Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 817 Lost a person

"You, you have the heart of a villain." Shan Youshen said with difficulty.

Bai Ruozhu raised the corners of her lips indifferently and said, "Don't you say that only women and villains are difficult to raise? So what if I have a villain's heart? I'm not a military doctor or an imperial doctor. I don't dare to prescribe medicine to people randomly. I can’t bear this responsibility.”

"Then you opened it for everyone on the ship." Shan Youshen said unconvinced.

"That's because everyone trusts me, so I feel relieved. As for you, Mr. Shan, just take the medicines brought by your family. I guess they are all good medicines. I don't dare to show my shame." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

Someone next to him immediately echoed: "Yes, we believe Mrs. Jiang!"

"Yes, we trust her!"

Shan Youshen was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He pointed at Bai Ruozhu and said "you, you" for a long time. Someone immediately came over to stop him, and someone else pushed him and said angrily: "Be polite to Mrs. Jiang, otherwise you will be killed." Throw you into the river!"

The soldiers of the northwest camp were extremely tough. Many of them had killed many enemies on the battlefield. They had the smell of blood and hostility in their bodies. Such a threat made Shan Youshen tremble in fear. In the end, he could only sneer. Returned to the cabin.

After that, his throat felt so bad that he went to find Jiang Yichun and complained to Jiang Yichun.

"Master Jiang, there were soldiers on the ship today who threatened me and wanted to throw me into the river. My wife refused to treat me. Are you not afraid of being said to be stingy and affecting your reputation?" Shan Youshen said very seriously. It was difficult, and his voice became even hoarse.

Jiang Yichun couldn't help but frown. Hearing this kind of sound made people want to pick out their ears.

"Oh? The soldiers in the northwest camp are a bit tougher, but they are not unreasonable. I'm afraid Young Master Shan has offended them, right? As for my wife being my family matter, it's not your turn to worry about it." Jiang Yichun's voice became louder and louder. It got colder and colder, and in the end it had a chilling flavor.

Shan Youshen couldn't help but shudder. How come the Jiang family and his wife don't have enough food and salt? The woman is not afraid of people saying she is stingy and lacks grace, and the man is not afraid of affecting his reputation. What a pair of idiots!

In fact, he doesn't know that his words are like farts to others. Who is the idiot?

In the afternoon of the same day, the ship passed by Xiashui City and docked at the dock. However, due to a rush for time, the ship would sail that night. These few hours were spent replenishing the ship with supplies.

The people from Beishui Academy couldn't stay on the boat any longer, so they suggested that they go down for a walk and be back in two hours.

Seeing that it was Dean Wen who proposed it, Jiang Yichun agreed and sent a team of twenty people to protect them.

Bai Ruozhu hugged Deng Deng and got off the boat. She stayed on the boat and felt that her whole body was shaking naturally. Wu Ying also took her for a walk in the city. Bai Ruozhu thought that since Jiang Yichun had to organize the team and check the poisonous snakes, she might as well go for a walk with Wu Ying. There were so many secret guards around her anyway.

Jiang Yichun didn't object when he heard it. In addition to Bai Ruozhu's secret guards, he also arranged for Chen Feng and Mu Yu to follow him. With the addition of Wu Ying, there should be no problem.

Bai Ruozhu and Wu Ying shopped around, bought Xiashui City's special snacks, and then went to a restaurant to have a delicious meal. The ingredients on the ship were limited, and the food tasted average. Both of them were stifled.

After eating, Bai Ruozhu went to the Chamber of Commerce. Sure enough, there was a letter from his master, saying that the brand tax matter was basically settled and would be implemented soon. It's just a pity that her good idea was taken away by others.

The letter didn't mention who took the credit, so Bai Ruozhu wouldn't care too much. It would be enough for her to show her face in the Chamber of Commerce because of this proposal, and she would have to take her time in the future.

She asked the steward for paper and pen, and quickly wrote a reply to Lin Zhenghui. There was nothing important in it, but she just asked Lin Zhenghui to help her register Hua Xiangrong's sign.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Ruozhu bought a few more gadgets for Dengdeng and then returned to the ship.

As a result, when the people from Beiyu Academy who had not been seen for a long time came back, no one was there when the time came. It stands to reason that Dean Wen is not such a punctual person, right?

Finally, a soldier came back to report the news and said to Jiang Yichun: "Sir, a famous student from the Academy is missing. Dean Wen and others are looking for him, so time was wasted."

Bai Ruozhu felt nervous after hearing this and hurriedly asked: "Which student is missing?"

"Madam, this is a student named Du Xueru." The soldier returned.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't her second brother, but soon she felt a little embarrassed. Her expression of relief was too obvious.

Jiang Yichun said with a cold face: "Go and tell Dean Wen and tell them all to get back to the boat immediately. I will send people to continue looking for Du Xueru without them having to look for him, lest Du Xueru is not found and others are lost."

"Yes." The soldier responded and left in a hurry.

Jiang Yichun mobilized two teams, each with twenty people, and asked them to divide into groups of ten to search from four directions in the city. Xiashui City was not big, and he did not believe that people could disappear inexplicably.

Then he asked the adjutant to take his token and say hello to the local magistrate. If necessary, he would need the help of the magistrate to check house to house together.

Soon, the soldiers took action, and after a while, Dean Wen and his team came back safely, but everyone was dejected, and Dean Wen's face was also full of worry.

"Dean Wen, don't worry, I have arranged for people to search." Jiang Yichun said.

Dean of Literature bowed to Jiang Yichun, "It's caused trouble to Mr. Jiang. I shouldn't have led them around."

"Now is not the time to hold people responsible. I'm going to find someone. You guys should go back to the boat and stay there before anyone gets off the boat." After Jiang Yichun said this, he hugged Dean Wen's fists and then rode away.

Bai Ruozhu pulled Wu Ying onto the boat, but Wu Ying said eagerly: "Otherwise, I'll go find someone else. Multiple people can go faster, so as not to delay the trip."

"Don't mess around. If you get lost again, you will have to return to Beiyu City honestly after the ship leaves." Bai Ruozhu said.

Wu Ying shrank her neck, "Then I'll follow you. Master Jiang will never abandon you anyway."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing, Wu Ying was really good at talking.

She hugged Dengdeng and took Wu Ying to find her second brother and the others. Wu Ying was a little embarrassed when she saw Bai Zepei. Fortunately, Bai Ruozhu talked about the business at the beginning, and the embarrassment in her heart was quickly diluted.

"Second brother, is Du Xueru the main member? Does he have any grudges with anyone on weekdays?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"Do you suspect that the problem lies within the academy?" Bai Zepei looked up at his sister, reached out to take Dengdeng and held her in his arms.

"Think about it, there are twenty soldiers following, and there are more than twenty people in the academy, and if they suddenly disappear, someone must be up to something here, or else a living person can disappear out of thin air?" Bai Ruozhu said.

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