Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1127: Sea water wall

Chapter 1127: Sea Water Wall

In the morning in the open sea, the air is full of the smell of the ocean. This is a novel experience, flying directly over the ocean with your body.

Flying is no stranger to Abel. He has a super strong flying ride such as Feiyan and an ancient flying war weapon such as the Firefang War Fortress. He also once crossed the open sea, but that time was at the highest altitude. Passing at high speed, it is estimated that when the powerful sea beasts in the open sea found him, it was too late to pursue.

Flying with three legendary wizards this time is another experience. The flight of the three legendary wizards is 300 meters from the surface of the sea, and ‘momentary movement’ is used every half a second.

For non-wizards, this frequency of 'momentary movement' is a disaster. The intense vertigo brought by 'momentary movement' has been used by the wizard for years, and other professionals occasionally 'momentarily move' 'There is no problem, but such a long continuous' momentary movement' is enough for other professionals to spit out on the spot.

Dylan's legendary wizard takes Abel's constant 'momentary movement'. He and two other legendary wizards are waiting to see Abel's joke. Of course, this is a kind joke.

But they were very disappointed. For an hour, Abel's face was still as relaxed, and he could chat with them.

"Master Bennet, have you used your short-range teleportation training in your Golden Castle?" The legendary wizard of Glen couldn't help asking.

You need to know that you can ‘momentarily move’ for a long time without vertigo. This is something that only wizards can do. Druids do n’t have the experience of ‘momentarily moving’ for a long time.

"Glen Legendary Wizard, I always take Frankenstein Wizard with me when I go out. He normally uses 'momentary movement' to take me!" Aber replied with a smile.

As for Abel's rule wizard contractor, the Wizarding Guild naturally knows that he can only use the rule wizard as a mobile tool. It is estimated that only he can do it.

The rule wizard has the pride of the rule wizard. As the backbone of this world's dominant power, the rule wizard plays a pivotal role in any power.

The legendary wizard of Glenn said to Abel's answer that he didn't want to say anything more. Abel's behavior was acquiesced by the Wizarding Society, but is it really good for you to say this publicly?

"What smell is this, it smells better than Master Bennett's dishes!" Just then, the legendary Dorian Wizard suddenly said.

She said she sniffed twice, her face full of intoxication.

Abel also smelled what she said. It was a strange aroma, which made people instinctively think that it must be very delicious, and at the same time even saliva began to secrete from his mouth.

"Yeah, it smells so good!" Glen Legend Wizard also sniffed and said intoxicated.

In fact, several people here have the instinct to find danger. Both the legendary wizards and Abel have their own danger perception, especially Abel's spiritual sense is particularly sensitive.

It was precisely because the aroma did not trigger a sense of danger that made the three men sniff the aroma with ease.

But Abel quickly awakened from the aroma, just now he had an instinct to take off the hand of Dylan's legendary wizard, and rushed towards the aroma.

It seemed that the aroma had a fatal temptation to him, this temptation came from the soul level.

But his powerful mental power quickly controlled his emotions and prevented his body from moving.

Of course, if he escaped the hands of Dylan's legendary wizard, he would fall directly into the sea.

At this time, the legendary wizards of Doreen and Glen also woke up, and they seemed to feel that the situation was not the same.

"Just be careful, this should be the smell of a high-level powerful sea beast!" Loudly reminded the legendary wizard of Dylan.

Only a few of them were unaffected from the beginning, judging the origin of the aroma.

When a sea animal produces a child, it will cause a special smell, which has a strong temptation to all life below the strength of the sea animal.

In fact, it is not the temptation of the smell itself, but a kind of instinct of life, because when a sea animal produces a child, the newborn baby sea animal will emit a breath of life within two hours after the birth.

This breath of life is the smell that Abel smelled. Of course, this smell is stronger for other sea animals.

The breath of life reminds all nearby sea beasts through the smell. This newly born juvenile sea beast is the best medium for their higher life.

