Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1135: Reception

Chapter 1135: Reception

When Abel returned to the palace, there was no longer the leisure of Harry Castle. All parties in the Holy Land came to meet each other when they learned that he had returned to the Holy Land.

Due to the large number of people, he had to hold a reception on an ad hoc basis. It is estimated that this reception was full of guests without an appointment. It was also the first time in the Holy Land.

The Duke of Chesterton, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saint Paul, represented the emperor of the Kingdom of Saint Paul in name only. His Majesty the Emperor Olds, of the Kingdom of Saint Ansel, came directly. In addition, the dwarves, elves The tribe and orc empire, who played a significant role in the Holy Land, also sent enough people to participate.

Although the shaman did not participate in the world, the shamans who had friendship with Abel in the shaman guild also came.

Abel wore an ordinary robe today, and did not play with a Chinese robe and a crown, which seemed closer to the guests.

No matter what kind of friendship he had with him before, there was a slight alienation from him. This was not because they wanted to alienate, but because of Abel's strength.

Yes, Abel has become a rule wizard, spreading all over the Holy Land. This is also the intention of the Kingdom of St. Ellis to spread their emperor's heroism.

This news is also the reason for the entire Holy Continent to come, because there has never been such a strong continent in the Holy Land, even if the Wizards of the Holy Continent go out, in the Central Mainland, there is an environment of discriminatory discrimination against Wizards of the subcontinent Among them, wizards who can truly reach the 19th and 20th levels are rare, let alone more powerful rule wizards.

Now Abel has truly become a rule wizard, breaking the curse that no one on the subcontinent can become a rule wizard, letting the high-end strength of the Kingdom of St. Ellis completely suppress the entire Holy Continent.

It was under these circumstances that the two empires, the Duke of Chesterton, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saint-Pald, and His Majesty the Emperor Olds, of the Kingdom of St. Ansel, had to come here.

They need to know Abel's attitude, otherwise they are afraid that they will not be able to sleep peacefully.

In the past, the Wizarding Guild could also help mediate the relationship between the three empires, so that the kingdom of St. Ellis would not dare to go too far and would not invade the two empires.

But Abel's current strength has completely suppressed even the Holy Consort of Wizards, which makes them not worried.

"Her Majesty Abel, your power has frightened me, and I worry about whether the kingdom of Saint Polde can be preserved by your mighty force!" Said the Duke of Chesterton, leaning beside Abel.

Next to His Majesty Olds, although he didn't speak, he bowed down, expressing the same worry.

"Her Majesty Olds, Duke of Chesterton, I said a long time ago that I love peace. I wo n’t, and I will not take the initiative to fight against any country on the Holy Continent. I will only protect me. No one can humiliate my empire! "Abel answered very clearly.

In fact, he just wanted to order the kingdom of St. Ellis to go to war with the two empires, annex the two empires, and take into account the attitude of the Wizarding Guild.

Of course, this Wizarding Guild is not the Holy Land Wizarding Guild, but the Central Continental Wizarding Guild.

Until he reveals his identity as Master Bennett, the Central Continental Wizarding Society will never allow his empire to be the only empire on the Holy Land.

"Her Majesty Abel, your thoughts will bring eternal peace to the Holy Land, and a peaceful life for the people of the Holy Land!" The Duke of Chesterton and Emperor Alders glanced at each other, With a touch of peace, the Duke of Chesterton smiled and bowed.

Just when their two empire leaders wanted to talk to Abel again, they saw three powerful wizards, Lorenzo Senior Wizard, Allenby Senior Wizard, and Eddington Senior Wizard.

At this point the two imperial powers had obtained the answer they wanted, they bowed to Abel and gave Abel's side to three powerful wizards.

"A wizard, it seems that these two are afraid!" Allenby senior wizard said with a smile and stepped forward to a wizard ceremony.

"I didn't plan to move the two empires!" Abel said with a smile, returning to a wizarding ceremony.

