Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 740 This is called after-sales service

The emperor glanced at Bai Ruozhu, his eyes were a little dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Bai Ruozhu finally finished it. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, then inserted the crochet hook into her head again, turned around and saluted the emperor and the others, and said, "It has been repaired. I wish the Queen Mother a long life and eternal beauty."

After she finished speaking, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. She was able to leave. The sweat on her head was exposed. The powerful people watching her kept looking at her. Could she not sweat?

Unexpectedly, the Queen Mother was not in a hurry to let her leave, and said with a smile: "How come you have such skillful hands and thoughts? What is your birthday gift to the Ai family?"

Bai Ruozhu felt that she was very conspicuous today, and she wished she could hide in a corner, but she didn't know that the Queen Mother would actually raise this issue. She had to say: "I hooked the bed curtain with my own hands. I don't know if it suits the Queen Mother's wishes."

"Hurry up and show it to the Ai family." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

The eunuch of the Department of Internal Affairs had already removed the surrounding cloth, found the gift from Bai Ruozhu, and presented it to him.

To be honest, Bai Ruozhu's heart was pounding. She was afraid that someone would deliberately plot and ruin her birthday gift. Although it seemed too deliberate, would others say that the quality of her crochet products was not good and that it was too easy to break?

Fortunately, her things were fine, and she breathed a huge sigh of relief. Her expression fell directly into the Queen Mother's eyes. The Queen Mother couldn't help but laugh, and asked someone to unfold the bed curtains. It was a pair of hooks that could be covered outside the bed curtains. Woven bed curtains with beautiful bell flowers crocheted on them.

The bellflower is not as delicate and lush as the peony, only the small flowers are particularly delicate, which seems a bit inconsistent with the Queen Mother's status.

Bai Ruozhu didn't plan to crochet bellflowers at first. She didn't even plan to crochet flowers. She also planned to make some words such as "longevity" and "fu". However, after meeting the Queen Mother, her mind changed. How could a young beauty like the Queen Mother not like flowers?

And when she went to Cining Palace twice, she found that the Queen Mother's handkerchief was embroidered with bell flowers. Some palace-made things require flowers that represent wealth such as peonies, but handkerchiefs are different. They can be made according to personal preferences. . The two handkerchiefs were of different colors and embroidered in different styles, but they were both embroidered with small, blossoming bell flowers.

It can be seen that the Queen Mother prefers bellflowers. Bai Ruozhu wanted to use things like bed curtains for bedrooms, and she didn't have to be particular about peonies, so she chose bellflowers.

The Queen Mother's eyes were really wide open when she saw it, and she couldn't help but say: "This crocheting method can also hook out the bell flowers, it is really exquisite."

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to Bai Ruozhu in the field. Some were envious, appreciative, jealous and disdainful.

At this time, I don't know which lady was talking too much, and said: "What is the Queen Mother's status? Why doesn't she hook peonies? Isn't this too petty?"

Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. Is this lady looking for trouble for her, or for herself? Don’t you see that the Queen Mother likes it very much? You even said that Xiaojiazi is angry, aren't you afraid of being resented by the Queen Mother?

The Queen Mother's smile did indeed fade a bit, but she did not say that she liked bluebells. Instead, she said lightly: "I have seen too many peonies and my eyes are tired. It is good to change the flowers occasionally. The Ai family likes this gift very much. reward!"

The Queen Mother did not reward Bai Ruozhu with anything in particular, but something that she had prepared for today. The eunuch of the Internal Affairs Department brought a plate to Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu thanked her, and then took the eunuch back to her desk. The eunuch He put the reward on her desk before leaving. It is a wishful jade, taking an auspicious sign.

Many people saw that the Queen Mother did not give any special reward, so they no longer paid attention to Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief and quietly smiled at the Queen Mother on the stage to show her gratitude.

"Your wife is really ingenious." A Jinwu Guard commander who was talking with Jiang Yichun boasted in a rough voice.

Jiang Yichun turned to look at Bai Ruozhu. Their eyes met and they both laughed at each other. Princess Jade on the stage couldn't help but look a little gloomy when she saw this scene. The Queen Mother didn't understand her daughter. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She just hoped that Yu Huan would meet a more suitable person earlier. Jiang Yichun was really not a good match for her. Even if Jiang Yichun came back without his wife and children, the Queen Mother didn't want to agree with Yu Huan. Yan and Jiang Yichun are together, and their personalities are not suitable at all.

Bai Ruozhu took the dinner plate and sat down to eat for a while. Li Wanhua walked over from the side, toasted to her, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much just now."

Bai Ruozhu winked at her and said, "No need to thank me, this is considered after-sales service."

"After-sales service?" Li Wanhua didn't understand.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "Even if the merchant sells the items, he is still responsible for the post-sale services. For example, if the clothes or jewelry are broken, they will be repaired for free or for a very low fee."

Of course, after-sales service is more than that. Bai Ruozhu chose the simplest and easiest to understand ones. After saying this, she suddenly had an idea, and she had another proposal for the Chamber of Commerce in her mind, but she didn't want to say it now. The Chamber of Commerce was busy with the brand tax anyway, so she would talk about it later when a meeting on new initiatives was held.

Li Wanhua nodded and said, "You have a sense of responsibility, others may not be willing to do it."

The two chatted and laughed, and after a while they got up to get something, and happened to bump into Wang Zhenru. Wang Zhenru didn't look very good, but she just said hello politely, and did not call Bai Ruozhu "sister" like before, let alone Tired of looking at her.

Li Wanhua suppressed her laughter and turned red. Bai Ruozhu almost couldn't help but break the technique. I think Wang Zhenru must hate her and Jiang Yichun now.

But she soon realized that she was wrong, because Wang Zhenru would still look at Jiang Yichun with some obsession, and her eyes were full of jealousy. Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but pout, has Wang Zhenru become a nymphomaniac? She was ridiculed by a man like that, and she still thinks about it?

Li Wanhua whispered from the side: "It's really shameful. It's so embarrassing."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but give Li Wanhua a thumbs up. This scolding was so refreshing.

The two of them were snickering when suddenly a maid who was serving food suddenly twisted her foot and bumped into a lady next to her with an ouch. The lady was unprepared and tilted her body, spilling the juice in her hand. It suddenly spilled onto Bai Ruozhu's clothes.

The palace maid hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, saying, "Madam, I am atonement. I did not do this on purpose."

"Ah..." The lady whispered, ignoring the maid, but looked at Bai Ruozhu with an apologetic look, and said, "Mrs. Jiang, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect to be hit like this."

Bai Ruozhu still looked a little embarrassed with juice hanging on her body. However, she did not scream or look unhappy. She just looked at the lady and the maid indifferently. Although the lady was nervous, she was also magnanimous and did not look like this. Bai Ruozhu was intentionally designed.

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