As long as you eat the newborn juvenile sea beast, you can increase your own life level, which is why it is only effective for sea beasts that are less than the production of sea beasts.

It is no wonder that the legendary wizards of Dylan warned loudly, because they could seduce their breath of life, showing how powerful the sea beast is.

He is not un attracted by the smell, but as a captain, he has been following the movements of the surroundings, especially when there are a large number of powerful sea beasts gathered, which is very rare.

When he smelled the scent, he immediately thought of the records of sea creatures in the Wizarding Guild, which were all recorded by the wizards of the Wizarding Guild.

"Master Bennett, please immediately release the ancient stealth ship, and we will enter into it to hide!" Dylan's legendary sorcerer fixed his eyes and said to Abel loudly.

Abel followed his gaze and found an amazing situation. I saw a few powerful sea beasts flying low in the direction of the scent, and there were more sea beasts in the distance. You rushed in the same direction.

Just looking at those sea beasts without wings, they can quickly move directly in flight, which means that they are all sea beasts of legendary level and above.

These sea beasts are very powerful, and the sea water on the sea surface is triggered by a huge impact, creating a water mist that bursts outward.

And Abel they are in the direction of these sea beasts. Once they meet with so many powerful sea beasts, the impact is not the only thing they can consume.

He took the ancient stealth ship out of the artifact space bag and threw it into the sea. The legendary wizard of Dylan took him 'momentarily moved' to the ancient stealth ship, followed by two other legendary wizards also entering into it.

"Sneak Spirit, dive down, open up invisibility, cut off all breath!" Abel commanded the Stalker loudly.

The ancient submersible ship sank towards the water. During the sinking process, the hull quickly deformed into a fully enclosed oval hull. With the wave of light, the ancient submersible ship merged with the seawater.

Abel and three legendary wizards stood in the hall of an ancient stealth ship, and the walls of the hall showed the outside.

He saw the two powerful sea beasts fighting that day, and the two sea beasts chased the three legendary wizards all the way, but imagine how powerful they were.

When he saw giant turtles and octopuses, Dylan's legendary wizard also looked serious.

"How powerful are the sea beasts that gave birth this time, and even sea beasts of this strength are involved!" He said in a deep voice.

The emergence of these two powerful sea beasts shows that the child that produced the child is more powerful than these two sea beasts, which made some of the legendary wizards who had dealt with it a bit horrified.

"Damn, if we meet these sea beasts on land, we don't need to do this at all!" The legendary wizard of Glen said a little bit persuasively.

What he said was true. On the land, the Shanghai beast could not call the power of the ocean, and its natural strength dropped greatly.

But sea beasts live on the ocean, and calling the power of the sea is also an important part of their strength. You can only meet sea beasts, and they can only be on the sea.

"Oh oh!" Came from the direction of the aroma of dragon yin. This dragon yin paused all the running sea beasts, but some sea beasts couldn't resist the temptation of the life breath of the young sea beasts, and rushed towards the breath of life again go with.

The dragon Yinwei was full of pressure, and another part of the sea monsters who were not so powerful was awakened by the dragon Yin and turned around and ran away wildly.

Several people in the ancient submersible ship were the first to bear the impact of Longyin. Even in the sea, they could not stop Long Yin from entering the ancient submersible ship.

The three legendary wizards all changed their face. The strongest Dylan legendary wizard was better. However, Dorian the legendary wizard was directly pale. With some signs of deterrence, the legendary Glenn wizard was ugly, but his eyes were normal. .

Instead, Abel was the easiest, but his expression was weird.

"What kind of dragon is this, is it a dragon of ten thousand years?" Dylan's legendary wizard asked in amazement.

He didn't want others to answer, it was just an emotional expression.

"The legendary wizard of Dylan, this is not the Dragon's Dragon!" Abel gave him an answer.

The legendary wizard of Dylan turned his attention to Abel, and his eyes were inquiring. The other two legendary wizards also eased from Long Yin and looked at Abel as well.