"I'm afraid the two do not understand what the rule wizard represents. A subcontinental empire, even if it can dominate the subcontinent, what resources can I get? Even the rule wizard's own training is not enough!" Lorenzo senior wizard He shook his head and said.

He guarded the Holy Land. In fact, in order to complete the tasks of the Central Mainland Wizards Association, he did so, as did the other two 17th-level senior wizards.

Although the three wizards could not get enough resources on the Holy Land, they will naturally get a lot of points after completing the guardianship task, and then they can return to the Central Continent to hit a higher level.

So the senior wizard of Lorenzo knew how limited the empire of the Holy Land was to a truly powerful wizard. To the wizard, as long as it was useless for cultivation, it was worthless.

Aber smiled and didn't answer. He is different from ordinary wizards. Do n’t say that ordinary wizards arrive at the rule wizards, that is, senior wizards. Their loved ones are basically dead, and what they have left is nothing but affection. Descendants.

As for friends, amateur friends who are young are also dead. Even if they have friends, they are only friends who are also professional.

It is for this reason that the wizard cannot understand his feelings towards his family and his loved ones.

For the sake of the family and the growth of his family, he became the emperor of the Kingdom of St. Ellis, and ruled this powerful empire just to give his family and friends a good living environment.

"Witch Abel, I have five years to leave the Holy Continent and return to the Central Continent. Will we be able to meet on the Central Continent then?" The senior Wizard of Eddington suddenly interjected at this moment.

This subcontinental guarding mission takes an extremely long time. Although it is impossible to have cultivation resources below the eighteenth level, some other resources can still be accumulated.

In the end, the number of points obtained is also quite large. Generally, there are two kinds of senior wizards who will be assigned to the subcontinent guardianship.

One type is a research senior wizard who does not like fighting, or has very low combat instincts, or wants to grow up safely, and will find a way to get the mainland guardian task.

The other is a senior wizard who is excluded, or a senior wizard who has an enemy on the central continent and has to find a place to hide.

One guardian task is 300 years old. For senior wizards, it is not long. Most senior wizards have prepared resources for cultivation before they come to the subcontinent. The guardian task is just for them to practice safely. And strengthen itself.

Eddington Senior Wizard is the second type of senior wizard. He offended a wizarding organization on the central continent, and his family could not protect him, so the family sent him to the holy continent to perform guardian tasks.

With five years to go before the end of the guardianship of the mainland, he does not know if he will be retaliated by the wizard this time.

You must know that for three hundred years, you can't eliminate the hatred between wizards.

Especially some time ago, the two 20th-level senior wizards organized by that wizard came to the Holy Land, and at that time he was scared to hide, but the two 20th-level senior wizards disappeared.

Therefore, when the senior Wizard of Eddington heard that Abel had become a rule wizard, he thought of sheltering in Abel's name. It must be known that even in the wizard organization he offended, there was only one rule wizard.

As long as Abel's asylum is available, the wizarding organization will never offend a regular wizard because of him.

"Edington's senior wizard, we are also old friends. If you have any trouble, please explain directly, as long as it is not a big deal, I can help if I can help!" Abel naturally understood the senior Eddington's wizard The meaning of the words, but did not want to rush without knowing, so said.

"Master Abel Witch Wizard, I had a feud with a senior wizard in the Xueling Mountain for a mission 300 years ago in the Central Continent. Xueling Mountain sent a number of senior wizards who wanted to arrest me, and it was impossible to protect them in the family. In my case, I could only take me to the Holy Land to take refuge! "Eddington senior wizard told the truth.

"Edington's senior wizard, all three hundred years have passed. Then Xueling Mountain still doesn't want to let you go?" Abel heard this enmity for three hundred years, and couldn't help but babble.

You know that he is only 20 years old now. He can't imagine 300 years, and there is no enmity that can be resolved.

"Master Abel Rule Wizard, I thought that Xueling Mountain had forgotten me, but some time ago they sent two senior wizards of level 20 to the Holy Land. I don't know what to investigate. I asked two My colleagues helped, I hid! "The senior wizard of Eddington continued.

