Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1133: Find

Chapter 1133: Discovery

Abel returned this time and was not prepared to use the barbarian career as an advanced career for the Cavaliers, at least until he did not find an absolute loyal knight, he would not arrange this.

He didn't get into the dark world that night. Rather, he sat on the balcony of his side castle in Harry Castle, watching his own home, enjoying the rare peace and tranquility.

He suddenly felt in his soul that a voice was calling to him, and he sensed that Barbara, who was guarding Harry's castle, was calling to him.

White light flashed on him, ‘momentary movement’ excitement, and then appeared underneath Harry's Castle in Barbara's body.

There he saw Barbara, who had grown bigger. Although still ugly, in front of him, Barbara was like a well-behaved child.

Barbara sensed Abel's arrival, a root whisker stretched out, rubbing against Abel's body.

"Barbara, are you here alone?" Abel reached out and touched the roots with a smile.

"Master, I'm not alone, I like it here!" Barbara conveyed its message through spiritual power.

In fact, Abel could safely leave the Holy Land without worrying about the safety of the Duke of Marshall because of the presence of Barbara in Harry Castle.

Barbara is the guardian of the ancient Titan Temple, and its strength is very scary. Even Abel today cannot dare to say that he can defeat Barbara.

Barbara's most terrifying ability is to ban the magic. It can turn a region around its body into a ban on magic. Among the professionals in this world, only barbarians, paladins and druids have close combat Abilities, but these abilities are attached to various spells.

And Barbara's banning magic is not just mana, druid's natural power, barbaric spirit, paladin's sacred power, or sacrificial death energy.

It can be said that in front of Barbara, all enemies can only fight with their own bodies.

Without the help of spells, who in this world can face the endless barbeque-like beards of Barbara, as long as they are caught by the beards, the enemy will become an empty shell.

Abel took out a pile of green top magic stones from the artifact space bag. He learned from the tree of life that this green top magic stone has great benefits to plants.

Barbara happily dragged a pile of green top magic stones to his body, and Abel now found that there were two wizards wearing wizard robes beside his body.

"Barbara, where is this wizard?" Abel couldn't help but be surprised, would Barbara not eat the wizard in the wizarding area? He asked quickly.

"Master, these are two guys who secretly want to sneak into the castle. They were caught by me as my meal!" Barbara heard a piece of proud news.

"Barbara, bring them to me!" Abel ordered.

Barbara sent two dry corpses over and placed them in front of him.

Barbara eats directly from the inside of the food, and does not damage its body surface. This allows the two dry corpses in robes to dries, and other items are retained on the corpses.

Abel looked at the robes of the two wizards. The robes were of excellent texture and were not produced by the Holy Land. They were clearly found in the Central Continent.

He was startled in his heart that a wizard from the Central Continent broke into his castle on the Holy Land!

If it weren't for his backhand at Harry Castle, although the strengths of the two wizards are unknown, the wizards who can come from the central continent would not be too low.

To know the wizarding area behind Harry Castle, don't think it is very strong, but this is only based on the strength of the Holy Land.

It is not a problem to defend the 18 advanced wizards, but if there are more powerful senior wizards, or even regular wizards, the defense will be very difficult.

"Damn! Let me find out who dare to fight my family's idea, I will make him regret being born in this world!" He cursed in his heart.

His gaze looked at the space bag between the two wizards' waists. The owner of the space bag was dead, and his mental energy easily entered into it.

The space bag contains the most obvious central continent items, two low-level 'light stones', which has confirmed that these two wizards are the central continent's wizards.

The space bag has five cubes, and the items are very complicated. This is also the situation of most wizards. If the space bag is ample, almost all the items will be placed in it.

He took a bottle of potion from the space bag at random, and he opened the potion bottle cap and sniffed it. This is a bottle of the 19th and 20th level wizards' training potions, which basically confirmed the strength of the two wizards.

His mental strength looked in the space bag, and finally saw that both space bags had a sign that represented their identity.

The two identification cards have a white snow on the top of the mountain, and the mountain peaks and green peaks on the bottom of the mountain. This is actually a legal array, which has the function of identifying identity.

It is just that Abel is not clear about the power represented by these two identity cards. To be honest, as his identity in the central continent, no one needs any identity card to see anyone, and those who come to see him are not particularly famous if they do not To him.

"Barbara, you are doing well!" Captain Abel breathed a sigh of relief and said to Barbara with a smile.

Barbara passed on a happy mood, and he liked Abel because Abel was able to communicate with it.

The last time Abel said he was going to leave, he thought it was a long time. He didn't expect that it was just a daze for a while, and Abel returned. After feeling the breath of Abel, he sent Abel a request to meet.

Yes, these years are only an instant for a guardian of the temple that has existed since ancient times. In Barbara's cognition, there is no more than a hundred years, it is a short time.

Abel didn't go anywhere next, he was here with Barbara, and regardless of whether Barbara understood it, he began to tell everything he had encountered on the central continent.

Barbara is a good listener. When Abel says he is happy, he will be happy together. When he is sad, he will comfort Abel with his beard.

The next morning, Abel sat with the Duke of Marshall in the restaurant and tasted the dishes prepared by the castle chef.

"Uncle, your body was cleaned by me with a special potion. Although the age has passed the wizard's best practice period, it will not have any effect!" Abel said with a smile, drinking juice.

"Abel, the wizard's practice has Morton's guidance, you can rest assured!" The Duke of Marshall was very emotional, he found a new thing to pass the time, that is cultivation, his mental strength improvement, the most obvious is The appearance of his wife in his memory has blurred over time, but just tomorrow night, when he slept, he dreamed of his wife, just as he did then.