"I know something about the Dragons. Although it looks like Dragon Yin, there is no real Dragons breath, and some have a very strange specious Dragons breath!" Abel explained.

"By the way, Master Bennett has 'Dragon Change' and can transform into a dragon. Of course, I know a lot about this!" Glen Legend Wizard patted his head and said.

"Would you like to see what a sea beast?" Abel asked the legendary wizard of Dylan.

Curiosity is a powerful motivation for professionals, but Dylan's legendary wizard touched the space bag around his waist and shook his head. There were nine thousand bottles of "Magic Elixir" in the space bag, which is very important to the Wizarding Guild.

"Then let's go back!" Abel said with a pity, looking towards Long Yin.

Such a powerful sea beast has not been seen with your own eyes, and you may never see it again in the future.

However, his eyes did not leave that direction, because he knew that a group of mighty sea beasts had rushed in that direction, and a war was about to begin.

"Boom!" There was a blast, even the bodies of several people in the ancient stealth ship shook.

Above the distant sea, a phantom of a dragon-headed tortoise rises, the sound comes from the blast that occurred when this phantom appeared, and at the same time he sees those sea beasts that are rushing past, thrown into the air like toys.

Abel's face was already terrified, because among them were giant octopuses and giant turtles, and those two sea beasts with extremely powerful combat strength, and now they could not resist like a baby in front of the ghost.

After being thrown away, the sea beasts in the air are trying to control their bodies. Those who can go there have been eliminated after Long Yin's release. These sea beasts have the legendary strength and can fly in the air. .

But then, the ghost of the dragon's head was stepping down with his elephant's front left leg, and then the sea seemed to be blown open, raising a wall of seawater in the direction of these sea beasts.

Abel was stunned as the beasts that were thrown away were pasted directly on the wall of the sea, rushing towards them.

"Quick, Master Bennett, dive to the maximum depth, that's the dragon turtle!" Exclaimed Dylan's legendary wizard.

Abel quickly ordered the Sneak Spirit to dive, and while the ancient submarine was descending, the sea wall was already surging.

At this distance, he can clearly see how terrible the sea water wall is. From the sea surface to hundreds of meters, the sea water forms a wall, which just pushes across the sea surface, and ordinary sea fish along the way. On the seawater walls, it became meat.

There are only those legendary sea beasts posted on the sea water wall, and there is a breath of life, but the whole body seems to be suppressed by some kind of force, and it can't move at all, so it is pushed by the sea water wall.

There was a harsh sound from the top of the ancient diving boat, like the sound of a steel knife scraping an iron block. When Abel was worried about the ancient diving boat, the sea wall passed the top of the ancient diving boat and moved further away. With.

Abel swallowed a spit of water. Just now he was very nervous, and was almost close, the ancient diving boat was scattered by the sea water wall.

He didn't believe that this ancient submarine was able to resist the terrible sea wall, even those beasts above the legendary level could not fight back.

Only then did he really know the dangers of the open sea. With such a powerful life in the open sea, people who came from the mainland were unlucky.

"It's okay, because the dragon turtle has just been produced, its strength may have been affected!" Said the legendary wizard of Dylan Changshu with a sigh of relief.

Abel was terrified, and his strength was affected in this way.

"Master Bennett, the dragon turtle is the descendant of the ancient dragon and the ancient **** turtle in the sea. Although the blood of the ancient **** turtle is almost the same as that of the ancient dragon, the blood of the dragon turtle is not recognized by the dragon family. There is no real dragon blood in the blood, but a variation with the blood of the ancient tortoise!

Dragon turtles also live in the ocean because of the inheritance of ancient tortoises. Although they are homologous to dragons, they do not want to be close to dragons. Similarly, dragons do not accept dragon turtles.

A dragon tortoise produced is at least a 10,000-year-old tortoise, which has almost the strongest strength under the gods. We are fortunate to be able to see its power is alive! "Dylan's legendary wizard explained to Abel.

(End of this chapter)

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