zhenghui's people came back to report that Jiang Yichun had been left in the palace for dinner.

Lin Zhenghui looked at Bai Ruozhu worriedly and whispered: "The emperor's fate is difficult, girl, don't take it to heart."

It would be strange not to care! After finally returning to Beijing, instead of being reunited with her and her children, she was dining with others in the palace. Needless to say, she must be Princess Jade Temple!

Even though he knew the child was sick, he didn't know how to come back to see the child quickly. What happened to the emperor's order? It’s not that he didn’t dare to disobey the emperor’s order, he was clearly too happy to miss Shu!

"Forget it, let's not wait for him. We have put out the dishes and we have a good meal. I also asked someone to bring good wine. I have to have a few drinks with you today." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile, as if Nothing is the same.

Lin Zhenghui looked a little distressed and said, "Okay, Master will accompany you to this meal."

Bai Ruozhu asked Lamei to put the food and wine on the table, and she swore angrily that she would ignore that bastard Jiang Yichun for three days, no, five days!

Soon, Bai Ruozhu and Lin Zhenghui started eating. Because after eating the complementary food, Deng Deng had wintersweet playing with him. He wanted to eat the delicacies on the table, but it was a pity that it was not time yet.

The two of them were eating and drinking. Bai Ruozhu talked a lot more than usual, even a little noisy. Lin Zhenghui smiled bitterly, thinking that this girl was afraid of being too cold and kept trying to cheer up the atmosphere.

Just when Bai Ruozhu was feeling dizzy after drinking, Lin Zhenghui's men came outside to report the news.

"Master, something happened. Mr. Jiang was carried out of the palace on a stretcher!"

"What?" Bai Ruozhu stood up suddenly. Probably because she was drunk, her voice was much louder than usual, which shocked everyone.

"How was he injured? What happened?" Bai Ruozhu grabbed the collar of the subordinate and asked.

Fortunately, she only practiced some simple martial arts and wasn't very strong, so she didn't make anyone unable to speak. The subordinate said tremblingly: "It's hard for us to investigate the affairs in the palace. Someone will escort the young master back. He should be here soon. Madam, why don't you prepare it earlier?"

Only then did Bai Ruozhu let go of the man, and said with a somewhat unclear speech: "Wangmei, go boil some water and let it dry!"

Lin Zhenghui hurriedly took Deng Deng from Lamei, who trotted to the kitchen to boil water.

Bai Ruozhu walked towards the gate unsteadily. Lin Zhenghui hugged Dengdeng and followed behind. He said with some annoyance: "If I knew something would happen to Mr. Jiang, I shouldn't have dragged you to drink even if I beat you to death!"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't hear what he said, but she staggered forward, almost tripping several times. Jian Qi emerged from the darkness and went over to help her a few times, so that she didn't fall into pieces. Lin Zhenghui, who was walking behind, narrowed his eyes and looked at Jian Qi. Why hadn't he noticed that Jian Qi had such a careful side before?

Not long after Bai Ruozhu arrived at the gate, a team of Jinwu Guards rushed over with a stretcher. When Bai Ruozhu saw the person on the stretcher, she had already forgotten her decision to ignore him for three or five days. She called He said "Ah Chun" and rushed towards the person on the stretcher...

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