He didn't have to worry about the results of the cultivation. After opening the space bag that Abel gave him, he found that almost all of them were dark gold-quality cultivation potions, and each of them was the highest quality.

And there is a note in the space bag that records the use and precautions of these medicines. It can be said that as long as he practices according to the wizard of Morton, plus the resources in the space bag, the strength will increase very quickly. .

He is not happy about the improvement of strength, but as the level of the wizard increases, his mental strength will increase, and he can restore the appearance of his dead wife in his mind at any time.

What he didn't know was that when he was used by Abel's "full rejuvenation potion", almost all the hidden dangers in his body had disappeared, and he had reached the best state. After possessing the wizard's qualification, even if he did not use those precious resources , His practice speed is much faster than ordinary wizards.

"Uncle, in the future, I will let Bartoli send a batch of potions used by senior wizards at regular intervals. How to distribute these potions, you and the teacher will discuss and handle them!" Abel was assured of his cultivation, then said.

"I know this, I will learn to deal with the wizarding area!" Duke Marshall did not shirk at this point, and nodded.

In fact, since he became a probationary wizard, he has been out of the world. Although he still needs to be a third-level wizard to be recognized by the wizarding association, it is only a short time.

But it was the same for him to leave the world.

Even if he was a duke of the Kingdom of St. Ellis, he still lives the same way as before, staying in this castle built with his wife.

In the past, he couldn't help Abel in all matters just because he didn't want to leave Harry Castle, but now he can enter the wizard training area, of course, he must do his best to help Abel manage the wizard training area.

The two did not pay attention to dining etiquette, eating while talking.

And the old housekeeper Lin Sai, who stood aside, didn't say anything to correct the nobleman's etiquette, but just smiled at the conversation between the adoptive father and son.

"Uncle, I will often come back in the future. When your strength improves, I will also take you to the Central Continent to see!" After breakfast, Abel stepped forward and hugged the Duke of Marshall.

"Abel, next time you come back, maybe I have become an official wizard!" Said Duke Marshall, smiling and patting Abel's back.

The palaces of Denan City and the kingdom of St. Ellis all arrived in the palace hall on time in the morning. They were waiting for their emperor.

News came from Abel yesterday. This morning, he will return to the palace. This news keeps the palace busy. Every corner and every piece of equipment has been wiped repeatedly. The servants have also changed into new clothes.

Some of the important ministers who were outside returned to Denan City. There was only one great name in this empire, and that was their emperor Abel. When the news that Abel was about to return to Denan City spread, Denan City went crazy, although it was In winter, the hearts of the people are fiery.

When the minister stood in the palace hall, the streets of De Nancheng were full of residents of the city, and even some people in other cities, after learning the news, tried everything to come to De Nancheng, just to get close to them. Emperor.

"His Majesty, Abel, the great kingdom of St. Ellis, arrives!" With a shout from the housekeeper, Abel walked into the hall with a smile.

He was wearing a tight-fitting hunting suit, a golden cloak outside, and a crown symbolizing power on his head.

All the ministers bowed until Abel sat on the throne.

"I am very happy, because everything in the Kingdom of St. Ellis has changed for the better since I left, and the empire is rich and full of vitality, I thank you!" Abel looked at the ministers present and bowed slightly.

"His Majesty Abel, I will die for you!" The ministers answered in unison.

"I will stay here for three days this time. Everything in the empire is still the same. You are very satisfied with me!" Abel said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, why do you only stay for three days and not a few more days?" Speaker Bennett asked out loud.

"Father, I can't get away in the Central Continent, but I already have the ability to travel between the Central Continent and the Holy Continent often, so I will come back often!" Aber replied with a smile.

"That would be great, the Empire needs you!" Speaker Bennett bowed.

"I'm no longer involved in the government affairs of the empire. I won't say anything about government affairs here today. If there are strong enemies, tell me, I'll clean up!" Abel said with a smile to the ministers in the hall.

"Your Majesty, our empire should not bully others. How can any strong enemy dare to oppose our empire!" Count Brook said at this time.

The original Lord Harry family has now become a branch of the royal family, and the patriarch Count Brook has now become the vice-chairman of the empire. He and Speaker Bennett are the closest people in the empire to Abel.

The words of Count Brook made the ministers laughed. The kingdom of St. Ellis today is indeed powerful enough to tremble the entire Holy Continent.

"Your Majesty, our knights have always wanted to fight, can we let us destroy the other two empires!" Said the great knight of Bodley, bowing at this moment.

As the commander of the entire Imperial Knights, he always wanted to fight for the empire. The strength of the empire now sweeping the Holy Land is no problem at all.

"Bodley has everyone, and the territory of the empire will be so large in the future. Don't think about expansion. The wizarding guild headquarters of the central continent does not allow an empire to unify one continent!" Abel again emphasized his previous order.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Knight Cavalier Bodley answered long.

The Cavaliers had no war and could not show the value of the Cavaliers, but he still obeyed Abel's orders.

Abel had other thoughts on the Cavaliers, but he would not tell Captain Bodley at this time, it is now easy to travel between the two continents. He wants to select the right Cavaliers after the empire selects the next time. Test.

Of course, this takes time, so the experiment for the Cavaliers to advance to the barbarian profession will take some time.

"Everyone, I will add a spirit to the empire to help you manage the empire. The will of the spirit is my will. I don't want any violators to appear, because I will give the spirit the right to mobilize the entire airship and even wizard!" In the end, a decision was made to make the ministers present absurd.

(End of this chapter)

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