Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1129: Back to the Holy Land

Chapter 1129: Back To The Holy Land

"This can become a treasure for inheritance!" Abel whispered to himself.

This crystal can be used almost forever, so that all the wizards in a power can enjoy the benefits.

If you think about it, all the wizards of a power have 10% higher attack power than other wizards. In this world of low weaponry, 10% of spell attack power is increased. This advantage makes this power's Wizards stabilize their peers in the same level of battle.

Of course, the benefits of this crystal must first be used by their cast covenants and summoners, which can directly increase their power.

First, Abel summoned Frankenstein, and Abel used mental power to direct a moist energy from the crystals into Frankenstein's body.

The amount of moist energy absorbed by Frankenstein is similar to that of Abel. Abel had some concerns before using it. Will Frankenstein ’s steel and body affect the absorption of moist energy, but in fact this moist energy is more Seems to act on the soul.

Then Abel summoned twelve 'Wraith Guardian Wizards' and led them to twelve moist energies to them. The crystal did not disappoint Abel, and the twelve 'Wraith Guardian Wizards' had the power of chain lightning. It also increased by 10%.

Followed by Feiyan, Beamon Giant Dove, and Frenzy Knight Bruce, Feiyan ’s fire spell power has also increased by 10%, and Doffer ’s 'screaming' and 'combat system' effects have also increased. Ten percent, Bruce's Aura Aura gain has also increased by ten percent.

Even Johnson and Jason accepted the warm energy, and the power of the element also increased.

After a round of use, the energy in the crystal is much less. Abel specially arranged a large magic magic array for this purpose, and placed the crystal in it.

In the water-like magic environment of the large magic circle, the recovery speed of the crystal has increased several times, although it can not be easily found even if it is several times.

In fact, the name of this crystal is 'blessed crystal'. Its formation requires a special high-pressure environment to appear. Therefore, 'blessed crystal' usually appears only on the ocean floor.

For those sea beasts, the use of the 'blessed crystal' charge multiple times does not make much sense. When the sea beast's huge body uses the 'blessed crystal', it is normally thrown directly into the mouth and bite it with sharp teeth. .

In addition, 'Blessed Crystal' requires a magical environment to be able to recover its energy, and there are not many magical environments in nature, and sea beasts are far from studying 'Blessed Crystal' to this extent.

The "Blessed Crystal" that Abel got this time was discovered early by the giant turtle and carefully protected, waiting for the growth of "Blessed Crystal".

This is just like many precious and rare cultivation resources in the ocean. As long as they are just formed and discovered by powerful sea beasts, they will be taken care of and wait for their growth.

Maybe hundreds of years are still a long time for human beings, even for Abel, it is not a short time, but for a powerful sea beast, it is just a break in some place.

Waiting until the "Blessed Crystal" grows enough for the giant turtle to have enough body to use, it happens to meet the giant octopus attracted by the dragon turtle's child.

In the face of such treasures that can directly improve their own combat power, of course, the two powerful sea beasts have to fight for each other, but in the end they are cheaper Abel.

Naturally Abel was able to succeed, the biggest reason was that the two powerful sea beasts were led away by three legendary wizards, but his own breath was blocked by the artifact transforming necklace.

Perceived by the two powerful sea beasts, after knowing that there are no powerful creatures in the controllable sea area, they will safely chase the three legendary wizards who escaped.

After placing the ‘Crystal of Blessing’, he returned from the dark world to the Golden Castle of the Central Continent.

After replenishing some of the potions in the warehouse, he talked to the three followers and the Meyer butler, and then teleported them to the super teleportation circle.

Standing in front of the door of the main teleportation room in the center of the Super Teleportation Matrix, Abel was rarely homesick. In fact, long before the construction of the Super Teleportation Matrix, he wanted to be able to return to the Holy Land in the New Year.

But what went wrong was delayed by the wizard's mission, and the New Year has now passed.

