Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 985 Someone jumped into the well

Jian Qi rarely saw Bai Ruozhu getting so angry, so he immediately ordered the secret guards below to investigate.

Bai Ruozhu also thought about it. Many of the maids and guards in the family were brought from Beiyu City. They didn't bother to buy new servants when they arrived in the capital. If there was a traitor, it would be the old man from before.

Could it be that he was tempted by benefits?

Although she has arranged secret guards at home to protect her family, the responsibility of the secret guards is to protect her. When she is not at home, most of the secret guards will hide in the main courtyard to protect her parents and Deng Deng, so they will not keep an eye on her at all. In the courtyard, only the guards from each place will guard the courtyard.

Finding the traitor is one thing, but solving the immediate crisis is the top priority.

She lost the reward at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. Even though the Queen Mother was a tolerant person, it could not stop those who wanted to make a fuss about it and use the rules to find fault with her.

Guizhi asked with a worried look from behind: "Ruozhu, will there be any trouble?"

"It's okay. You go and tell your parents. I might be back later. Tell them not to worry. I have a way to handle it." Bai Ruozhu said and was about to walk out.

At this time, a secret guard rushed over, saluted her and said, "Master, someone committed suicide by jumping into the well in the old lady's yard. Fortunately, we just searched the yard and rescued him in time."

Bai Ruozhu was shocked. The courtyard arranged for Mrs. Liu was occupied by Mrs. Liu and Tao Ren. A few days ago, Mrs. Liu went to Bo's house and insisted on staying. Bai Ruozhu also asked Tao Ren to stay and take care of her, so the courtyard Now that it is empty, how could anyone jump into the well there?

"Who is it?" she asked hurriedly.

"It seems to be the maid named Tao Ren." the secret guard replied.

Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows, "Nonsense, Tao Ren is still in Bo Mansion, let me go and take a look."

She walked quickly towards the old lady's yard, and Guizhi hurriedly followed.

As soon as they entered the backyard, they heard the woman sobbing and crying. The well was at the back of the yard. The person was rescued, and the guards did not dare to take her into the house casually.

Ancient people thought it was bad luck if someone in the family committed suicide, so it would be fine if they died in the back room of the family. If they died in the family's house, no one would want to live in the yard.

Bai Ruozhu walked quickly towards the back of the yard. The old lady's yard was not big, just a main room and two small side rooms. It didn't take much effort to walk to the back yard.

A girl dressed as a maid was sobbing. She couldn't move at all. It was obvious that her acupuncture points were tapped by the guard.

"Miss, we were afraid that she would commit suicide, so we tapped her acupuncture points." Cui Fan had already arrived and hurriedly explained to Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the maid, with a stern look in her eyes, and asked, "Why did you say you are Tao Ren? Do you think saying this will prevent others from suspecting your presence here?"

The maid cried harder. She couldn't move, but her lips were trembling. She was obviously very scared.

"Isn't that right, Dongqing?" Bai Ruozhu's voice suddenly became louder.

This maid was the second batch of maids she bought. She also had a clean background and no relatives were holding her back, but she didn't expect that she was the traitor in the family.

"Tell me honestly, why did you betray me and steal my things and give them to others?" Because she didn't take too much control of the maids at home, and gave them a chance to go out to play and rest for half a day once a week. She remembered the afternoon before yesterday It is the day when Holly takes a half-day rest.

It seems that she stole the bracelet the day before yesterday and gave it to the Yang family when she went out to play.

Dongqing cried harder, but refused to speak. She looked at Bai Ruozhu with a guilty look in her eyes.

"Do you think I can't do anything if I don't speak? My uncle used to work for the General Affairs Department, and he gave me medicine that can make prisoners tell the truth. If you tell the truth yourself, you will avoid suffering." Bai Ruozhu said coldly, But in fact, she had no intention of using torture.

Although she hated her maid for betraying her, she still remembered her efforts in serving the family and didn't want to make things too difficult for her.

And her intuition told her that Dongqing was not a person who coveted wealth and wealth, so she probably had some reasons.

Bai Ruozhu waited for a long time, and just when she felt she had to use medicine to force a confession, Dongqing finally spoke.

"Miss, I'm sorry for you and let you down. I don't ask you to forgive me. I know that my sin is unforgivable. I just ask you to save my brother. He is just a ten-year-old who doesn't understand anything. Child." Holly cried.

"Brother?" Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised. When she bought someone from Ge Yapo, she found out clearly that Dongqing came here to escape from the tragedy, her family members died of illness one after another, and she sold herself to bury her mother.

Could it be that Gurgava lied? But Bai Ruozhu feels that although Ge Yapo is not a good person, he is an honest businessman.

"I always thought that my brother was dead. When we fled, he was blue and breathless, and was buried by my father on the roadside. Later, my parents also died of illness. But a few days ago, someone took my brother away When he came to see me, even though he had grown taller and gained some weight, I still recognized him at first glance, and the birthmark on his body was correct."

"I couldn't believe it at the time. How could a dead person come back to life? He said that his master passed by and found that he had not really died, so he saved him and taught him some medical skills. He always wanted to find me, and then he He followed his master to find the capital."

"Who is your brother's master?" Bai Ruozhu felt strange. Could it be that he was also a miracle doctor?

"I don't know. He didn't say his name. Then he came to me again and told me to steal the eldest lady's bracelet, otherwise he would kill my brother." Dongqing cried and twitched, "He even showed me The half-blooded little finger said that if I didn’t do what he said, what I would see next time would not be half a finger, but my brother’s head.”

"Miss, I know I'm sorry for you. You have been treating me very well, but I can't bear to see my brother killed. He is the last bloodline in my family. If I can exchange my life for his, I will accept it." . I really don’t have the shame to stay in the Bai family anymore, and I’m afraid of being discovered, so I sneaked into this yard today and planned to die. "

At the end of the sentence, Dong Qing's eyes turned gray. It could be seen that she had really repaid her wish for death and had no hope of survival.

Bai Ruozhu took a deep breath. She didn't know whether to sympathize with Dongqing or hate her. She also has a younger brother. If Xiaosi is caught and threatened by someone, she will probably obey him, so she can understand Dongqing's behavior. But she can't forgive Dongqing for betraying her. Is her master so unworthy of the trust of the people below? Don't you believe she can help save her brother?

"You should have told me from the beginning that I would find a way to rescue your brother, but you actually believed others instead of me. Now do you really think that because you have done this, your brother is really safe? He is in a In the hands of a master who can cut off his fingers at will, what kind of life will he face in the future?"

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