When Abel listened to the two senior wizards of the 20th level, he couldn't help his eyes. He thought of the dead bodies of the two wizards who had been sucked into dry bodies by Barbara. That was not exactly the two seniors of the 19th to 20th level. Wizard?

"Master Abel Wizard Wizard, if you can help the senior wizard of Eddington, please help me!" Lorenzo senior wizard then begged a wizarding ceremony.

"Master Abel Wizard Wizard, please help!" Allenby senior wizard also pleaded in a wizarding ceremony.

The senior wizard of Eddington looked at his two colleagues who had lived together for two hundred years, and he couldn't help but be moved. It was necessary to know that it would take human feelings to get ahead for this kind of thing.

Rule witches like Abel have far surpassed their 17th-level senior wizards. The former friendship was a kind of friendship. Since they were basically unable and ineligible to help Abel again, the previous friendship would follow Every time the consumption is getting less and less.

"Several people don't have to do this. I have something to ask the senior wizard of Eddington, and after I ask clearly, I will naturally make a decision!" Abel said lightly, and then he took the artifact space bag from the corpse space bag The sign was handed to the senior wizard of Eddington and asked, "Senior wizard of Eddington, see if this is a token from the Schelling Mountain Wizard?"

"Yes, this is the keepsake of the Snow Mountain!" Senior Eddington shaman didn't need to take the sign, just said at a glance.

This identity card produced by the wizarding organization has a variety of special legal arrays and patterns on the surface, which outsiders can't imitate at all.

"Snow Mountain!" Abel repeated the name of the wizarding organization with a hint of coldness on his face.

"Master Abel Wizard Wizard, where do you get this token from?" The senior Wizard of Eddington asked carefully.

Can you not ask? Such tokens almost represent Xueling Mountain. Abel has such an identity card in his hand, either a wizard approved by Xueling Mountain or a festival with Xueling Mountain and killing members of Xueling Mountain.

Although listening to Abel's tone, he probably didn't know Xueling Mountain, but he didn't ask in his heart how he could feel at ease.

You should know that Abel is a rule wizard, and he can kill his existence at will.

"Senior Wizard of Eddington, your enmity is next. If Xueling Mountain does not give me an explanation, then you should not see Xueling Mountain in the future!" Abel's words were full of confidence and momentum.

No matter what kind of wizarding organization Xueling Mountain is, at least he knows all the wizarding organizations in the entire Central Continent, and most of them are his friends.

Although that identity was Master Bennett, this did not prevent him from sweeping down an unknown shaman organization Xueling Mountain.

"Master Abel Rule Wizard, you must not underestimate that Xueling Mountain, there is a rule wizard in this wizard organization!" Eddington senior wizard quickly advised.

Although Abel took his enemies directly, he did not want to cause Abel to be lost because of his own reasons.

His original idea was just to make Abel a middleman from it. Xueling Mountain would look at Abel as a rule wizard and resolve the hatred.

"The senior wizard of Eddington, this matter has nothing to do with you. Xueling Mountain dared to send two senior wizards of level 20 to my Harry Castle. If I had not arranged a backhand at Harry Castle, the consequences would be unbearable Imagine that this feud is enough to wipe out the Xuelings! "Abel gritted his teeth, and his words were full of murder.

The senior wizard of Eddington stayed for a while, and the two senior wizards around him also stayed. The two senior wizards of the 20th level, even in the Central Continent, were also an important combat force in a wizarding organization.

But they knew that when the two senior 20th-level wizards appeared on the Holy Land, Abel was definitely not on the Holy Land. That is to say, Abel just relying on what he said was the second-level senior wizard. Killed.

And the three senior wizards, as guardian wizards of the Holy Land, had their own intelligence, but they had never heard of a senior wizard-level war in Harry Castle.

Where would they know that when Barbara shots with all his strength, even the enemy's soul would be sucked away. The two senior wizards of the 20th level did not even show "Soul Light", and all the body and soul became Barbara nourishment.

(End of this chapter)

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