Opening the door, he walked into the transfer hall. Inside the building made of special materials, the pattern of French arrays drawn on the ground made this transfer hall look solemn and mysterious.

"Faljin spirit, turn on the super teleportation!" He commanded directly.

Although the Super Teleportation Matrix was added after the Golden Castle, the French Matrix used by it is based on the Golden Castle and is integrated with the Golden Castle's legal array system. Naturally, it is the same as the Golden Castle. , You can use the short-distance transmission of the magic array at any time, and you can also contact the magic and research spirit at any time.

At this time, the guests who visited the "Legendary Light" on the top platform of the Golden Castle saw countless lights shining on the hillside on the side of the Golden Castle.

"Teacher, what is that?" A senior professional asked the teacher next to him.

"There is a super teleportation circle here!" The teacher exclaimed directly.

The experienced professionals at the scene also saw that the Super Teleportation Array was activated, and they also thought that Master Bennett, the owner of the Golden Castle, had such a large influence.

A Super Teleportation Matrix can't be set up with only financial resources. Even if you have all the materials, you also have a full-time Master of Legal Arrays, but without the consent of the Wizarding Guild, the Super Teleportation Matrix is ​​still a super luxurious toy That's it.

The super teleportation circle that can be activated indicates that the wizarding guild has recognized the fact that Master Bennett owns the super teleportation circle.

This is because Master Bennett is growing too fast and has no foundation. If he is allowed to grow for a period of time, he can become a top-notch power.

Those in the Central Continent who can have super teleportation laws are all forces with a strong background behind them.

Abel felt that the energy around his body began to run wildly, and the pattern of the pattern under his feet became brighter and brighter. His spiritual power controlled the transformation of the artifact into a necklace. The original elegant image of the elf was instantly transformed into a powerful human image.

At the same time, the elf costume on him was instantly changed into a wizard's robe, and when he changed back to human Abel, his figure disappeared in the super teleportation circle.

The Super Teleportation Matrix in the center of Saint-Lean's City received a mandatory teleportation request. This request usually comes from a super teleportation array with very high authority. This super teleportation array can be obtained without the consent of the city. Transfer directly.

"Strange, which big man is coming over today?" Lorenzo, the senior wizard, hurried toward the teleportation room using 'momentary movement', thinking.

Those who can use the high-powered Super Teleportation Matrix must be treated with care regardless of their status.

When he arrived in the teleportation room, the super teleportation was over. He stood in the teleportation hall and saw the figure appearing after the white light had dissipated.

"A wizard, you are back!" After seeing the figure, he stepped forward saluting excitedly and greeted loudly.

"Lorenza senior wizard, it's been a long time!" Abel stepped out of the circle and smiled and looked back at the familiar senior wizard in front of Lorenzo.

"Abel Wizard, your strength?" Lorenzo Senior Wizard is the senior wizard guarding the Central Continent here. Naturally, he can find the powerful breath that Abel has not covered up, he asked quickly.

"Lorenzo senior wizard, I have improved my strength in the Central Continent, and now I am a rule wizard!" Abel did not hide it. His strength is related to the stability of the kingdom of St. Ellis, so tell the truth.

"Master Albert, it's rude!" Lorenzo, the senior wizard, bowed deeply in horror, apologizing for just calling the wizard Abel directly.

What a rule wizard means to a senior wizard in Lorenzo is that it is the most prominent existence in the central continent and the cornerstone of this world.

Abel's age is never a secret in the Holy Land. As the most amazing talent in the Holy Land, his growth experience has inspired every professional in the Holy Land.

But even if Abel was more genius, Lorenzo's senior wizard did not expect that he could become a regular wizard so quickly, a powerful existence in this legend.

Yes, the rule wizard is the legendary power for the Holy Land and the senior wizard of Lorenzo, and the strongest wizard he has ever seen is the rule wizard.

I saw it in the Central Continent. For many years in the Holy Continent, he had almost forgotten the existence of that horror. Today, after experiencing the strong coercion of Abel, he will carefully ask for evidence.

"Lorenzo Senior Wizard, don't need to be like this, we are friends, and I also want to thank you for your constant care of the kingdom of St. Ellis!" Abel reached out and gave a smile, said with a smile.

"Sir Albert, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of the Kingdom of St. Ellis!" Said the senior wizard of Lorenzo with shame.

"What happened to the Kingdom of St. Ellis?" Abel was startled, but he didn't hear that there was any trouble with the Kingdom of St. Ellis through Bartoli's soul link.

He knew that Baroness, the Countess, would not deceive him, and Bartoli's intelligence system relied on the former killer organization of the Holy Land, and the intelligence organization of the Kingdom of St. Ellis regularly reported to Bartoli. Rei provided information, and Bartoli's information would not be wrong.

"Albert, nothing great happened to the Kingdom of St. Ellis, but I limited the development of the Kingdom of St. Ellis!" The senior wizard of Lorenzo replied quickly.

"Lorenzo Senior Wizard, this is nothing. When I left the Holy Land, I arranged the same for the empire!" Abel Shu said with a smile.

"Mr. Albert, your kingdom of St. Ellis is too powerful, and today the kingdom of Saint Paul and Saint Ansel are far from being rivals. The Minister of the Empire wiped out the opinion of the Holy Land a few days ago , I will suppress it on behalf of the Wizarding Guild! "Lorenzo senior wizard explained.

"It's a good thing to leave some opponents to the empire. If there are no opponents, the empire will slowly decay and become unmotivated!" Abel nodded and agreed.

"Albert, your opinion is beyond my knowledge. I am only because of an order from the Central Continental Wizards Association. All subcontinents are not allowed to have an empire rule a subcontinent. The Wizarding Association must intervene in time!" Zuo senior wizard explained with a wry smile.

Where does he want to participate in the affairs of the world, especially the imperial affairs of the emperor like Abel, like the kingdom of St. Ellis, how could he intervene if it was not for the order of the wizarding guild.

In particular, his relationship with Abel has always been good, and he knows Abel's strength, so he became a senior wizard and went to the Central Continent.

Now when I meet Abel again, I find that he is already a rule wizard. If this matter is not explained clearly in person, he will hate that the senior wizard of Lorenzo will not dare to oppose the rule wizard.

"That's it!" Abel then understood where the reason came out. This was affected by the mainland of Lan. If it wasn't because of the lordship of the Holy Light Empire and the rule of the mainland, there wouldn't be a wizard society It's all a matter of leveling.

A sub-continental sorcerer such as Lorenzo Senior Wizard received orders to maintain the order of the subcontinent and to maintain a balance among the empires of the subcontinent.

Once an empire appears to want to unify the subcontinent, it will stop on behalf of the Wizarding Guild, and suppress it through the Wizarding Guild's own strength, and finally control the strength of the Empire to a balanced state.

And Lorenzo senior wizard because of the excellent relationship with Abel, coupled with the strength of the kingdom of Saint Ellis is not in the wizard, but in the number of knights of the Cavaliers, in the sky airship and air riding.

Therefore, he has always warned the ministers of the kingdom of St. Ellis not to act out of order, and did not suppress the power of the kingdom of St. Ellis.

"Lorenzo senior wizard, you are doing very well. Later you will help me to look at the empire's often hot-headed ministers, as the Wizarding Guild requires!" Abel said with a smile.

After hearing Abel's words, Lorenzo's senior wizard finally let go of his heart. If he had been careful about the kingdom of Saint Ellis for the friendship with Abel and the potential of Abel before, now he has With a clear idea, Abel was so powerful that he had to help Abel protect the kingdom of St. Ellis.

"Sir Albert, would you like to take a break in the guild?" At this moment he realized that he had just been talking to Abel in the teleport hall, and asked in a hurry.

You should know that his behavior is extremely rude, but today, after hearing that Abel became a rule wizard, he lost his calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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